--- version: 2.1 parameters: commit: type: string default: "" description: "Commit to run load tests against" trigger-load-test: type: boolean default: false description: "Boolean whether to run the load test workflow" references: images: # When updating the Go version, remember to also update the versions in the # workflows section for go-test-lib jobs. go: &GOLANG_IMAGE docker.mirror.hashicorp.services/cimg/go:1.18.1 ember: &EMBER_IMAGE docker.mirror.hashicorp.services/circleci/node:14-browsers paths: test-results: &TEST_RESULTS_DIR /tmp/test-results cache: yarn: &YARN_CACHE_KEY consul-ui-v7-{{ checksum "ui/yarn.lock" }} environment: &ENVIRONMENT TEST_RESULTS_DIR: *TEST_RESULTS_DIR EMAIL: noreply@hashicorp.com GIT_AUTHOR_NAME: circleci-consul GIT_COMMITTER_NAME: circleci-consul S3_ARTIFACT_BUCKET: consul-dev-artifacts-v2 BASH_ENV: .circleci/bash_env.sh VAULT_BINARY_VERSION: 1.9.4 steps: install-gotestsum: &install-gotestsum name: install gotestsum environment: GOTESTSUM_RELEASE: 1.6.4 command: | ARCH=`uname -m` if [[ "$ARCH" == "aarch64" ]]; then ARCH="arm64" else ARCH="amd64" fi url=https://github.com/gotestyourself/gotestsum/releases/download curl -sSL "${url}/v${GOTESTSUM_RELEASE}/gotestsum_${GOTESTSUM_RELEASE}_linux_${ARCH}.tar.gz" | \ sudo tar -xz --overwrite -C /usr/local/bin gotestsum get-aws-cli: &get-aws-cli run: name: download and install AWS CLI command: | curl "https://awscli.amazonaws.com/awscli-exe-linux-x86_64.zip" -o "awscliv2.zip" echo -e "${AWS_CLI_GPG_KEY}" | gpg --import curl -o awscliv2.sig https://awscli.amazonaws.com/awscli-exe-linux-x86_64.zip.sig gpg --verify awscliv2.sig awscliv2.zip unzip awscliv2.zip sudo ./aws/install # This step MUST be at the end of any set of steps due to the 'when' condition notify-slack-failure: ¬ify-slack-failure name: notify-slack-failure when: on_fail command: | if [[ $CIRCLE_BRANCH == "main" ]]; then CIRCLE_ENDPOINT="https://app.circleci.com/pipelines/github/${CIRCLE_PROJECT_USERNAME}/${CIRCLE_PROJECT_REPONAME}?branch=${CIRCLE_BRANCH}" GITHUB_ENDPOINT="https://github.com/${CIRCLE_PROJECT_USERNAME}/${CIRCLE_PROJECT_REPONAME}/commit/${CIRCLE_SHA1}" COMMIT_MESSAGE=$(git log -1 --pretty=%B | head -n1) SHORT_REF=$(git rev-parse --short "${CIRCLE_SHA1}") curl -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' \ --data \ "{ \ \"attachments\": [ \ { \ \"fallback\": \"CircleCI job failed!\", \ \"text\": \"❌ Failed: \`${CIRCLE_USERNAME}\`'s <${CIRCLE_BUILD_URL}|${CIRCLE_STAGE}> job failed for commit <${GITHUB_ENDPOINT}|${SHORT_REF}> on \`${CIRCLE_BRANCH}\`!\n\n- <${COMMIT_MESSAGE}\", \ \"footer\": \"${CIRCLE_PROJECT_USERNAME}/${CIRCLE_PROJECT_REPONAME}\", \ \"ts\": \"$(date +%s)\", \ \"color\": \"danger\" \ } \ ] \ }" "${FEED_CONSUL_GH_URL}" else echo "Not posting slack failure notifications for non-main branch" fi commands: assume-role: description: "Assume role to an ARN" parameters: access-key: type: env_var_name default: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID secret-key: type: env_var_name default: AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY role-arn: type: env_var_name default: ROLE_ARN steps: - run: | export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="${<< parameters.access-key >>}" export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="${<< parameters.secret-key >>}" export ROLE_ARN="${<< parameters.role-arn >>}" # assume role has duration of 15 min (the minimum allowed) CREDENTIALS="$(aws sts assume-role --duration-seconds 900 --role-arn ${ROLE_ARN} --role-session-name build-${CIRCLE_SHA1} | jq '.Credentials')" echo "export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=$(echo $CREDENTIALS | jq -r '.AccessKeyId')" >> $BASH_ENV echo "export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=$(echo $CREDENTIALS | jq -r '.SecretAccessKey')" >> $BASH_ENV echo "export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=$(echo $CREDENTIALS | jq -r '.SessionToken')" >> $BASH_ENV run-go-test-full: parameters: go_test_flags: type: string default: "" steps: - attach_workspace: at: /home/circleci/go/bin - run: sudo apt-get update --allow-releaseinfo-change-suite --allow-releaseinfo-change-version && sudo apt-get install -y rsyslog - run: sudo service rsyslog start - run: go mod download - run: name: go test command: | mkdir -p $TEST_RESULTS_DIR /tmp/jsonfile PACKAGE_NAMES=$(go list -tags "$GOTAGS" ./... | circleci tests split --split-by=timings --timings-type=classname) echo "Running $(echo $PACKAGE_NAMES | wc -w) packages" echo $PACKAGE_NAMES # some tests expect this umask, and arm images have a different default umask 0022 << parameters.go_test_flags >> gotestsum \ --format=short-verbose \ --jsonfile /tmp/jsonfile/go-test-${CIRCLE_NODE_INDEX}.log \ --debug \ --rerun-fails=3 \ --rerun-fails-max-failures=40 \ --rerun-fails-report=/tmp/gotestsum-rerun-fails \ --packages="$PACKAGE_NAMES" \ --junitfile $TEST_RESULTS_DIR/gotestsum-report.xml -- \ -tags="$GOTAGS" -p 2 \ ${GO_TEST_FLAGS-} \ -cover -coverprofile=coverage.txt - store_test_results: path: *TEST_RESULTS_DIR - store_artifacts: path: *TEST_RESULTS_DIR - store_artifacts: path: /tmp/jsonfile - run: &rerun-fails-report name: "Re-run fails report" command: | .circleci/scripts/rerun-fails-report.sh /tmp/gotestsum-rerun-fails - run: *notify-slack-failure jobs: # lint consul tests lint-consul-retry: docker: - image: *GOLANG_IMAGE steps: - checkout - run: go install github.com/hashicorp/lint-consul-retry@master && lint-consul-retry - run: *notify-slack-failure lint: description: "Run golangci-lint" parameters: go-arch: type: string default: "" docker: - image: *GOLANG_IMAGE resource_class: large environment: GOTAGS: "" # No tags for OSS but there are for enterprise GOARCH: "<>" steps: - checkout - run: go env - run: name: Install golangci-lint command: | download=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/golangci/golangci-lint/master/install.sh wget -O- -q $download | sh -x -s -- -d -b /home/circleci/go/bin v1.45.2 - run: go mod download - run: name: lint command: &lintcmd | golangci-lint run --build-tags="$GOTAGS" -v --concurrency 2 - run: name: lint api working_directory: api command: *lintcmd - run: name: lint sdk working_directory: sdk command: *lintcmd - run: *notify-slack-failure check-go-mod: docker: - image: *GOLANG_IMAGE environment: <<: *ENVIRONMENT steps: - checkout - run: go mod tidy - run: | if [[ -n $(git status -s) ]]; then echo "Git directory has changes" git status -s exit 1 fi - run: *notify-slack-failure check-generated-protobuf: docker: - image: *GOLANG_IMAGE environment: <<: *ENVIRONMENT # tput complains if this isn't set to something. TERM: ansi steps: - checkout - run: name: Install protobuf command: make proto-tools - run: command: make --always-make proto - run: | if ! git diff --exit-code; then echo "Generated code was not updated correctly" exit 1 fi go-test-arm64: machine: image: ubuntu-2004:202101-01 resource_class: arm.large parallelism: 4 environment: <<: *ENVIRONMENT GOTAGS: "" # No tags for OSS but there are for enterprise # GOMAXPROCS defaults to number of cores on underlying hardware, set # explicitly to avoid OOM issues https://support.circleci.com/hc/en-us/articles/360034684273-common-GoLang-memory-issues GOMAXPROCS: 4 steps: - checkout - run: command: | sudo rm -rf /usr/local/go wget https://golang.org/dl/go1.17.5.linux-arm64.tar.gz sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzvf go1.17.5.linux-arm64.tar.gz - run: *install-gotestsum - run: go mod download - run: name: make dev command: | if [[ "$CIRCLE_BRANCH" =~ ^main$|^release/ ]]; then make dev mkdir -p /home/circleci/bin cp ./bin/consul /home/circleci/bin/consul fi - run-go-test-full: go_test_flags: 'if ! [[ "$CIRCLE_BRANCH" =~ ^main$|^release/ ]]; then export GO_TEST_FLAGS="-short"; fi' go-test: docker: - image: *GOLANG_IMAGE resource_class: large parallelism: 4 environment: <<: *ENVIRONMENT GOTAGS: "" # No tags for OSS but there are for enterprise # GOMAXPROCS defaults to number of cores on underlying hardware, set # explicitly to avoid OOM issues https://support.circleci.com/hc/en-us/articles/360034684273-common-GoLang-memory-issues GOMAXPROCS: 4 steps: - checkout - run-go-test-full go-test-race: docker: - image: *GOLANG_IMAGE environment: <<: *ENVIRONMENT GOTAGS: "" # No tags for OSS but there are for enterprise # GOMAXPROCS defaults to number of cores on underlying hardware, set # explicitly to avoid OOM issues https://support.circleci.com/hc/en-us/articles/360034684273-common-GoLang-memory-issues GOMAXPROCS: 4 # The medium resource class (default) boxes are 2 vCPUs, 4GB RAM # https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/configuration-reference/#docker-executor # but we can run a little over that limit. steps: - checkout - run: go mod download - run: name: go test -race command: | mkdir -p $TEST_RESULTS_DIR /tmp/jsonfile pkgs="$(go list ./... | \ grep -E -v '^github.com/hashicorp/consul/agent(/consul|/local|/routine-leak-checker)?$' | \ grep -E -v '^github.com/hashicorp/consul/command/')" gotestsum \ --jsonfile /tmp/jsonfile/go-test-race.log \ --junitfile $TEST_RESULTS_DIR/gotestsum-report.xml -- \ -tags="$GOTAGS" -p 2 \ -race -gcflags=all=-d=checkptr=0 \ $pkgs - store_test_results: path: *TEST_RESULTS_DIR - store_artifacts: path: *TEST_RESULTS_DIR - store_artifacts: path: /tmp/jsonfile - run: *notify-slack-failure # go-test-32bit is to catch problems where 64-bit ints must be 64-bit aligned # to use them with sync/atomic. See https://golang.org/pkg/sync/atomic/#pkg-note-BUG. # Running tests with GOARCH=386 seems to be the best way to detect this # problem. Only runs tests that are -short to limit the time we spend checking # for these bugs. go-test-32bit: docker: - image: *GOLANG_IMAGE resource_class: large environment: <<: *ENVIRONMENT GOTAGS: "" # No tags for OSS but there are for enterprise steps: - checkout - run: go mod download - run: name: go test 32-bit environment: GOARCH: 386 command: | mkdir -p $TEST_RESULTS_DIR /tmp/jsonfile go env PACKAGE_NAMES=$(go list -tags "$GOTAGS" ./...) gotestsum \ --jsonfile /tmp/jsonfile/go-test-32bit.log \ --rerun-fails=3 \ --rerun-fails-max-failures=40 \ --rerun-fails-report=/tmp/gotestsum-rerun-fails \ --packages="$PACKAGE_NAMES" \ --junitfile $TEST_RESULTS_DIR/gotestsum-report.xml -- \ -tags="$GOTAGS" -p 2 \ -short - store_test_results: path: *TEST_RESULTS_DIR - store_artifacts: path: *TEST_RESULTS_DIR - run: *notify-slack-failure go-test-lib: description: "test a library against a specific Go version" parameters: go-version: type: string path: type: string docker: - image: "docker.mirror.hashicorp.services/cimg/go:<>" environment: <<: *ENVIRONMENT GOTAGS: "" # No tags for OSS but there are for enterprise steps: - checkout - attach_workspace: at: /home/circleci/go/bin - run: working_directory: <> command: go mod download - run: working_directory: <> name: go test command: | mkdir -p $TEST_RESULTS_DIR /tmp/jsonfile gotestsum \ --format=short-verbose \ --jsonfile /tmp/jsonfile/go-test-<>.log \ --junitfile $TEST_RESULTS_DIR/gotestsum-report.xml -- \ -tags="$GOTAGS" -cover -coverprofile=coverage.txt \ ./... - store_test_results: path: *TEST_RESULTS_DIR - store_artifacts: path: *TEST_RESULTS_DIR - store_artifacts: path: /tmp/jsonfile - run: *notify-slack-failure # build is a templated job for build-x build-distros: &build-distros docker: - image: *GOLANG_IMAGE resource_class: large environment: &build-env <<: *ENVIRONMENT steps: - checkout - run: name: Build command: | for os in $XC_OS; do target="./pkg/bin/${GOOS}_${GOARCH}/" GOOS="$os" CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -o "$target" -ldflags "$(GOLDFLAGS)" -tags "$(GOTAGS)" done # save dev build to CircleCI - store_artifacts: path: ./pkg/bin - run: *notify-slack-failure # build all 386 architecture supported OS binaries build-386: <<: *build-distros environment: <<: *build-env XC_OS: "freebsd linux windows" GOARCH: "386" # build all amd64 architecture supported OS binaries build-amd64: <<: *build-distros environment: <<: *build-env XC_OS: "darwin freebsd linux solaris windows" GOARCH: "amd64" # build all arm/arm64 architecture supported OS binaries build-arm: docker: - image: *GOLANG_IMAGE resource_class: large environment: <<: *ENVIRONMENT CGO_ENABLED: 1 GOOS: linux steps: - checkout - run: sudo apt-get update --allow-releaseinfo-change-suite --allow-releaseinfo-change-version && sudo apt-get install -y gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu - run: environment: GOARM: 5 CC: arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc GOARCH: arm command: go build -o ./pkg/bin/linux_armel/consul -ldflags="-linkmode=external ${GOLDFLAGS}" - run: environment: GOARM: 6 CC: arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc GOARCH: arm command: go build -o ./pkg/bin/linux_armhf/consul -ldflags="-linkmode=external ${GOLDFLAGS}" - run: environment: CC: aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc GOARCH: arm64 command: go build -o ./pkg/bin/linux_aarch64/consul -ldflags="-linkmode=external ${GOLDFLAGS}" - store_artifacts: path: ./pkg/bin - run: *notify-slack-failure # create a development build dev-build: docker: - image: *GOLANG_IMAGE resource_class: large environment: <<: *ENVIRONMENT steps: - checkout - attach_workspace: # this normally runs as the first job and has nothing to attach; only used in main branch after rebuilding UI at: . - run: name: Build command: | make dev mkdir -p /home/circleci/go/bin cp ./bin/consul /home/circleci/go/bin/consul # save dev build to pass to downstream jobs - persist_to_workspace: root: /home/circleci/go/bin paths: - consul - run: *notify-slack-failure # upload development build to s3 dev-upload-s3: docker: - image: *GOLANG_IMAGE environment: <<: *ENVIRONMENT steps: - checkout - *get-aws-cli - assume-role: access-key: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID_S3_UPLOAD secret-key: AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY_S3_UPLOAD role-arn: ROLE_ARN_S3_UPLOAD # get consul binary - attach_workspace: at: bin/ - run: name: package binary command: zip -j consul.zip bin/consul - run: name: Upload to s3 command: | if [ -n "${S3_ARTIFACT_PATH}" ]; then aws s3 cp \ --metadata "CIRCLECI=${CIRCLECI},CIRCLE_BUILD_URL=${CIRCLE_BUILD_URL},CIRCLE_BRANCH=${CIRCLE_BRANCH}" \ "consul.zip" "s3://${S3_ARTIFACT_BUCKET}/${S3_ARTIFACT_PATH}/${CIRCLE_SHA1}.zip" --acl public-read else echo "CircleCI - S3_ARTIFACT_PATH was not set" exit 1 fi - run: *notify-slack-failure # upload dev docker image dev-upload-docker: docker: - image: *GOLANG_IMAGE # use a circleci image so the attach_workspace step works (has ca-certs installed) environment: <<: *ENVIRONMENT steps: - checkout # get consul binary - attach_workspace: at: bin/ - setup_remote_docker - run: make ci.dev-docker - run: *notify-slack-failure # Nomad 0.8 builds on go1.10 # Run integration tests on nomad/v0.8.7 nomad-integration-0_8: docker: - image: docker.mirror.hashicorp.services/circleci/golang:1.10 environment: <<: *ENVIRONMENT NOMAD_WORKING_DIR: &NOMAD_WORKING_DIR /go/src/github.com/hashicorp/nomad NOMAD_VERSION: v0.8.7 steps: &NOMAD_INTEGRATION_TEST_STEPS - run: git clone https://github.com/hashicorp/nomad.git --branch ${NOMAD_VERSION} ${NOMAD_WORKING_DIR} # get consul binary - attach_workspace: at: /go/bin # make dev build of nomad - run: command: make pkg/linux_amd64/nomad working_directory: *NOMAD_WORKING_DIR - run: *install-gotestsum # run integration tests - run: name: go test command: | mkdir -p $TEST_RESULTS_DIR gotestsum \ --format=short-verbose \ --junitfile $TEST_RESULTS_DIR/results.xml -- \ ./command/agent/consul -run TestConsul working_directory: *NOMAD_WORKING_DIR # store test results for CircleCI - store_test_results: path: *TEST_RESULTS_DIR - store_artifacts: path: *TEST_RESULTS_DIR - run: *notify-slack-failure # run integration tests on nomad/main nomad-integration-main: docker: - image: docker.mirror.hashicorp.services/circleci/golang:1.17 # TODO: replace with cimg/go (requires steps update) environment: <<: *ENVIRONMENT NOMAD_WORKING_DIR: /go/src/github.com/hashicorp/nomad NOMAD_VERSION: main steps: *NOMAD_INTEGRATION_TEST_STEPS build-website-docker-image: docker: - image: docker.mirror.hashicorp.services/circleci/buildpack-deps shell: /usr/bin/env bash -euo pipefail -c steps: - checkout - setup_remote_docker - run: name: Build Docker Image if Necessary command: | # Ignore job if running an enterprise build IMAGE_TAG=$(cat website/Dockerfile website/package-lock.json | sha256sum | awk '{print $1;}') echo "Using $IMAGE_TAG" if [ "$CIRCLE_REPOSITORY_URL" != "git@github.com:hashicorp/consul.git" ]; then echo "Not Consul OSS Repo, not building website docker image" elif curl https://hub.docker.com/v2/repositories/hashicorp/consul-website/tags/$IMAGE_TAG -fsL > /dev/null; then echo "Dependencies have not changed, not building a new website docker image." else cd website/ docker build -t hashicorp/consul-website:$IMAGE_TAG . docker tag hashicorp/consul-website:$IMAGE_TAG hashicorp/consul-website:latest docker login -u $WEBSITE_DOCKER_USER -p $WEBSITE_DOCKER_PASS docker push hashicorp/consul-website fi - run: *notify-slack-failure algolia-index: docker: - image: docker.mirror.hashicorp.services/node:14 steps: - checkout - run: name: Push content to Algolia Index command: | if [ "$CIRCLE_REPOSITORY_URL" != "git@github.com:hashicorp/consul.git" ]; then echo "Not Consul OSS Repo, not indexing Algolia" exit 0 fi cd website/ npm install -g npm@latest npm install node scripts/index_search_content.js - run: *notify-slack-failure # build frontend yarn cache frontend-cache: docker: - image: *EMBER_IMAGE steps: - checkout # cache yarn deps - restore_cache: key: *YARN_CACHE_KEY - run: name: install yarn packages command: cd ui && make deps - save_cache: key: *YARN_CACHE_KEY paths: - ui/node_modules - ui/packages/consul-ui/node_modules - run: *notify-slack-failure # build ember so frontend tests run faster ember-build-oss: &ember-build-oss docker: - image: *EMBER_IMAGE environment: JOBS: 2 # limit parallelism for broccoli-babel-transpiler CONSUL_NSPACES_ENABLED: 0 steps: - checkout - restore_cache: key: *YARN_CACHE_KEY - run: cd ui/packages/consul-ui && make build-ci # saves the build to a workspace to be passed to a downstream job - persist_to_workspace: root: ui paths: - packages/consul-ui/dist - run: *notify-slack-failure # build ember so frontend tests run faster ember-build-ent: <<: *ember-build-oss environment: JOBS: 2 # limit parallelism for broccoli-babel-transpiler CONSUL_NSPACES_ENABLED: 1 # rebuild UI for packaging ember-build-prod: docker: - image: *EMBER_IMAGE environment: JOBS: 2 # limit parallelism for broccoli-babel-transpiler steps: - checkout - restore_cache: key: *YARN_CACHE_KEY - run: cd ui && make # saves the build to a workspace to be passed to a downstream job - persist_to_workspace: root: ui paths: - packages/consul-ui/dist - run: *notify-slack-failure # build static-assets file build-static-assets: docker: - image: *GOLANG_IMAGE steps: - checkout - attach_workspace: at: ./pkg - run: mv pkg/packages/consul-ui/dist pkg/web_ui # 'make static-assets' looks for the 'pkg/web_ui' path - run: make tools - run: make static-assets - persist_to_workspace: root: . paths: - ./agent/uiserver/bindata_assetfs.go - run: *notify-slack-failure # commits static assets to git publish-static-assets: docker: - image: *GOLANG_IMAGE steps: - checkout - add_ssh_keys: # needs a key to push updated static asset commit back to github fingerprints: - "fc:55:84:15:0a:1d:c8:e9:06:d0:e8:9c:7b:a9:b7:31" - attach_workspace: at: . - run: name: commit agent/uiserver/bindata_assetfs.go if there are UI changes command: | # check if there are any changes in ui/ # if there are, we commit the ui static asset file # HEAD^! is shorthand for HEAD^..HEAD (parent of HEAD and HEAD) if ! git diff --quiet --exit-code HEAD^! ui/; then git config --local user.email "github-team-consul-core@hashicorp.com" git config --local user.name "hc-github-team-consul-core" # -B resets the CI branch to main which may diverge history # but we will force push anyways. git checkout -B ci/main-assetfs-build main short_sha=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) git add agent/uiserver/bindata_assetfs.go git commit -m "auto-updated agent/uiserver/bindata_assetfs.go from commit ${short_sha}" git push --force origin ci/main-assetfs-build else echo "no UI changes so no static assets to publish" fi - run: *notify-slack-failure # run node tests node-tests: docker: - image: *EMBER_IMAGE steps: - checkout - restore_cache: key: *YARN_CACHE_KEY - attach_workspace: at: ui - run: working_directory: ui/packages/consul-ui command: make test-node - run: *notify-slack-failure # run yarn workspace wide checks/tests workspace-tests: docker: - image: *EMBER_IMAGE steps: - checkout - restore_cache: key: *YARN_CACHE_KEY - attach_workspace: at: ui - run: working_directory: ui command: make test-workspace - run: *notify-slack-failure # run ember frontend tests ember-test-oss: docker: - image: *EMBER_IMAGE environment: EMBER_TEST_REPORT: test-results/report-oss.xml #outputs test report for CircleCI test summary EMBER_TEST_PARALLEL: true #enables test parallelization with ember-exam CONSUL_NSPACES_ENABLED: 0 parallelism: 4 steps: - checkout - restore_cache: key: *YARN_CACHE_KEY - attach_workspace: at: ui - run: working_directory: ui/packages/consul-ui command: node_modules/.bin/ember exam --split=$CIRCLE_NODE_TOTAL --partition=`expr $CIRCLE_NODE_INDEX + 1` --path dist --silent -r xunit - store_test_results: path: ui/packages/consul-ui/test-results - run: *notify-slack-failure # run ember frontend tests ember-test-ent: docker: - image: *EMBER_IMAGE environment: EMBER_TEST_REPORT: test-results/report-ent.xml #outputs test report for CircleCI test summary EMBER_TEST_PARALLEL: true #enables test parallelization with ember-exam CONSUL_NSPACES_ENABLED: 1 parallelism: 4 steps: - checkout - restore_cache: key: *YARN_CACHE_KEY - attach_workspace: at: ui - run: working_directory: ui/packages/consul-ui command: node_modules/.bin/ember exam --split=$CIRCLE_NODE_TOTAL --partition=`expr $CIRCLE_NODE_INDEX + 1` --path dist --silent -r xunit - store_test_results: path: ui/packages/consul-ui/test-results - run: *notify-slack-failure # run ember frontend unit tests to produce coverage report ember-coverage: docker: - image: *EMBER_IMAGE steps: - checkout - restore_cache: key: *YARN_CACHE_KEY - attach_workspace: at: ui - run: working_directory: ui/packages/consul-ui command: make test-coverage-ci - run: *notify-slack-failure envoy-integration-test-1_19_3: &ENVOY_TESTS machine: image: ubuntu-2004:202101-01 parallelism: 4 resource_class: medium environment: ENVOY_VERSION: "1.19.3" steps: &ENVOY_INTEGRATION_TEST_STEPS - checkout # Get go binary from workspace - attach_workspace: at: . - run: *install-gotestsum # Build the consul-dev image from the already built binary - run: docker build -t consul-dev -f ./build-support/docker/Consul-Dev.dockerfile . - run: name: Envoy Integration Tests command: | subtests=$(ls -d test/integration/connect/envoy/*/ | xargs -n 1 basename | circleci tests split) echo "Running $(echo $subtests | wc -w) subtests" echo "$subtests" subtests_pipe_sepr=$(echo "$subtests" | xargs | sed 's/ /|/g') mkdir -p /tmp/test-results/ gotestsum -- -timeout=30m -tags integration ./test/integration/connect/envoy -run="TestEnvoy/($subtests_pipe_sepr)" environment: GOTESTSUM_JUNITFILE: /tmp/test-results/results.xml GOTESTSUM_FORMAT: standard-verbose COMPOSE_INTERACTIVE_NO_CLI: 1 # tput complains if this isn't set to something. TERM: ansi - store_artifacts: path: ./test/integration/connect/envoy/workdir/logs destination: container-logs - store_test_results: path: *TEST_RESULTS_DIR - store_artifacts: path: *TEST_RESULTS_DIR - run: *notify-slack-failure envoy-integration-test-1_20_2: <<: *ENVOY_TESTS environment: ENVOY_VERSION: "1.20.2" envoy-integration-test-1_21_1: <<: *ENVOY_TESTS environment: ENVOY_VERSION: "1.21.1" envoy-integration-test-1_22_0: <<: *ENVOY_TESTS environment: ENVOY_VERSION: "1.22.0" # run integration tests for the connect ca providers test-connect-ca-providers: docker: - image: *GOLANG_IMAGE environment: <<: *ENVIRONMENT steps: - run: name: Install vault command: | wget -q -O /tmp/vault.zip https://releases.hashicorp.com/vault/${VAULT_BINARY_VERSION}/vault_${VAULT_BINARY_VERSION}_linux_amd64.zip sudo unzip -d /usr/local/bin /tmp/vault.zip rm -rf /tmp/vault* - checkout - run: go mod download - run: name: go test command: | mkdir -p $TEST_RESULTS_DIR make test-connect-ca-providers - store_test_results: path: *TEST_RESULTS_DIR - run: *notify-slack-failure # only runs on main: checks latest commit to see if the PR associated has a backport/* or docs* label to cherry-pick cherry-picker: docker: - image: docker.mirror.hashicorp.services/alpine:3.12 steps: - run: apk add --no-cache --no-progress git bash curl ncurses jq openssh-client - checkout - add_ssh_keys: # needs a key to push cherry-picked commits back to github fingerprints: - "fc:55:84:15:0a:1d:c8:e9:06:d0:e8:9c:7b:a9:b7:31" - run: .circleci/scripts/cherry-picker.sh - run: *notify-slack-failure trigger-oss-merge: docker: - image: docker.mirror.hashicorp.services/alpine:3.12 steps: - run: apk add --no-cache --no-progress curl jq - run: name: trigger oss merge command: | curl -s -X POST \ --header "Circle-Token: ${CIRCLECI_API_TOKEN}" \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{"build_parameters": {"CIRCLE_JOB": "oss-merge"}}' \ "https://circleci.com/api/v1.1/project/github/hashicorp/consul-enterprise/tree/${CIRCLE_BRANCH}" | jq -r '.build_url' - run: *notify-slack-failure # Run load tests against a commit load-test: docker: - image: hashicorp/terraform:latest environment: AWS_DEFAULT_REGION: us-east-2 BUCKET: consul-ci-load-tests BASH_ENV: /etc/profile shell: /bin/sh -leo pipefail steps: - checkout - run: apk add jq curl bash - run: name: export load-test credentials command: | echo "export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=$AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID_LOAD_TEST" >> $BASH_ENV echo "export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=$AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY_LOAD_TEST" >> $BASH_ENV - run: name: export role arn command: | echo "export TF_VAR_role_arn=$ROLE_ARN_LOAD_TEST" >> $BASH_ENV - run: name: setup TF_VARs command: | # if pipeline.parameters.commit="" it was not triggered/set through the API # so we use the latest commit from _this_ branch. This is the case for nightly tests. if [ "<< pipeline.parameters.commit >>" = "" ]; then LOCAL_COMMIT_SHA=$(git rev-parse HEAD) else LOCAL_COMMIT_SHA="<< pipeline.parameters.commit >>" fi echo "export LOCAL_COMMIT_SHA=${LOCAL_COMMIT_SHA}" >> $BASH_ENV short_ref=$(git rev-parse --short ${LOCAL_COMMIT_SHA}) echo "export TF_VAR_ami_owners=$LOAD_TEST_AMI_OWNERS" >> $BASH_ENV echo "export TF_VAR_vpc_name=$short_ref" >> $BASH_ENV echo "export TF_VAR_cluster_name=$short_ref" >> $BASH_ENV echo "export TF_VAR_consul_download_url=https://${S3_ARTIFACT_BUCKET}.s3.${AWS_DEFAULT_REGION}.amazonaws.com/${S3_ARTIFACT_PATH}/${LOCAL_COMMIT_SHA}.zip" >> $BASH_ENV - run: name: wait for dev build from test-integrations workflow command: | echo "curl-ing https://${S3_ARTIFACT_BUCKET}.s3.${AWS_DEFAULT_REGION}.amazonaws.com/${S3_ARTIFACT_PATH}/${LOCAL_COMMIT_SHA}.zip" until [ $SECONDS -ge 300 ] && exit 1; do curl -o /dev/null --fail --silent "https://${S3_ARTIFACT_BUCKET}.s3.${AWS_DEFAULT_REGION}.amazonaws.com/${S3_ARTIFACT_PATH}/${LOCAL_COMMIT_SHA}.zip" && exit echo -n "." sleep 2 done - run: working_directory: .circleci/terraform/load-test name: terraform init command: | echo "commit is ${LOCAL_COMMIT_SHA}" terraform init \ -backend-config="bucket=${BUCKET}" \ -backend-config="key=${LOCAL_COMMIT_SHA}" \ -backend-config="region=${AWS_DEFAULT_REGION}" \ -backend-config="role_arn=${ROLE_ARN_LOAD_TEST}" - run: working_directory: .circleci/terraform/load-test name: run terraform apply command: | terraform apply -auto-approve - run: working_directory: .circleci/terraform/load-test when: always name: terraform destroy command: | terraform destroy -auto-approve - run: *notify-slack-failure # The noop job is a used as a very fast job in the verify-ci workflow because every workflow # requires at least one job. It does nothing. noop: docker: - image: docker.mirror.hashicorp.services/alpine:latest steps: - run: "echo ok" workflows: version: 2 # verify-ci is a no-op workflow that must run on every PR. It is used in a # branch protection rule to detect when CI workflows are not running. verify-ci: jobs: [ noop ] go-tests: unless: << pipeline.parameters.trigger-load-test >> jobs: - check-go-mod: &filter-ignore-non-go-branches filters: branches: ignore: - stable-website - /^docs\/.*/ - /^ui\/.*/ - check-generated-protobuf: *filter-ignore-non-go-branches - lint-consul-retry: *filter-ignore-non-go-branches - lint: *filter-ignore-non-go-branches - lint: name: "lint-32bit" go-arch: "386" <<: *filter-ignore-non-go-branches - test-connect-ca-providers: *filter-ignore-non-go-branches - go-test-arm64: *filter-ignore-non-go-branches - dev-build: *filter-ignore-non-go-branches - go-test: requires: [ dev-build ] - go-test-lib: name: "go-test-api go1.17" path: api go-version: "1.17" requires: [ dev-build ] - go-test-lib: name: "go-test-api go1.18" path: api go-version: "1.18" requires: [ dev-build ] - go-test-lib: name: "go-test-sdk go1.17" path: sdk go-version: "1.17" <<: *filter-ignore-non-go-branches - go-test-lib: name: "go-test-sdk go1.18" path: sdk go-version: "1.18" <<: *filter-ignore-non-go-branches - go-test-race: *filter-ignore-non-go-branches - go-test-32bit: *filter-ignore-non-go-branches build-distros: unless: << pipeline.parameters.trigger-load-test >> jobs: - check-go-mod: *filter-ignore-non-go-branches - build-386: &require-check-go-mod requires: - check-go-mod - build-amd64: *require-check-go-mod - build-arm: *require-check-go-mod # every commit on main will have a rebuilt UI - frontend-cache: filters: branches: only: - main - ember-build-prod: requires: - frontend-cache - build-static-assets: requires: - ember-build-prod - publish-static-assets: filters: branches: only: - main - /release\/\d+\.\d+\.x$/ requires: - build-static-assets - dev-build: requires: - build-static-assets - dev-upload-s3: requires: - dev-build - dev-upload-docker: requires: - dev-build context: consul-ci test-integrations: unless: << pipeline.parameters.trigger-load-test >> jobs: - dev-build: *filter-ignore-non-go-branches - dev-upload-s3: &dev-upload requires: - dev-build filters: branches: ignore: - /^pull\/.*$/ # only push dev builds from non forks - main # all main dev uploads will include a UI rebuild in build-distros - dev-upload-docker: <<: *dev-upload context: consul-ci - nomad-integration-main: requires: - dev-build - nomad-integration-0_8: requires: - dev-build - envoy-integration-test-1_19_3: requires: - dev-build - envoy-integration-test-1_20_2: requires: - dev-build - envoy-integration-test-1_21_1: requires: - dev-build - envoy-integration-test-1_22_0: requires: - dev-build website: unless: << pipeline.parameters.trigger-load-test >> jobs: - build-website-docker-image: context: website-docker-image filters: branches: only: - main - algolia-index: filters: branches: only: - stable-website frontend: unless: << pipeline.parameters.trigger-load-test >> jobs: - frontend-cache: filters: branches: only: - main - /^ui\/.*/ - workspace-tests: requires: - frontend-cache - node-tests: requires: - frontend-cache - ember-build-oss: requires: - frontend-cache - ember-build-ent: requires: - frontend-cache - ember-test-oss: requires: - ember-build-oss - ember-test-ent: requires: - ember-build-ent # ember-coverage in CI uses the dist/ folder to run tests so it requires # either/or ent/oss to be built first - ember-coverage: requires: - ember-build-ent workflow-automation: unless: << pipeline.parameters.trigger-load-test >> jobs: - trigger-oss-merge: context: team-consul filters: branches: only: - main - /release\/\d+\.\d+\.x$/ - cherry-picker: context: team-consul filters: branches: only: - main - /release\/\d+\.\d+\.x$/ load-test: when: << pipeline.parameters.trigger-load-test >> jobs: - load-test nightly-jobs: triggers: - schedule: cron: "0 4 * * *" # 4AM UTC <> 12AM EST <> 9PM PST should have no impact filters: branches: only: - main jobs: - load-test