{{#if create }} {{/if}}
{{#if (env 'CONSUL_ACLS_ENABLED')}}


By adding roles to this namespaces, you will apply them to all tokens created within this namespace.

{{role-selector dc=dc nspace='default' items=item.ACLs.RoleDefaults}}


By adding policies to this namespaces, you will apply them to all tokens created within this namespace.

{{policy-selector dc=dc nspace='default' items=item.ACLs.PolicyDefaults}}
{{#if create }} {{ else }} {{/if}} {{# if (and (not create) (not-eq item.Name 'default')) }} {{#confirmation-dialog message='Are you sure you want to delete this Namespace?'}} {{#block-slot name='action' as |confirm|}} {{/block-slot}} {{#block-slot name='dialog' as |execute cancel message|}} {{delete-confirmation message=message execute=execute cancel=cancel}} {{/block-slot}} {{/confirmation-dialog}} {{/if}}