#!/usr/bin/env bats load helpers @test "s2 proxy is running correct version" { assert_envoy_version 19001 } @test "s2 proxy admin is up on :19001" { retry_default curl -f -s localhost:19001/stats -o /dev/null } @test "gateway-secondary proxy admin is up on :19003" { retry_default curl -f -s localhost:19003/stats -o /dev/null } @test "s2 proxy listener should be up and have right cert" { assert_proxy_presents_cert_uri localhost:21000 s2 secondary } @test "s2 proxy should be healthy" { assert_service_has_healthy_instances s2 1 } @test "gateway-secondary is used for the upstream connection" { assert_envoy_metric "cluster.s2.default.secondary.*cx_total" 1 }