import Adapter from './application'; import { inject as service } from '@ember/service'; import { env } from 'consul-ui/env'; import nonEmptySet from 'consul-ui/utils/non-empty-set'; let Namespace; if (env('CONSUL_NSPACES_ENABLED')) { Namespace = nonEmptySet('Namespace'); } else { Namespace = () => ({}); } export default Adapter.extend({ env: service('env'), requestForQuery: function(request, { dc, ns, index }) { return request` GET /v1/internal/ui/oidc-auth-methods?${{ dc }} ${{ index, ...this.formatNspace(ns), }} `; }, requestForQueryRecord: function(request, { dc, ns, id }) { if (typeof id === 'undefined') { throw new Error('You must specify an id'); } return request` POST /v1/acl/oidc/auth-url?${{ dc }} Cache-Control: no-store ${{ ...Namespace(ns), AuthMethod: id, RedirectURI: `${this.env.var('CONSUL_BASE_UI_URL')}/oidc/callback`, }} `; }, requestForAuthorize: function(request, { dc, ns, id, code, state }) { if (typeof id === 'undefined') { throw new Error('You must specify an id'); } if (typeof code === 'undefined') { throw new Error('You must specify an code'); } if (typeof state === 'undefined') { throw new Error('You must specify an state'); } return request` POST /v1/acl/oidc/callback?${{ dc }} Cache-Control: no-store ${{ ...Namespace(ns), AuthMethod: id, Code: code, State: state, }} `; }, requestForLogout: function(request, { id }) { if (typeof id === 'undefined') { throw new Error('You must specify an id'); } return request` POST /v1/acl/logout Cache-Control: no-store X-Consul-Token: ${id} `; }, authorize: function(store, type, id, snapshot) { return this.rpc( function(adapter, request, serialized, unserialized) { return adapter.requestForAuthorize(request, serialized, unserialized); }, function(serializer, respond, serialized, unserialized) { return serializer.respondForAuthorize(respond, serialized, unserialized); }, snapshot, type.modelName ); }, logout: function(store, type, id, snapshot) { return this.rpc( function(adapter, request, serialized, unserialized) { return adapter.requestForLogout(request, serialized, unserialized); }, function(serializer, respond, serialized, unserialized) { // its ok to return nothing here for the moment at least return {}; }, snapshot, type.modelName ); }, });