// The root folder for this documentation category is `pages/docs` // // - A string refers to the name of a file // - A "category" value refers to the name of a directory // - All directories must have an "index.mdx" file to serve as // the landing page for the category, or a "name" property to // serve as the category title in the sidebar export default [ { category: 'intro', content: [ { category: 'vs', content: [ 'zookeeper', 'chef-puppet', 'nagios-sensu', 'skydns', 'smartstack', 'serf', 'eureka', 'istio', 'proxies', 'custom', ], }, ], }, { category: 'install', content: [ { title: 'Consul Agent', href: '/docs/agent' }, 'glossary', 'ports', 'bootstrapping', 'cloud-auto-join', 'performance', { title: 'Kubernetes', href: '/docs/k8s' }, ], }, { title: 'API', href: '/api-docs' }, { title: 'Commands (CLI)', href: '/commands' }, { category: 'discovery', name: 'Service Discovery', content: ['services', 'dns', 'checks'], }, { category: 'connect', content: [ 'connect-internals', 'configuration', { category: 'proxies', content: ['envoy', 'built-in', 'integrate'], }, { category: 'registration', content: ['service-registration', 'sidecar-service'], }, 'intentions', 'intentions-legacy', { category: 'observability', content: ['ui-visualization'], }, { category: 'l7-traffic', content: ['discovery-chain'], }, 'connectivity-tasks', { category: 'gateways', content: [ { category: 'mesh-gateway', content: ['wan-federation-via-mesh-gateways'], }, 'ingress-gateway', 'terminating-gateway', ], }, 'nomad', { title: 'Kubernetes', href: '/docs/k8s/connect' }, { category: 'native', content: ['go'] }, { category: 'ca', content: ['consul', 'vault', 'aws'], }, 'dev', ], }, { category: 'k8s', content: [ { category: 'installation', name: 'Get Started', content: [ 'install', { category: 'platforms', name: 'Platform Guides', content: [ { title: 'Minikube', href: 'https://learn.hashicorp.com/tutorials/consul/kubernetes-minikube?utm_source=consul.io&utm_medium=docs&utm_content=k8s&utm_term=mk', }, { title: 'Kind', href: 'https://learn.hashicorp.com/tutorials/consul/kubernetes-kind?utm_source=consul.io&utm_medium=docs&utm_content=k8s&utm_term=mk', }, { title: 'AKS (Azure)', href: 'https://learn.hashicorp.com/tutorials/consul/kubernetes-aks-azure?utm_source=consul.io&utm_medium=docs&utm_content=k8s&utm_term=aks', }, { title: 'EKS (AWS)', href: 'https://learn.hashicorp.com/tutorials/consul/kubernetes-eks-aws?utm_source=consul.io&utm_medium=docs&utm_content=k8s&utm_term=eks', }, { title: 'GKE (Google Cloud)', href: 'https://learn.hashicorp.com/tutorials/consul/kubernetes-gke-google?utm_source=consul.io&utm_medium=docs&utm_content=k8s&utm_term=gke', }, 'self-hosted-kubernetes', ], }, { category: 'deployment-configurations', name: 'Deployment Configurations', content: [ 'clients-outside-kubernetes', 'servers-outside-kubernetes', 'consul-enterprise', ], }, { category: 'multi-cluster', content: ['kubernetes', 'vms-and-kubernetes'], }, ], }, 'tls-on-existing-cluster', { category: 'connect', content: [ 'ingress-gateways', 'terminating-gateways', 'connect-ca-provider', 'ambassador', 'health', ], }, 'service-sync', 'crds', 'dns', { category: 'upgrade', content: ['compatibility'], }, 'uninstall', 'helm', ], }, { category: 'nia', content: [ { category: 'installation', name: 'Get Started', content: ['install', 'requirements', 'configuration', 'run'], }, 'architecture', 'cli', 'tasks', 'network-drivers', ], }, { category: 'dynamic-app-config', name: 'Dynamic App Configuration', content: ['kv', 'sessions', 'watches'], }, { category: 'agent', content: [ 'options', { category: 'config-entries', content: [ 'ingress-gateway', 'proxy-defaults', 'service-defaults', 'service-intentions', 'service-resolver', 'service-router', 'service-splitter', 'terminating-gateway', ], }, 'telemetry', ], }, { category: 'security', content: [ { category: 'acl', content: [ 'acl-system', 'acl-rules', 'acl-legacy', 'acl-migrate-tokens', { category: 'auth-methods', content: ['kubernetes', 'jwt', 'oidc'] }, ], }, 'encryption', ], }, { category: 'enterprise', content: [ 'audit-logging', 'backups', 'upgrades', 'read-scale', { title: 'Single sign-on - OIDC', href: '/docs/security/acl/auth-methods/oidc', }, 'redundancy', 'federation', 'namespaces', 'network-segments', 'sentinel', ], }, { category: 'architecture', content: ['anti-entropy', 'consensus', 'gossip', 'jepsen', 'coordinates'], }, { category: 'integrate', name: 'Integrations', content: [ 'partnerships', 'nia-integration', { title: 'Vault Integration', href: '/docs/connect/ca/vault', }, { title: 'Ambassador Integration', href: '/docs/k8s/connect/ambassador', }, { title: 'Proxy Integration', href: '/docs/connect/proxies/integrate', }, ], }, 'download-tools', { category: 'upgrading', content: [ 'compatibility', 'upgrade-specific', { category: 'instructions', content: [ 'general-process', 'upgrade-to-1-2-x', 'upgrade-to-1-6-x', 'upgrade-to-1-8-x', ], }, ], }, { category: 'troubleshoot', name: 'Troubleshoot', content: ['common-errors', 'faq'], }, ]