{{title 'Services'}} <EventSource @src={{items}} /> {{#let (or sortBy "Name:asc") as |sort|}} <AppView @class="service list"> <BlockSlot @name="notification" as |status type|> {{partial 'dc/services/notifications'}} </BlockSlot> <BlockSlot @name="header"> <h1> Services <em>{{format-number services.length}} total</em> </h1> <label for="toolbar-toggle"></label> </BlockSlot> <BlockSlot @name="toolbar"> {{#if (gt services.length 0) }} <SearchBar @value={{search}} @onsearch={{action (mut search) value="target.value"}} class="with-sort" > <BlockSlot @name="secondary"> <PopoverSelect @position="right" @onchange={{action (mut sortBy) value='target.selected'}} @multiple={{false}} as |components|> <BlockSlot @name="selected"> <span> {{#let (from-entries (array (array "Name:asc" "A to Z") (array "Name:desc" "Z to A") (array "Status:asc" "Unhealthy to Healthy") (array "Status:desc" "Healthy to Unhealthy") )) as |selectable| }} {{get selectable sort}} {{/let}} </span> </BlockSlot> <BlockSlot @name="options"> {{#let components.Optgroup components.Option as |Optgroup Option|}} <Optgroup @label="Health Status"> <Option @value="Status:asc" @selected={{eq "Status:asc" sort}}>Unhealthy to Healthy</Option> <Option @value="Status:desc" @selected={{eq "Status:desc" sort}}>Healthy to Unhealthy</Option> </Optgroup> <Optgroup @label="Service Name"> <Option @value="Name:asc" @selected={{eq "Name:asc" sort}}>A to Z</Option> <Option @value="Name:desc" @selected={{eq "Name:desc" sort}}>Z to A</Option> </Optgroup> {{/let}} </BlockSlot> </PopoverSelect> </BlockSlot> </SearchBar> {{/if}} </BlockSlot> <BlockSlot @name="content"> {{#let (sort-by (comparator 'service' sort) services) as |sorted|}} <ChangeableSet @dispatcher={{searchable 'service' sorted}} @terms={{search}}> <BlockSlot @name="set" as |filtered|> <ConsulServiceList @items={{filtered}}/> </BlockSlot> <BlockSlot @name="empty"> <EmptyState @allowLogin={{true}}> <BlockSlot @name="header"> <h2> {{#if (gt services.length 0)}} No services found {{else}} Welcome to Services {{/if}} </h2> </BlockSlot> <BlockSlot @name="body"> <p> {{#if (gt services.length 0)}} No services where found matching that search, or you may not have access to view the services you are searching for. {{else}} There don't seem to be any registered services, or you may not have access to view services yet. {{/if}} </p> </BlockSlot> <BlockSlot @name="actions"> <li class="docs-link"> <a href="{{env 'CONSUL_DOCS_URL'}}/commands/services" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Documentation on services</a> </li> <li class="learn-link"> <a href="{{env 'CONSUL_DOCS_LEARN_URL'}}/consul/getting-started/services" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Read the guide</a> </li> </BlockSlot> </EmptyState> </BlockSlot> </ChangeableSet> {{/let}} </BlockSlot> </AppView> {{/let}}