GOTOOLS = \ \ \ \ \ TEST ?= ./... GOTAGS ?= consul GOFILES ?= $(shell go list $(TEST) | grep -v /vendor/) GOOS=$(shell go env GOOS) GOARCH=$(shell go env GOARCH) # Get the git commit GIT_COMMIT=$(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD) GIT_DIRTY=$(shell test -n "`git status --porcelain`" && echo "+CHANGES" || true) GIT_DESCRIBE=$(shell git describe --tags --always) GOLDFLAGS=-X $(GIT_IMPORT).GitCommit=$(GIT_COMMIT)$(GIT_DIRTY) -X $(GIT_IMPORT).GitDescribe=$(GIT_DESCRIBE) export GOLDFLAGS # all builds binaries for all targets all: bin bin: tools @mkdir -p bin/ @GOTAGS='$(GOTAGS)' sh -c "'$(CURDIR)/scripts/'" # dev creates binaries for testing locally - these are put into ./bin and $GOPATH dev: mkdir -p pkg/$(GOOS)_$(GOARCH) bin/ go install -ldflags '$(GOLDFLAGS)' -tags '$(GOTAGS)' cp $(GOPATH)/bin/consul bin/ cp $(GOPATH)/bin/consul pkg/$(GOOS)_$(GOARCH) # dist builds binaries for all platforms and packages them for distribution dist: @GOTAGS='$(GOTAGS)' sh -c "'$(CURDIR)/scripts/'" cov: gocov test ${GOFILES} | gocov-html > /tmp/coverage.html open /tmp/coverage.html test: @./scripts/ @env \ GOTAGS="${GOTAGS}" \ GOFILES="${GOFILES}" \ TESTARGS="${TESTARGS}" \ sh -c "'$(CURDIR)/scripts/'" cover: go test ${GOFILES} --cover format: @echo "--> Running go fmt" @go fmt ${GOFILES} vet: @echo "--> Running go vet" @go vet ${GOFILES}; if [ $$? -eq 1 ]; then \ echo ""; \ echo "Vet found suspicious constructs. Please check the reported constructs"; \ echo "and fix them if necessary before submitting the code for review."; \ exit 1; \ fi # build the static web ui and build static assets inside a Docker container, the # same way a release build works ui: @sh -c "'$(CURDIR)/scripts/'" # generates the static web ui that's compiled into the binary static-assets: @echo "--> Generating static assets" @go-bindata-assetfs -pkg agent -prefix pkg ./pkg/web_ui/... @mv bindata_assetfs.go command/agent $(MAKE) format tools: go get -u -v $(GOTOOLS) .PHONY: all ci bin dev dist cov test cover format vet ui static-assets tools