{{#app-view class="service list"}} {{!TODO: Look at the item passed through to figure what partial to show, also move into its own service partial, for the moment keeping here for visibility}} {{#block-slot 'notification' as |status type|}} {{partial 'dc/acls/notifications'}} {{/block-slot}} {{#block-slot 'header'}}


{{/block-slot}} {{#block-slot 'toolbar'}} {{#if (gt items.length 0) }} {{catalog-filter filters=healthFilters search=filters.s status=filters.status onchange=(action 'filter')}} {{/if}} {{/block-slot}} {{#block-slot 'content'}} {{#if (gt filtered.length 0) }} {{#tabular-collection route='dc.services.show' key='Name' items=filtered as |item index| }} {{#block-slot 'header'}} Service Node Health Tags {{/block-slot}} {{#block-slot 'row'}} {{item.Name}} {{#if (and (lt item.ChecksPassing 1) (lt item.ChecksWarning 1) (lt item.ChecksCritical 1) )}} 0 {{else}}
Healthchecks Passing
{{format_number item.ChecksPassing}}
Healthchecks Warning
{{format_number item.ChecksWarning}}
Healthchecks Critical
{{format_number item.ChecksCritical}}
{{/if}} {{#if (gt item.Tags.length 0)}} {{#each item.Tags as |item|}} {{item}} {{/each}} {{/if}} {{/block-slot}} {{/tabular-collection}} {{else}}

There are no services.

{{/if}} {{/block-slot}} {{/app-view}}