import './style.css' import App from 'next/app' import NProgress from 'nprogress' import Router from 'next/router' import ProductSubnav from '../components/subnav' import MegaNav from '@hashicorp/react-mega-nav' import Footer from '../components/footer' import AlertBanner from '@hashicorp/react-alert-banner' import { ConsentManager, open } from '@hashicorp/react-consent-manager' import consentManagerConfig from '../lib/consent-manager-config' import bugsnagClient from '../lib/bugsnag' import anchorLinkAnalytics from '../lib/anchor-link-analytics' import alertBannerData, { ALERT_BANNER_ACTIVE } from '../data/alert-banner' import Error from './_error' import Head from 'next/head' import HashiHead from '@hashicorp/react-head''routeChangeStart', NProgress.start)'routeChangeError', NProgress.done)'routeChangeComplete', (url) => { setTimeout(() =>, 0) NProgress.done() }) // Bugsnag const ErrorBoundary = bugsnagClient.getPlugin('react') class NextApp extends App { static async getInitialProps({ Component, ctx }) { let pageProps = {} if (Component.getInitialProps) { pageProps = await Component.getInitialProps(ctx) } else if (Component.isMDXComponent) { // fix for const mdxLayoutComponent = Component({}).props.originalType if (mdxLayoutComponent.getInitialProps) { pageProps = await mdxLayoutComponent.getInitialProps(ctx) } } return { pageProps } } componentDidMount() { anchorLinkAnalytics() } componentDidUpdate() { anchorLinkAnalytics() } render() { const { Component, pageProps } = this.props return ( <ErrorBoundary FallbackComponent={Error}> <HashiHead is={Head} title="Consul by HashiCorp" siteName="Consul by HashiCorp" description="Consul is a service networking solution to connect and secure services across any runtime platform and public or private cloud." image="" stylesheet={[ { href: '/css/nprogress.css' }, { href: ',400,600,700&display=swap', }, ]} icon={[{ href: '/favicon.ico' }]} preload={[ { href: '/fonts/klavika/medium.woff2', as: 'font' }, { href: '/fonts/gilmer/light.woff2', as: 'font' }, { href: '/fonts/gilmer/regular.woff2', as: 'font' }, { href: '/fonts/gilmer/medium.woff2', as: 'font' }, { href: '/fonts/gilmer/bold.woff2', as: 'font' }, { href: '/fonts/metro-sans/book.woff2', as: 'font' }, { href: '/fonts/metro-sans/regular.woff2', as: 'font' }, { href: '/fonts/metro-sans/semi-bold.woff2', as: 'font' }, { href: '/fonts/metro-sans/bold.woff2', as: 'font' }, { href: '/fonts/dejavu/mono.woff2', as: 'font' }, ]} /> {ALERT_BANNER_ACTIVE && ( <AlertBanner {...alertBannerData} theme="consul" /> )} <MegaNav product="Consul" /> <ProductSubnav /> <div className="content"> <Component {...pageProps} /> </div> <Footer openConsentManager={open} /> <ConsentManager {...consentManagerConfig} /> </ErrorBoundary> ) } } export default NextApp