Previously `api-double` usage in ember would require a bunch of `fetch`
requests to pull in the 'api double', this had a number of disadvantages.
1. The doubles needed to be available via HTTP, which meant a short term
solution of rsyncing the double files over to `public` in order to be served
over HTTP. An alternative to that would have been figuring out how to serve
something straight from `node_modules`, which would have been preferable.
2. ember/testem would not serve dot files (so anything starting with a
., like `.config`. To solve this via ember/testem would have involved
digging in to understand how to enable the serving of dot files.
3. ember/testem automatically rewrote urls for non-existant files to
folders, i.e. adding a slash for you, so `/v1/connect/intentions` would
be rewritten to `/v1/connect/intentions/`. This is undesirable, and
solving this via ember/testem would have involved digging deep to
disable that.
Serving the files via HTTP has now changed. The double files are now
embedded into the HTML has 'embedded templates' that can be found by
using the url of the file and a simple `querySelector`. This of course
only happens during testing and means I can fully control the 'serving'
of the doubles now, so I can say goodbye to the need to move files
around, worry about the need to serve dotfiles and the undesirable
trailing slashes rewriting. Winner!
Find the files and embedding them is done using a straightforward
recursive-readdir-sync (the `content-for` functionality is a synchronous
api) as oppose to getting stuck into `broccoli`.
1. Use 'All Services (*)' as opposed to '*'
2. Set 'Destination' in teh same bold font as 'Source'
3. Ensure you can search for all services by using '*' or 'All Services
1. Listing, filtering by action and searching by source name and
destination name
2. Edit/Create page, edits ping the API double fine, need to work through
creates and deletes
3. Currently uses a `Precedence` intention keyname that doesn't yet
exist in the real API
1. Check the dc's model for both dcs list and the requested dc.
2. If the dc model doesn't exist use and empty array for dcs and a fake
dc with the Name 'Error' as we can't even trust what is in the