/** * Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc. * SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 */ import EventTarget from 'consul-ui/utils/dom/event-target/rsvp'; export default class extends EventTarget { constructor(method, url, headers) { super(); this._url = url; this._method = method; this._headers = headers; this._headers = { ...headers, 'content-type': 'application/json', }; if (typeof this._headers.body.index !== 'undefined') { // this should probably be in a response this._headers['content-type'] = 'text/event-stream'; } } headers() { return this._headers; } open(xhr) { this._xhr = xhr; this.dispatchEvent({ type: 'open' }); } respond(data) { this.dispatchEvent({ type: 'message', data: data }); } error(error) { // if the xhr was aborted (status = 0) // and this requests was aborted with a different status // switch the status if (error.statusCode === 0 && typeof this.statusCode !== 'undefined') { error.statusCode = this.statusCode; } this.dispatchEvent({ type: 'error', error: error }); } close() { this.dispatchEvent({ type: 'close' }); } connection() { return this._xhr; } abort(statusCode = 0) { if (this.headers()['content-type'] === 'text/event-stream') { this.statusCode = statusCode; const xhr = this.connection(); // unsent and opened get aborted // headers and loading means wait for it // to finish for the moment if (xhr.readyState) { switch (xhr.readyState) { case 0: case 1: xhr.abort(); break; } } } } }