@setupApplicationTest Feature: dc / services / show-routing: Show Routing for Service Scenario: Given a service, the Routing tab should display Given 1 datacenter model with the value "dc1" And 1 node models And 1 service model from yaml --- - Service: Name: service-0 ID: service-0-with-id --- When I visit the service page for yaml --- dc: dc1 service: service-0 --- And the title should be "service-0 - Consul" And I see routing on the tabs Scenario: Given connect is disabled, the Routing tab should not display or error Given 2 datacenter models from yaml --- - dc1 - dc2 --- And 1 node models And 2 service model from yaml --- - Service: Name: service-0 ID: service-0-with-id - Service: Name: service-1 ID: service-1-with-id --- And the url "/v1/discovery-chain/service-0?dc=dc1&ns=@namespace" responds with from yaml --- status: 500 body: "Connect must be enabled in order to use this endpoint" --- When I visit the service page for yaml --- dc: dc1 service: service-0 --- And I don't see routing on the tabs And I don't see the "[data-test-error]" element # Not entirely sure if having one dc not having connect # and another having connect ever actually happen And I visit the service page for yaml --- dc: dc2 service: service-1 --- And I see routing on the tabs # something weird is going on with this test # without waiting we issue a url reload that # will make the test timeout. # waiting will "fix" this - we should look into # the underlying reason for this soon. This is # only a quick-fix to land ember-qunit v5. And pause for 1000 And I visit the service page for yaml --- dc: dc1 service: service-0 --- Then a GET request wasn't made to "/v1/discovery-chain/service-0?dc=dc1&ns=@namespace" And I don't see routing on the tabs And I don't see the "[data-test-error]" element