/** * Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc. * SPDX-License-Identifier: BUSL-1.1 */ import LinkComponent from '@ember/routing/link-component'; export class HrefTo { constructor(container, target) { this.applicationInstance = container; this.target = target; const hrefAttr = this.target.attributes.href; this.url = hrefAttr && hrefAttr.value; } handle(e) { if (this.shouldHandle(e)) { e.preventDefault(); this.applicationInstance.lookup('router:main').location.transitionTo(this.url); } } shouldHandle(e) { return ( this.isUnmodifiedLeftClick(e) && !this.isIgnored(this.target) && !this.isExternal(this.target) && !this.hasActionHelper(this.target) && !this.hasDownload(this.target) && !this.isLinkComponent(this.target) ); // && this.recognizeUrl(this.url); } isUnmodifiedLeftClick(e) { return (e.which === undefined || e.which === 1) && !e.ctrlKey && !e.metaKey; } isExternal($el) { return $el.getAttribute('target') === '_blank'; } isIgnored($el) { return $el.dataset.nativeHref; } hasActionHelper($el) { return $el.dataset.emberAction; } hasDownload($el) { return $el.hasAttribute('download'); } isLinkComponent($el) { let isLinkComponent = false; const id = $el.id; if (id) { const componentInstance = this.applicationInstance.lookup('-view-registry:main')[id]; isLinkComponent = componentInstance && componentInstance instanceof LinkComponent; } return isLinkComponent; } recognizeUrl(url) { let didRecognize = false; if (url) { const router = this._getRouter(); const rootUrl = this._getRootUrl(); const isInternal = url.indexOf(rootUrl) === 0; const urlWithoutRoot = this.getUrlWithoutRoot(); const routerMicrolib = router._router._routerMicrolib || router._router.router; didRecognize = isInternal && routerMicrolib.recognizer.recognize(urlWithoutRoot); } return didRecognize; } getUrlWithoutRoot() { const location = this.applicationInstance.lookup('router:main').location; let url = location.getURL.apply( { getHash: () => '', location: { pathname: this.url, }, baseURL: location.baseURL, rootURL: location.rootURL, env: location.env, }, [] ); const pos = url.indexOf('?'); if (pos !== -1) { url = url.substr(0, pos - 1); } return url; } _getRouter() { return this.applicationInstance.lookup('service:router'); } _getRootUrl() { let router = this._getRouter(); let rootURL = router.get('rootURL'); if (rootURL.charAt(rootURL.length - 1) !== '/') { rootURL = rootURL + '/'; } return rootURL; } } function closestLink(el) { if (el.closest) { return el.closest('a'); } else { el = el.parentElement; while (el && el.tagName !== 'A') { el = el.parentElement; } return el; } } export default { name: 'href-to', initialize(container) { // we only want this to run in the browser, not in fastboot if (typeof FastBoot === 'undefined') { const dom = container.lookup('service:dom'); const doc = dom.document(); const listener = (e) => { const link = e.target.tagName === 'A' ? e.target : closestLink(e.target); if (link) { const hrefTo = new HrefTo(container, link); hrefTo.handle(e); } }; doc.body.addEventListener('click', listener); container.reopen({ willDestroy() { doc.body.removeEventListener('click', listener); return this._super(...arguments); }, }); } }, };