{{title 'Services'}}
<EventSource @src={{items}} />
{{#let (or sortBy "Name:asc") as |sort|}}
    <AppView @class="service list">
      <BlockSlot @name="notification" as |status type|>
        {{partial 'dc/services/notifications'}}
      <BlockSlot @name="header">
              Services <em>{{format-number services.length}} total</em>
          <label for="toolbar-toggle"></label>
      <BlockSlot @name="toolbar">
        {{#if (gt services.length 0) }}
            @onsearch={{action (mut search) value="target.value"}}
            <BlockSlot @name="secondary">
                @onchange={{action (mut sortBy) value='target.selected'}}
              as |components|>
                <BlockSlot @name="selected">
                    {{#let (from-entries (array
                          (array "Name:asc" "A to Z")
                          (array "Name:desc" "Z to A")
                          (array "Status:asc" "Unhealthy to Healthy")
                          (array "Status:desc" "Healthy to Unhealthy")
                      as |selectable|
                      {{get selectable sort}}
                <BlockSlot @name="options">
    {{#let components.Optgroup components.Option as |Optgroup Option|}}
                  <Optgroup @label="Health Status">
                    <Option @value="Status:asc" @selected={{eq "Status:asc" sort}}>Unhealthy to Healthy</Option>
                    <Option @value="Status:desc" @selected={{eq "Status:desc" sort}}>Healthy to Unhealthy</Option>
                  <Optgroup @label="Service Name">
                    <Option @value="Name:asc" @selected={{eq "Name:asc" sort}}>A to Z</Option>
                    <Option @value="Name:desc" @selected={{eq "Name:desc" sort}}>Z to A</Option>
      <BlockSlot @name="content">
{{#let (sort-by (comparator 'service' sort) services) as |sorted|}}
        <ChangeableSet @dispatcher={{searchable 'service' sorted}} @terms={{search}}>
          <BlockSlot @name="set" as |filtered|>
            <ConsulServiceList @items={{filtered}}/>
          <BlockSlot @name="empty">
            <EmptyState @allowLogin={{true}}>
              <BlockSlot @name="header">
                  {{#if (gt services.length 0)}}
                    No services found
                    Welcome to Services
              <BlockSlot @name="body">
                  {{#if (gt services.length 0)}}
                    No services where found matching that search, or you may not have access to view the services you are searching for.
                    There don't seem to be any registered services, or you may not have access to view services yet.
              <BlockSlot @name="actions">
                <li class="docs-link">
                  <a href="{{env 'CONSUL_DOCS_URL'}}/commands/services" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Documentation on services</a>
                <li class="learn-link">
                  <a href="{{env 'CONSUL_DOCS_LEARN_URL'}}/consul/getting-started/services" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Read the guide</a>