/** * Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc. * SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 */ import Model, { attr } from '@ember-data/model'; export const PRIMARY_KEY = 'uid'; export const FOREIGN_KEY = 'Datacenter'; export const SLUG_KEY = 'Name'; export default class Datacenter extends Model { @attr('string') uri; @attr('string') Name; // autopilot/state @attr('boolean') Healthy; @attr('number') FailureTolerance; @attr('number') OptimisticFailureTolerance; @attr('string') Leader; @attr() Voters; // [] @attr() Servers; // [] the API uses {} but we reshape that on the frontend @attr() RedundancyZones; @attr() Default; // added by the frontend, {Servers: []} any server that isn't in a zone @attr() ReadReplicas; // @attr('boolean') Local; @attr('boolean') Primary; @attr('string') DefaultACLPolicy; @attr('boolean', { defaultValue: () => true }) MeshEnabled; }