# PagedCollection
A renderless component to act as a helper for different types of pagination.
```hbs preview-template
Provide a widget so we can try switching between two pagination methods
Get some data and page it
## Arguments
| Argument | Type | Default | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `type` | `(native-scroll \| virtual-scroll \| index)` | `native-scroll` | The type of pagination |
| `items` | `array` | `undefined` | An array or items to be paginated |
| `rowHeight` | `(string \| number)` | `undefined` | When `@type=virtual-scroll` this informs the scroller of the size of each row in the scroll pane. For the moment this _must_ be the same for every row. |
| `page` | `number` | `undefined` | When `@type=index` this is the current page number to show |
| `perPage` | `number` | `undefined` | When `@type=index` this is the amount of rows to show per page |
## Exported API
| Name | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `items` | `array` | An array of the items to be shown on the current page |
| `page` | `number` | The current page number (a mirror of @page) |
| `resize` | `Function` | Function to be called on the resize of the viewport |
| `viewport` | `Function` | Function to be called on the `did-insert` of the viewport to be used for scrolling |
| `rowHeight` | `Function` | Function to be called to set the rowHeight of the virtual-scroller |
| `startHeight` | `number` | Size of the area before the panel to be virtually-scroller, usually you should use this to set `--paged-start` wrapping element of the scrollable items |
| `totalHeight` | `number` | Size of the of the entire panel in order to show the correctly sized scroll thumb |
| `totalPages` | `number` | Totol number of pages |