{{on-window 'resize' (action this.calculate)}}
{{#if (gt @downstreams.length 0)}}


Only showing downstreams within the current datacenter for {{@service.Service.Service}}.
{{#each @downstreams as |downstream|}}


{{#let (service/health-percentage downstream) as |percentage|}} {{#if (not-eq percentage.passing 0)}} {{percentage.passing}}% {{/if}} {{#if (not-eq percentage.warning 0)}} {{percentage.warning}}% {{/if}} {{#if (not-eq percentage.critical 0)}} {{percentage.critical}}% {{/if}} {{/let}}
{{#if @metricsHref}} Open metrics Dashboard {{else}} Configure metrics dashboard {{/if}}
{{#if (gt this.downLines.length 0)}} {{#each this.downLines as |svg| }} {{/each}} {{/if}}
{{#if (gt @upstreams.length 0)}}
{{#each-in (group-by "Datacenter" @upstreams) as |dc upstreams|}}


{{#each upstreams as |upstream|}}


{{#if (and nspace (env 'CONSUL_NSPACES_ENABLED'))}}
{{/if}} {{#if (eq upstream.Datacenter @dc)}} {{#let (service/health-percentage upstream) as |percentage|}} {{#if (not-eq percentage.passing 0)}} {{percentage.passing}}% {{/if}} {{#if (not-eq percentage.warning 0)}} {{percentage.warning}}% {{/if}} {{#if (not-eq percentage.critical 0)}} {{percentage.critical}}% {{/if}} {{/let}} {{else}}
We are unable to determine the health status of services in remote datacenters.
{{#if (gt this.upLines.length 0)}} {{#each this.upLines as |svg| }} {{/each}} {{/if}}