
{{#if (env 'CONSUL_NSPACES_ENABLED')}} {{/if}}


{{#if (env 'CONSUL_NSPACES_ENABLED')}} {{/if}}
Should this source connect to the destination?
{{#each (array (hash intent="allow" header="Allow" body="The source service will be allowed to connect to the destination." ) (hash intent="deny" header="Deny" body="The source service will not be allowed to connect to the destination." ) (hash intent="" header="L7 Permissions" body="The source service may or may not connect to the destination service via unique permissions based on L7 criteria: path, header, or method." ) ) as |_action|}}


{{#if (eq (or item.Action '') '')}}


{{#if (gt item.Permissions.length 0) }}

Permissions are L7 attributes. If any of the following permissions match the request, the Intention will apply. Requests that fail to match any of the provided routes will do the opposite of the allow/deny action above.



No permissions yet

Permissions intercept an Intention's traffic using L7 criteria, such as path prefixes and http headers.

{{#if shouldShowPermissionForm}}

Edit Permission
