import Component from '@ember/component'; import { isPresent } from '@ember/utils'; import { get, set, computed, defineProperty } from '@ember/object'; import layout from '../templates/components/block-slot'; import Slots from '../mixins/slots'; import YieldSlot from './yield-slot'; const BlockSlot = Component.extend({ layout, tagName: '', didInsertElement: function() { const slottedComponent = this.nearestOfType(Slots); if (!slottedComponent._isRegistered(this._name)) { slottedComponent._activateSlot(this._name); set(this, 'slottedComponent', slottedComponent); return; } const yieldSlot = this.nearestOfType(YieldSlot); if (yieldSlot) { set(this, '_yieldSlot', yieldSlot); // The slotted component will yield multiple times - once to register // the activate slots and once more per active slot - only display this // block when its associated slot is the one yielding const isTargetSlotYielding = yieldSlot._name === this._name; set(this, 'isTargetSlotYielding', isTargetSlotYielding); // If the associated slot has block params, create a computed property // for each block param. Technically this could be an unlimited, but // hbs lacks a spread operator so params are currently limited to 9 // (see the yield in the block-slot template) // // Spread PR: if (isTargetSlotYielding && isPresent(yieldSlot._blockParams)) { // p0 p1 p2... yieldSlot._blockParams.forEach((param, index) => { defineProperty(this, `p${index}`, computed.readOnly(`_yieldSlot._blockParams.${index}`)); }); } } }, willDestroyElement: function() { const slottedComponent = get(this, 'slottedComponent'); if (slottedComponent) { // Deactivate the yield slot using the slots interface when the block // is destroyed to allow the yield slot default {{else}} to take effect // dynamically slottedComponent._deactivateSlot(this._name); } }, }); BlockSlot.reopenClass({ positionalParams: ['_name'], }); export default BlockSlot;