package envoy import ( "bytes" "encoding/json" "flag" "io/ioutil" "net" "net/http" "net/http/httptest" "os" "path/filepath" "strings" "testing" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) var update = flag.Bool("update", false, "update golden files") func TestEnvoyCommand_noTabs(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() if strings.ContainsRune(New(nil).Help(), '\t') { t.Fatal("help has tabs") } } func TestEnvoyGateway_Validation(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() cases := []struct { name string args []string output string }{ { "-register for non-gateway", []string{"-register", "-proxy-id", "not-a-gateway"}, "Auto-Registration can only be used for gateways", }, { "-mesh-gateway and -gateway cannot be combined", []string{"-register", "-mesh-gateway", "-gateway", "mesh"}, "The mesh-gateway flag is deprecated and cannot be used alongside the gateway flag", }, { "no proxy registration specified nor discovered", []string{""}, "No proxy ID specified", }, } for _, tc := range cases { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { ui := cli.NewMockUi() c := New(ui) c.init() code := c.Run(tc.args) if code == 0 { t.Errorf("%s: expected non-zero exit", } output := ui.ErrorWriter.String() if !strings.Contains(output, tc.output) { t.Errorf("expected %q to contain %q", output, tc.output) } }) } } // testSetAndResetEnv sets the env vars passed as KEY=value strings in the // current ENV and returns a func() that will undo it's work at the end of the // test for use with defer. func testSetAndResetEnv(t *testing.T, env []string) func() { old := make(map[string]*string) for _, e := range env { pair := strings.SplitN(e, "=", 2) current := os.Getenv(pair[0]) if current != "" { old[pair[0]] = ¤t } else { // save it as a nil so we know to remove again old[pair[0]] = nil } os.Setenv(pair[0], pair[1]) } // Return a func that will reset to old values return func() { for k, v := range old { if v == nil { os.Unsetenv(k) } else { os.Setenv(k, *v) } } } } type generateConfigTestCase struct { Name string Flags []string Env []string Files map[string]string ProxyConfig map[string]interface{} NamespacesEnabled bool GRPCPort int // only used for testing custom-configured grpc port WantArgs BootstrapTplArgs WantErr string } // This tests the args we use to generate the template directly because they // encapsulate all the argument and default handling code which is where most of // the logic is. We also allow generating golden files but only for cases that // pass the test of having their template args generated as expected. func TestGenerateConfig(t *testing.T) { cases := []generateConfigTestCase{ { Name: "no-args", Flags: []string{}, Env: []string{}, WantErr: "No proxy ID specified", }, { Name: "defaults", Flags: []string{"-proxy-id", "test-proxy"}, WantArgs: BootstrapTplArgs{ EnvoyVersion: defaultEnvoyVersion, ProxyCluster: "test-proxy", ProxyID: "test-proxy", // We don't know this til after the lookup so it will be empty in the // initial args call we are testing here. ProxySourceService: "", GRPC: GRPC{ AgentAddress: "", AgentPort: "8502", // Note this is the gRPC port }, AdminAccessLogPath: "/dev/null", AdminBindAddress: "", AdminBindPort: "19000", LocalAgentClusterName: xds.LocalAgentClusterName, }, }, { Name: "token-arg", Flags: []string{"-proxy-id", "test-proxy", "-token", "c9a52720-bf6c-4aa6-b8bc-66881a5ade95"}, WantArgs: BootstrapTplArgs{ EnvoyVersion: defaultEnvoyVersion, ProxyCluster: "test-proxy", ProxyID: "test-proxy", // We don't know this til after the lookup so it will be empty in the // initial args call we are testing here. ProxySourceService: "", GRPC: GRPC{ AgentAddress: "", AgentPort: "8502", // Note this is the gRPC port }, AdminAccessLogPath: "/dev/null", AdminBindAddress: "", AdminBindPort: "19000", LocalAgentClusterName: xds.LocalAgentClusterName, Token: "c9a52720-bf6c-4aa6-b8bc-66881a5ade95", }, }, { Name: "token-env", Flags: []string{"-proxy-id", "test-proxy"}, Env: []string{ "CONSUL_HTTP_TOKEN=c9a52720-bf6c-4aa6-b8bc-66881a5ade95", }, WantArgs: BootstrapTplArgs{ EnvoyVersion: defaultEnvoyVersion, ProxyCluster: "test-proxy", ProxyID: "test-proxy", // We don't know this til after the lookup so it will be empty in the // initial args call we are testing here. ProxySourceService: "", GRPC: GRPC{ AgentAddress: "", AgentPort: "8502", // Note this is the gRPC port }, AdminAccessLogPath: "/dev/null", AdminBindAddress: "", AdminBindPort: "19000", LocalAgentClusterName: xds.LocalAgentClusterName, Token: "c9a52720-bf6c-4aa6-b8bc-66881a5ade95", }, }, { Name: "token-file-arg", Flags: []string{"-proxy-id", "test-proxy", "-token-file", "@@TEMPDIR@@token.txt", }, Files: map[string]string{ "token.txt": "c9a52720-bf6c-4aa6-b8bc-66881a5ade95", }, WantArgs: BootstrapTplArgs{ EnvoyVersion: defaultEnvoyVersion, ProxyCluster: "test-proxy", ProxyID: "test-proxy", // We don't know this til after the lookup so it will be empty in the // initial args call we are testing here. ProxySourceService: "", GRPC: GRPC{ AgentAddress: "", AgentPort: "8502", // Note this is the gRPC port }, AdminAccessLogPath: "/dev/null", AdminBindAddress: "", AdminBindPort: "19000", LocalAgentClusterName: xds.LocalAgentClusterName, Token: "c9a52720-bf6c-4aa6-b8bc-66881a5ade95", }, }, { Name: "token-file-env", Flags: []string{"-proxy-id", "test-proxy"}, Env: []string{ "CONSUL_HTTP_TOKEN_FILE=@@TEMPDIR@@token.txt", }, Files: map[string]string{ "token.txt": "c9a52720-bf6c-4aa6-b8bc-66881a5ade95", }, WantArgs: BootstrapTplArgs{ EnvoyVersion: defaultEnvoyVersion, ProxyCluster: "test-proxy", ProxyID: "test-proxy", // We don't know this til after the lookup so it will be empty in the // initial args call we are testing here. ProxySourceService: "", GRPC: GRPC{ AgentAddress: "", AgentPort: "8502", // Note this is the gRPC port }, AdminAccessLogPath: "/dev/null", AdminBindAddress: "", AdminBindPort: "19000", LocalAgentClusterName: xds.LocalAgentClusterName, Token: "c9a52720-bf6c-4aa6-b8bc-66881a5ade95", }, }, { Name: "grpc-addr-flag", Flags: []string{"-proxy-id", "test-proxy", "-grpc-addr", "localhost:9999"}, WantArgs: BootstrapTplArgs{ EnvoyVersion: defaultEnvoyVersion, ProxyCluster: "test-proxy", ProxyID: "test-proxy", // We don't know this til after the lookup so it will be empty in the // initial args call we are testing here. ProxySourceService: "", // Should resolve IP, note this might not resolve the same way // everywhere which might make this test brittle but not sure what else // to do. GRPC: GRPC{ AgentAddress: "", AgentPort: "9999", }, AdminAccessLogPath: "/dev/null", AdminBindAddress: "", AdminBindPort: "19000", LocalAgentClusterName: xds.LocalAgentClusterName, }, }, { Name: "grpc-addr-env", Flags: []string{"-proxy-id", "test-proxy"}, Env: []string{ "CONSUL_GRPC_ADDR=localhost:9999", }, WantArgs: BootstrapTplArgs{ EnvoyVersion: defaultEnvoyVersion, ProxyCluster: "test-proxy", ProxyID: "test-proxy", // We don't know this til after the lookup so it will be empty in the // initial args call we are testing here. ProxySourceService: "", // Should resolve IP, note this might not resolve the same way // everywhere which might make this test brittle but not sure what else // to do. GRPC: GRPC{ AgentAddress: "", AgentPort: "9999", }, AdminAccessLogPath: "/dev/null", AdminBindAddress: "", AdminBindPort: "19000", LocalAgentClusterName: xds.LocalAgentClusterName, }, }, { Name: "grpc-addr-unix", Flags: []string{"-proxy-id", "test-proxy", "-grpc-addr", "unix:///var/run/consul.sock"}, WantArgs: BootstrapTplArgs{ EnvoyVersion: defaultEnvoyVersion, ProxyCluster: "test-proxy", ProxyID: "test-proxy", // We don't know this til after the lookup so it will be empty in the // initial args call we are testing here. ProxySourceService: "", GRPC: GRPC{ AgentSocket: "/var/run/consul.sock", }, AdminAccessLogPath: "/dev/null", AdminBindAddress: "", AdminBindPort: "19000", LocalAgentClusterName: xds.LocalAgentClusterName, }, }, { Name: "grpc-addr-config", Flags: []string{"-proxy-id", "test-proxy"}, GRPCPort: 9999, WantArgs: BootstrapTplArgs{ EnvoyVersion: defaultEnvoyVersion, ProxyCluster: "test-proxy", ProxyID: "test-proxy", // We don't know this til after the lookup so it will be empty in the // initial args call we are testing here. ProxySourceService: "", // Should resolve IP, note this might not resolve the same way // everywhere which might make this test brittle but not sure what else // to do. GRPC: GRPC{ AgentAddress: "", AgentPort: "9999", }, AdminAccessLogPath: "/dev/null", AdminBindAddress: "", AdminBindPort: "19000", LocalAgentClusterName: xds.LocalAgentClusterName, }, }, { Name: "access-log-path", Flags: []string{"-proxy-id", "test-proxy", "-admin-access-log-path", "/some/path/access.log"}, WantArgs: BootstrapTplArgs{ EnvoyVersion: defaultEnvoyVersion, ProxyCluster: "test-proxy", ProxyID: "test-proxy", // We don't know this til after the lookup so it will be empty in the // initial args call we are testing here. ProxySourceService: "", // Should resolve IP, note this might not resolve the same way // everywhere which might make this test brittle but not sure what else // to do. GRPC: GRPC{ AgentAddress: "", AgentPort: "8502", }, AdminAccessLogPath: "/some/path/access.log", AdminBindAddress: "", AdminBindPort: "19000", LocalAgentClusterName: xds.LocalAgentClusterName, }, }, { Name: "missing-ca-file", Flags: []string{"-proxy-id", "test-proxy", "-ca-file", "some/path"}, WantArgs: BootstrapTplArgs{ EnvoyVersion: defaultEnvoyVersion, ProxyCluster: "test-proxy", ProxyID: "test-proxy", // We don't know this til after the lookup so it will be empty in the // initial args call we are testing here. ProxySourceService: "", // Should resolve IP, note this might not resolve the same way // everywhere which might make this test brittle but not sure what else // to do. GRPC: GRPC{ AgentAddress: "", AgentPort: "8502", }, }, WantErr: "Error loading CA File: open some/path: no such file or directory", }, { Name: "existing-ca-file", Flags: []string{"-proxy-id", "test-proxy", "-ca-file", "../../../test/ca/root.cer"}, Env: []string{"CONSUL_HTTP_SSL=1"}, WantArgs: BootstrapTplArgs{ EnvoyVersion: defaultEnvoyVersion, ProxyCluster: "test-proxy", ProxyID: "test-proxy", // We don't know this til after the lookup so it will be empty in the // initial args call we are testing here. ProxySourceService: "", // Should resolve IP, note this might not resolve the same way // everywhere which might make this test brittle but not sure what else // to do. GRPC: GRPC{ AgentAddress: "", AgentPort: "8502", AgentTLS: true, }, AgentCAPEM: `-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIIEtzCCA5+gAwIBAgIJAIewRMI8OnvTMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBQUAMIGYMQswCQYD\nVQQGEwJVUzELMAkGA1UECBMCQ0ExFjAUBgNVBAcTDVNhbiBGcmFuY2lzY28xHDAa\nBgNVBAoTE0hhc2hpQ29ycCBUZXN0IENlcnQxDDAKBgNVBAsTA0RldjEWMBQGA1UE\nAxMNdGVzdC5pbnRlcm5hbDEgMB4GCSqGSIb3DQEJARYRdGVzdEBpbnRlcm5hbC5j\nb20wHhcNMTQwNDA3MTkwMTA4WhcNMjQwNDA0MTkwMTA4WjCBmDELMAkGA1UEBhMC\nVVMxCzAJBgNVBAgTAkNBMRYwFAYDVQQHEw1TYW4gRnJhbmNpc2NvMRwwGgYDVQQK\nExNIYXNoaUNvcnAgVGVzdCBDZXJ0MQwwCgYDVQQLEwNEZXYxFjAUBgNVBAMTDXRl\nc3QuaW50ZXJuYWwxIDAeBgkqhkiG9w0BCQEWEXRlc3RAaW50ZXJuYWwuY29tMIIB\nIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAxrs6JK4NpiOItxrpNR/1ppUU\nmH7p2BgLCBZ6eHdclle9J56i68adt8J85zaqphCfz6VDP58DsFx+N50PZyjQaDsU\nd0HejRqfHRMtg2O+UQkv4Z66+Vo+gc6uGuANi2xMtSYDVTAqqzF48OOPQDgYkzcG\nxcFZzTRFFZt2vPnyHj8cHcaFo/NMNVh7C3yTXevRGNm9u2mrbxCEeiHzFC2WUnvg\nU2jQuC7Fhnl33Zd3B6d3mQH6O23ncmwxTcPUJe6xZaIRrDuzwUcyhLj5Z3faag/f\npFIIcHSiHRfoqHLGsGg+3swId/zVJSSDHr7pJUu7Cre+vZa63FqDaooqvnisrQID\nAQABo4IBADCB/TAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUo/nrOfqvbee2VklVKIFlyQEbuJUwgc0GA1Ud\nIwSBxTCBwoAUo/nrOfqvbee2VklVKIFlyQEbuJWhgZ6kgZswgZgxCzAJBgNVBAYT\nAlVTMQswCQYDVQQIEwJDQTEWMBQGA1UEBxMNU2FuIEZyYW5jaXNjbzEcMBoGA1UE\nChMTSGFzaGlDb3JwIFRlc3QgQ2VydDEMMAoGA1UECxMDRGV2MRYwFAYDVQQDEw10\nZXN0LmludGVybmFsMSAwHgYJKoZIhvcNAQkBFhF0ZXN0QGludGVybmFsLmNvbYIJ\nAIewRMI8OnvTMAwGA1UdEwQFMAMBAf8wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEFBQADggEBADa9fV9h\ngjapBlkNmu64WX0Ufub5dsJrdHS8672P30S7ILB7Mk0W8sL65IezRsZnG898yHf9\n2uzmz5OvNTM9K380g7xFlyobSVq+6yqmmSAlA/ptAcIIZT727P5jig/DB7fzJM3g\njctDlEGOmEe50GQXc25VKpcpjAsNQi5ER5gowQ0v3IXNZs+yU+LvxLHc0rUJ/XSp\nlFCAMOqd5uRoMOejnT51G6krvLNzPaQ3N9jQfNVY4Q0zfs0M+6dRWvqfqB9Vyq8/\nPOLMld+HyAZEBk9zK3ZVIXx6XS4dkDnSNR91njLq7eouf6M7+7s/oMQZZRtAfQ6r\nwlW975rYa1ZqEdA=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n`, AdminAccessLogPath: "/dev/null", AdminBindAddress: "", AdminBindPort: "19000", LocalAgentClusterName: xds.LocalAgentClusterName, }, }, { Name: "missing-ca-path", Flags: []string{"-proxy-id", "test-proxy", "-ca-path", "some/path"}, WantArgs: BootstrapTplArgs{ EnvoyVersion: defaultEnvoyVersion, ProxyCluster: "test-proxy", ProxyID: "test-proxy", // We don't know this til after the lookup so it will be empty in the // initial args call we are testing here. ProxySourceService: "", // Should resolve IP, note this might not resolve the same way // everywhere which might make this test brittle but not sure what else // to do. GRPC: GRPC{ AgentAddress: "", AgentPort: "8502", }, }, WantErr: "lstat some/path: no such file or directory", }, { Name: "existing-ca-path", Flags: []string{"-proxy-id", "test-proxy", "-ca-path", "../../../test/ca_path/"}, Env: []string{"CONSUL_HTTP_SSL=1"}, WantArgs: BootstrapTplArgs{ EnvoyVersion: defaultEnvoyVersion, ProxyCluster: "test-proxy", ProxyID: "test-proxy", // We don't know this til after the lookup so it will be empty in the // initial args call we are testing here. ProxySourceService: "", // Should resolve IP, note this might not resolve the same way // everywhere which might make this test brittle but not sure what else // to do. GRPC: GRPC{ AgentAddress: "", AgentPort: "8502", AgentTLS: true, }, AgentCAPEM: `-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIIFADCCAuqgAwIBAgIBATALBgkqhkiG9w0BAQswEzERMA8GA1UEAxMIQ2VydEF1\ndGgwHhcNMTUwNTExMjI0NjQzWhcNMjUwNTExMjI0NjU0WjATMREwDwYDVQQDEwhD\nZXJ0QXV0aDCCAiIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggIPADCCAgoCggIBALcMByyynHsA\n+K4PJwo5+XHygaEZAhPGvHiKQK2Cbc9NDm0ZTzx0rA/dRTZlvouhDyzcJHm+6R1F\nj6zQv7iaSC3qQtJiPnPsfZ+/0XhFZ3fQWMnfDiGbZpF1kJF01ofB6vnsuocFC0zG\naGC+SZiLAzs+QMP3Bebw1elCBIeoN+8NWnRYmLsYIaYGJGBSbNo/lCpLTuinofUn\nL3ehWEGv1INwpHnSVeN0Ml2GFe23d7PUlj/wNIHgUdpUR+KEJxIP3klwtsI3QpSH\nc4VjWdf4aIcka6K3IFuw+K0PUh3xAAPnMpAQOtCZk0AhF5rlvUbevC6jADxpKxLp\nOONmvCTer4LtyNURAoBH52vbK0r/DNcTpPEFV0IP66nXUFgkk0mRKsu8HTb4IOkC\nX3K4mp18EiWUUtrHZAnNct0iIniDBqKK0yhSNhztG6VakVt/1WdQY9Ey3mNtxN1O\nthqWFKdpKUzPKYC3P6PfVpiE7+VbWTLLXba+8BPe8BxWPsVkjJqGSGnCte4COusz\nM8/7bbTgifwJfsepwFtZG53tvwjWlO46Exl30VoDNTaIGvs1fO0GqJlh2A7FN5F2\nS1rS5VYHtPK8QdmUSvyq+7JDBc1HNT5I2zsIQbNcLwDTZ5EsbU6QR7NHDJKxjv/w\nbs3eTXJSSNcFD74wRU10pXjgE5wOFu9TAgMBAAGjYzBhMA4GA1UdDwEB/wQEAwIA\nBjAPBgNVHRMBAf8EBTADAQH/MB0GA1UdDgQWBBQHazgZ3Puiuc6K2LzgcX5b6fAC\nPzAfBgNVHSMEGDAWgBQHazgZ3Puiuc6K2LzgcX5b6fACPzALBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsD\nggIBAEmeNrSUhpHg1I8dtfqu9hCU/6IZThjtcFA+QcPkkMa+Z1k0SOtsgW8MdlcA\ngCf5g5yQZ0DdpWM9nDB6xDIhQdccm91idHgf8wmpEHUj0an4uyn2ESCt8eqrAWf7\nAClYORCASTYfguJCxcfvwtI1uqaOeCxSOdmFay79UVitVsWeonbCRGsVgBDifJxw\nG2oCQqoYAmXPM4J6syk5GHhB1O9MMq+g1+hOx9s+XHyTui9FL4V+IUO1ygVqEQB5\nPSiRBvcIsajSGVao+vK0gf2XfcXzqr3y3NhBky9rFMp1g+ykb2yWekV4WiROJlCj\nTsWwWZDRyjiGahDbho/XW8JciouHZhJdjhmO31rqW3HdFviCTdXMiGk3GQIzz/Jg\nP+enOaHXoY9lcxzDvY9z1BysWBgNvNrMnVge/fLP9o+a0a0PRIIVl8T0Ef3zeg1O\nCLCSy/1Vae5Tx63ZTFvGFdOSusYkG9rlAUHXZE364JRCKzM9Bz0bM+t+LaO0MaEb\nYoxcXEPU+gB2IvmARpInN3oHexR6ekuYHVTRGdWrdmuHFzc7eFwygRqTFdoCCU+G\nQZEkd+lOEyv0zvQqYg+Jp0AEGz2B2zB53uBVECtn0EqrSdPtRzUBSByXVs6QhSXn\neVmy+z3U3MecP63X6oSPXekqSyZFuegXpNNuHkjNoL4ep2ix\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\nwlW975rYa1ZqEdA=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n`, AdminAccessLogPath: "/dev/null", AdminBindAddress: "", AdminBindPort: "19000", LocalAgentClusterName: xds.LocalAgentClusterName, }, }, { Name: "custom-bootstrap", Flags: []string{"-proxy-id", "test-proxy"}, ProxyConfig: map[string]interface{}{ // Add a completely custom bootstrap template. Never mind if this is // invalid envoy config just as long as it works and gets the variables // interplated. "envoy_bootstrap_json_tpl": ` { "admin": { "access_log_path": "/dev/null", "address": { "socket_address": { "address": "{{ .AdminBindAddress }}", "port_value": {{ .AdminBindPort }} } } }, "node": { "cluster": "{{ .ProxyCluster }}", "id": "{{ .ProxyID }}" }, "custom_field": "foo" }`, }, WantArgs: BootstrapTplArgs{ EnvoyVersion: defaultEnvoyVersion, ProxyCluster: "test-proxy", ProxyID: "test-proxy", // We don't know this til after the lookup so it will be empty in the // initial args call we are testing here. ProxySourceService: "", GRPC: GRPC{ AgentAddress: "", AgentPort: "8502", }, AdminAccessLogPath: "/dev/null", AdminBindAddress: "", AdminBindPort: "19000", LocalAgentClusterName: xds.LocalAgentClusterName, }, }, { Name: "extra_-single", Flags: []string{"-proxy-id", "test-proxy"}, ProxyConfig: map[string]interface{}{ // Add a custom sections with interpolated variables. These are all // invalid config syntax too but we are just testing they have the right // effect. "envoy_extra_static_clusters_json": ` { "name": "fake_cluster_1" }`, "envoy_extra_static_listeners_json": ` { "name": "fake_listener_1" }`, "envoy_extra_stats_sinks_json": ` { "name": "fake_sink_1" }`, }, WantArgs: BootstrapTplArgs{ EnvoyVersion: defaultEnvoyVersion, ProxyCluster: "test-proxy", ProxyID: "test-proxy", // We don't know this til after the lookup so it will be empty in the // initial args call we are testing here. ProxySourceService: "", GRPC: GRPC{ AgentAddress: "", AgentPort: "8502", }, AdminAccessLogPath: "/dev/null", AdminBindAddress: "", AdminBindPort: "19000", LocalAgentClusterName: xds.LocalAgentClusterName, }, }, { Name: "extra_-multiple", Flags: []string{"-proxy-id", "test-proxy"}, ProxyConfig: map[string]interface{}{ // Add a custom sections with interpolated variables. These are all // invalid config syntax too but we are just testing they have the right // effect. "envoy_extra_static_clusters_json": ` { "name": "fake_cluster_1" }, { "name": "fake_cluster_2" }`, "envoy_extra_static_listeners_json": ` { "name": "fake_listener_1" },{ "name": "fake_listener_2" }`, "envoy_extra_stats_sinks_json": ` { "name": "fake_sink_1" } , { "name": "fake_sink_2" }`, }, WantArgs: BootstrapTplArgs{ EnvoyVersion: defaultEnvoyVersion, ProxyCluster: "test-proxy", ProxyID: "test-proxy", // We don't know this til after the lookup so it will be empty in the // initial args call we are testing here. ProxySourceService: "", GRPC: GRPC{ AgentAddress: "", AgentPort: "8502", }, AdminAccessLogPath: "/dev/null", AdminBindAddress: "", AdminBindPort: "19000", LocalAgentClusterName: xds.LocalAgentClusterName, }, }, { Name: "stats-config-override", Flags: []string{"-proxy-id", "test-proxy"}, ProxyConfig: map[string]interface{}{ // Add a custom sections with interpolated variables. These are all // invalid config syntax too but we are just testing they have the right // effect. "envoy_stats_config_json": ` { "name": "fake_config" }`, }, WantArgs: BootstrapTplArgs{ EnvoyVersion: defaultEnvoyVersion, ProxyCluster: "test-proxy", ProxyID: "test-proxy", // We don't know this til after the lookup so it will be empty in the // initial args call we are testing here. ProxySourceService: "", GRPC: GRPC{ AgentAddress: "", AgentPort: "8502", }, AdminAccessLogPath: "/dev/null", AdminBindAddress: "", AdminBindPort: "19000", LocalAgentClusterName: xds.LocalAgentClusterName, }, }, { Name: "zipkin-tracing-config", Flags: []string{"-proxy-id", "test-proxy"}, ProxyConfig: map[string]interface{}{ // Add a custom sections with interpolated variables. These are all // invalid config syntax too but we are just testing they have the right // effect. "envoy_tracing_json": `{ "http": { "name": "envoy.zipkin", "config": { "collector_cluster": "zipkin", "collector_endpoint": "/api/v1/spans" } } }`, // Need to setup the cluster to send that too as well "envoy_extra_static_clusters_json": `{ "name": "zipkin", "type": "STRICT_DNS", "connect_timeout": "5s", "load_assignment": { "cluster_name": "zipkin", "endpoints": [ { "lb_endpoints": [ { "endpoint": { "address": { "socket_address": { "address": "zipkin.service.consul", "port_value": 9411 } } } } ] } ] } }`, }, WantArgs: BootstrapTplArgs{ EnvoyVersion: defaultEnvoyVersion, ProxyCluster: "test-proxy", ProxyID: "test-proxy", // We don't know this til after the lookup so it will be empty in the // initial args call we are testing here. ProxySourceService: "", GRPC: GRPC{ AgentAddress: "", AgentPort: "8502", }, AdminAccessLogPath: "/dev/null", AdminBindAddress: "", AdminBindPort: "19000", LocalAgentClusterName: xds.LocalAgentClusterName, }, }, { Name: "CONSUL_HTTP_ADDR-with-https-scheme-enables-tls", Flags: []string{"-proxy-id", "test-proxy"}, Env: []string{"CONSUL_HTTP_ADDR="}, WantArgs: BootstrapTplArgs{ EnvoyVersion: defaultEnvoyVersion, ProxyCluster: "test-proxy", ProxyID: "test-proxy", // We don't know this til after the lookup so it will be empty in the // initial args call we are testing here. ProxySourceService: "", // Should resolve IP, note this might not resolve the same way // everywhere which might make this test brittle but not sure what else // to do. GRPC: GRPC{ AgentAddress: "", AgentPort: "8502", AgentTLS: true, }, AdminAccessLogPath: "/dev/null", AdminBindAddress: "", AdminBindPort: "19000", LocalAgentClusterName: xds.LocalAgentClusterName, }, }, { Name: "ingress-gateway", Flags: []string{"-proxy-id", "ingress-gateway-1", "-gateway", "ingress"}, WantArgs: BootstrapTplArgs{ EnvoyVersion: defaultEnvoyVersion, ProxyCluster: "ingress-gateway", ProxyID: "ingress-gateway-1", ProxySourceService: "ingress-gateway", GRPC: GRPC{ AgentAddress: "", AgentPort: "8502", }, AdminAccessLogPath: "/dev/null", AdminBindAddress: "", AdminBindPort: "19000", LocalAgentClusterName: xds.LocalAgentClusterName, }, }, { Name: "ingress-gateway-address-specified", Flags: []string{"-proxy-id", "ingress-gateway", "-gateway", "ingress", "-address", ""}, WantArgs: BootstrapTplArgs{ EnvoyVersion: defaultEnvoyVersion, ProxyCluster: "ingress-gateway", ProxyID: "ingress-gateway", ProxySourceService: "ingress-gateway", GRPC: GRPC{ AgentAddress: "", AgentPort: "8502", }, AdminAccessLogPath: "/dev/null", AdminBindAddress: "", AdminBindPort: "19000", LocalAgentClusterName: xds.LocalAgentClusterName, }, }, { Name: "ingress-gateway-register-with-service-without-proxy-id", Flags: []string{"-gateway", "ingress", "-register", "-service", "my-gateway", "-address", ""}, WantArgs: BootstrapTplArgs{ EnvoyVersion: defaultEnvoyVersion, ProxyCluster: "my-gateway", ProxyID: "my-gateway", ProxySourceService: "my-gateway", GRPC: GRPC{ AgentAddress: "", AgentPort: "8502", }, AdminAccessLogPath: "/dev/null", AdminBindAddress: "", AdminBindPort: "19000", LocalAgentClusterName: xds.LocalAgentClusterName, }, }, { Name: "ingress-gateway-register-with-service-and-proxy-id", Flags: []string{"-gateway", "ingress", "-register", "-service", "my-gateway", "-proxy-id", "my-gateway-123", "-address", ""}, WantArgs: BootstrapTplArgs{ EnvoyVersion: defaultEnvoyVersion, ProxyCluster: "my-gateway", ProxyID: "my-gateway-123", ProxySourceService: "my-gateway", GRPC: GRPC{ AgentAddress: "", AgentPort: "8502", }, AdminAccessLogPath: "/dev/null", AdminBindAddress: "", AdminBindPort: "19000", LocalAgentClusterName: xds.LocalAgentClusterName, }, }, { Name: "ingress-gateway-no-auto-register", Flags: []string{"-gateway", "ingress", "-address", ""}, WantArgs: BootstrapTplArgs{ EnvoyVersion: defaultEnvoyVersion, ProxyCluster: "ingress-gateway", ProxyID: "ingress-gateway", ProxySourceService: "ingress-gateway", GRPC: GRPC{ AgentAddress: "", AgentPort: "8502", }, AdminAccessLogPath: "/dev/null", AdminBindAddress: "", AdminBindPort: "19000", LocalAgentClusterName: xds.LocalAgentClusterName, }, }, } cases = append(cases, enterpriseGenerateConfigTestCases()...) copyAndReplaceAll := func(s []string, old, new string) []string { out := make([]string, len(s)) for i, v := range s { out[i] = strings.ReplaceAll(v, old, new) } return out } for _, tc := range cases { t.Run(tc.Name, func(t *testing.T) { require := require.New(t) testDir := testutil.TempDir(t, "envoytest") if len(tc.Files) > 0 { for fn, fv := range tc.Files { fullname := filepath.Join(testDir, fn) require.NoError(ioutil.WriteFile(fullname, []byte(fv), 0600)) } } // Run a mock agent API that just always returns the proxy config in the // test. srv := httptest.NewServer(testMockAgent(tc.ProxyConfig, tc.GRPCPort, tc.NamespacesEnabled)) defer srv.Close() client, err := api.NewClient(&api.Config{Address: srv.URL}) require.NoError(err) testDirPrefix := testDir + string(filepath.Separator) myEnv := copyAndReplaceAll(tc.Env, "@@TEMPDIR@@", testDirPrefix) defer testSetAndResetEnv(t, myEnv)() ui := cli.NewMockUi() c := New(ui) // explicitly set the client to one which can connect to the httptest.Server c.client = client var outBuf bytes.Buffer // Capture output since it clutters test output and we can assert on what // was actually printed this way. c.directOut = &outBuf // Run the command myFlags := copyAndReplaceAll(tc.Flags, "@@TEMPDIR@@", testDirPrefix) args := append([]string{"-bootstrap"}, myFlags...) require.NoError(c.flags.Parse(args)) code := if tc.WantErr == "" { require.Equal(0, code, ui.ErrorWriter.String()) } else { require.Equal(1, code, ui.ErrorWriter.String()) require.Contains(ui.ErrorWriter.String(), tc.WantErr) return } // Verify we handled the env and flags right first to get correct template // args. got, err := c.templateArgs() require.NoError(err) // Error cases should have returned above require.Equal(&tc.WantArgs, got) actual := outBuf.Bytes() // If we got the arg handling write, verify output golden := filepath.Join("testdata", tc.Name+".golden") if *update { ioutil.WriteFile(golden, actual, 0644) } expected, err := ioutil.ReadFile(golden) require.NoError(err) require.Equal(string(expected), string(actual)) }) } } func TestEnvoy_GatewayRegistration(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() a := agent.NewTestAgent(t, ``) defer a.Shutdown() client := a.Client() tt := []struct { name string args []string kind api.ServiceKind id string service string }{ { name: "register gateway with proxy-id and name", args: []string{ "-http-addr=" + a.HTTPAddr(), "-register", "-bootstrap", "-gateway", "ingress", "-service", "us-ingress", "-proxy-id", "us-ingress-1", }, kind: api.ServiceKindIngressGateway, id: "us-ingress-1", service: "us-ingress", }, { name: "register gateway without proxy-id with name", args: []string{ "-http-addr=" + a.HTTPAddr(), "-register", "-bootstrap", "-gateway", "ingress", "-service", "us-ingress", }, kind: api.ServiceKindIngressGateway, id: "us-ingress", service: "us-ingress", }, { name: "register gateway without proxy-id and without name", args: []string{ "-http-addr=" + a.HTTPAddr(), "-register", "-bootstrap", "-gateway", "ingress", }, kind: api.ServiceKindIngressGateway, id: "ingress-gateway", service: "ingress-gateway", }, { name: "register gateway with proxy-id without name", args: []string{ "-http-addr=" + a.HTTPAddr(), "-register", "-bootstrap", "-gateway", "ingress", "-proxy-id", "us-ingress-1", }, kind: api.ServiceKindIngressGateway, id: "us-ingress-1", service: "ingress-gateway", }, } for _, tc := range tt { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { ui := cli.NewMockUi() c := New(ui) code := c.Run(tc.args) if code != 0 { t.Fatalf("bad exit code: %d. %#v", code, ui.ErrorWriter.String()) } data, _, err := client.Agent().Service(, nil) assert.NoError(t, err) assert.NotNil(t, data) assert.Equal(t, tc.kind, data.Kind) assert.Equal(t,, data.ID) assert.Equal(t, tc.service, data.Service) assert.Equal(t, defaultGatewayPort, data.Port) }) } } // testMockAgent combines testMockAgentProxyConfig and testMockAgentSelf, // routing /agent/service/... requests to testMockAgentProxyConfig and // routing /agent/self requests to testMockAgentSelf. func testMockAgent(agentCfg map[string]interface{}, grpcPort int, namespacesEnabled bool) http.HandlerFunc { return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { if strings.Contains(r.URL.Path, "/agent/services") { testMockAgentGatewayConfig(namespacesEnabled)(w, r) return } if strings.Contains(r.URL.Path, "/agent/service") { testMockAgentProxyConfig(agentCfg, namespacesEnabled)(w, r) return } if strings.Contains(r.URL.Path, "/agent/self") { testMockAgentSelf(grpcPort)(w, r) return } http.NotFound(w, r) }) } func testMockAgentGatewayConfig(namespacesEnabled bool) http.HandlerFunc { return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { // Parse the proxy-id from the end of the URL (blindly assuming it's correct // format) params := r.URL.Query() filter := params["filter"][0] var kind api.ServiceKind switch { case strings.Contains(filter, string(api.ServiceKindTerminatingGateway)): kind = api.ServiceKindTerminatingGateway case strings.Contains(filter, string(api.ServiceKindIngressGateway)): kind = api.ServiceKindIngressGateway } svc := map[string]*api.AgentService{ string(kind): { Kind: kind, ID: string(kind), Service: string(kind), }, } if namespacesEnabled { svc[string(kind)].Namespace = namespaceFromQuery(r) } cfgJSON, err := json.Marshal(svc) if err != nil { w.WriteHeader(500) w.Write([]byte(err.Error())) return } w.Write(cfgJSON) }) } func namespaceFromQuery(r *http.Request) string { // Use the namespace in the request if there is one, otherwise // use-default. if queryNs := r.URL.Query().Get("ns"); queryNs != "" { return queryNs } return "default" } func testMockAgentProxyConfig(cfg map[string]interface{}, namespacesEnabled bool) http.HandlerFunc { return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { // Parse the proxy-id from the end of the URL (blindly assuming it's correct // format) proxyID := strings.TrimPrefix(r.URL.Path, "/v1/agent/service/") serviceID := strings.TrimSuffix(proxyID, "-sidecar-proxy") svc := api.AgentService{ Kind: api.ServiceKindConnectProxy, ID: proxyID, Service: proxyID, Proxy: &api.AgentServiceConnectProxyConfig{ DestinationServiceName: serviceID, DestinationServiceID: serviceID, Config: cfg, }, } if namespacesEnabled { svc.Namespace = namespaceFromQuery(r) } cfgJSON, err := json.Marshal(svc) if err != nil { w.WriteHeader(500) w.Write([]byte(err.Error())) return } w.Write(cfgJSON) }) } func TestEnvoyCommand_canBindInternal(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() type testCheck struct { expected bool addr string } type testCase struct { ifAddrs []net.Addr checks map[string]testCheck } parseIPNets := func(t *testing.T, in ...string) []net.Addr { var out []net.Addr for _, addr := range in { ip := net.ParseIP(addr) require.NotNil(t, ip) out = append(out, &net.IPNet{IP: ip}) } return out } parseIPs := func(t *testing.T, in ...string) []net.Addr { var out []net.Addr for _, addr := range in { ip := net.ParseIP(addr) require.NotNil(t, ip) out = append(out, &net.IPAddr{IP: ip}) } return out } cases := map[string]testCase{ "IPNet": { parseIPNets(t, "", "", "2001:db8:a0b:12f0::1"), map[string]testCheck{ "ipv4": { true, "", }, "secondary ipv4": { true, "", }, "ipv6": { true, "2001:db8:a0b:12f0::1", }, "ipv4 not found": { false, "", }, "ipv6 not found": { false, "::ffff:", }, }, }, "IPAddr": { parseIPs(t, "", "", "2001:db8:a0b:12f0::1"), map[string]testCheck{ "ipv4": { true, "", }, "secondary ipv4": { true, "", }, "ipv6": { true, "2001:db8:a0b:12f0::1", }, "ipv4 not found": { false, "", }, "ipv6 not found": { false, "::ffff:", }, }, }, } for name, tcase := range cases { t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) { for checkName, check := range tcase.checks { t.Run(checkName, func(t *testing.T) { require.Equal(t, check.expected, canBindInternal(check.addr, tcase.ifAddrs)) }) } }) } } // testMockAgentSelf returns an empty /v1/agent/self response except GRPC // port is filled in to match the given wantGRPCPort argument. func testMockAgentSelf(wantGRPCPort int) http.HandlerFunc { return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { resp := agent.Self{ Config: map[string]interface{}{ "Datacenter": "dc1", }, DebugConfig: map[string]interface{}{ "GRPCPort": wantGRPCPort, }, } selfJSON, err := json.Marshal(resp) if err != nil { w.WriteHeader(500) w.Write([]byte(err.Error())) return } w.Write(selfJSON) }) }