This commit moves our service list into a new presentational component,
and is therefore mainly just moving things around. The main thing moved
here is the logic required to resizing columns correctly is now moved to
a component instead of the controller
In a previous iteration of discovery-chain wrapping some event listeners
in a call to `next` (i.e. do this on next tick) was necessary. We added
a comment in here to see if we could get rid of it at a later date.
We've taken another look at this and it looks like this `next` is no
longer required in this later iteration. Further more there is the
tiniest chance that possibly, as we are adding listeners on next tick, that the
listeners could be added after component destruction, which means when
you click on the page we try to set a property of a destroyed object and
Removing this `next` removes this tiny possibility.
* ui: Remove custom css-vars 'polyfill' and use native CSS props
Previously we used a sort of polyfill for certain places where we needed
CSS property-like behavior. This meant duplicating code between JS and
CSS, specifically some of our SVG icons.
We moved to CSS props only in the places where they are beneficial and
populated the variables with our already existing SASS variables.
This means we no longer have to duplicate CSS and we can remove our
custom css-var helper/polyfill.
During the refactor of the data layer we had a method that you can use
to do a request/response call i.e. adapter.request > serializer.respond
We weren't sure what to name this but eventually wanted it to live on
the HTTPAdapter itself (see removed comments in the changeset)
We've decided `rpc` is a good name and we've moved this to where we want
it. We've deprecated the old `request` method name but not removed it as
yet. There's also opportunity now to reduce the 'read/write' functions
further as they essentially do the same thing. Again we've left this for
the moment, but we are hoping to get the code for our custom Adapter down
to less than 100 LoC.
When using namespaces, the 'default' namespace is a little special in
that we wanted the option for all our URLs to stay the same when using
namespaces if you are using the default namespace, with the option of
also being able to explicitly specify `~default` as a namespace.
In other words both `ui/services/service-name` and
`ui/~default/services/service-name` show the same thing.
This means that if you switch between OSS and Enterprise, all of your
URLs stay the same, but you can still specifically link to the default
namespace itself.
Our routing configuration is duplicated in order to achieve this:
- :dc
- :service
- :kv
- :edit
- :nspace
- :dc
- :service
- :kv
- :edit
Secondly, ember routing resolves/matches routes in the order that you specify
them, unless, its seems, when using wildcard routes, like we do in the
KV area.
When not using the wildcard routes the above routing configuration
resolves/matches a `/dc-1/kv/service` to the `dc.kv.edit` route correctly
(dc:dc-1, kv:services), that route having been configured in a higher
priority than the nspace routes.
However when configured with wildcards (required in the KV area), note
the asterisk below:
- :dc
- :kv
- *edit
- :nspace
- :dc
- :service
- :kv
- *edit
Given something like `/dc-1/kv/services` the router instead matches the
`nspace.dc.service` (nspace:dc-1, dc:kv, service:services) route first even
though the `dc.kv.edit` route should still match first.
Changing the `dc.kv.edit` route back to use a non-wildcard route
(:edit instead of *edit), returns the router to match the routes in the
correct order.
In order to work around this, we catch any incorrectly matched routes
(those being directed to the nspace Route but not having a `~`
character in the nspace parameter), and then recalculate the correct
route name and parameters. Lastly we use this recalculated route to
direct the user/app to the correct route.
This route recalcation requires walking up the route to gather up all of
the required route parameters, and although this feels like something
that could already exist in ember, it doesn't seem to. We had already
done a lot of this work a while ago when implementing our `href-mut`
helper. This commit therefore repurposes that work slighlty and externalizes
it outside of the helper itself into a more usable util so we can import
it where we need it. Tests have been added before refactoring it down
to make the code easier to follow.
This commit includes 2 things:
1. Sometimes (seemingly due to client caching), performance entries
aren't available, even for the currently executing script. This waits
until the first retrieval of 'CONSUL_HTTP_PROTOCOL' before using the
performance entries to decide this. This means that the entries aren't
inspected until ember has initialized, which means that the entries are
always available.
2. getCurrentResource/getResourceFor could potentially return undefined
if the correct entry could not be found. This adds a default {} return
value if the resource cannot be found. This means that if for whatever
reason the correct resource cannot be found at least we don't fail with
an error and just drop back to HTTP/1 functionality.
We need to detect whether an object is an ember-data snapshot or just a
plain object, and we where restricted from using `instanceof` due to
ember-data's `Snapshot` class being private.
We'd chosen to go with `` instead, which seemed to work,
but when the javascript gets minifed the name of the contructor is also
minified and therefore is not what you are expecting.
This commit reverts to our original idea of checking for the existence
and type of the `.attributes` function, which is the function we require
within the conditional, and therefore is more reliable (if the function
doesn't exist it will error out during development aswell as production)
Ember tries to reuse DOM elements when it can but as ember looks for
changes to objects rather than the DOM itself sometimes. This and the
fact that an objects identity may change even though its value hasn't,
results in ember occasionally re-mutating DOM when it doesn't need to.
The `each` helper includes a `key` attribute to hint to ember what it
should look for when deciding whether something has changed, rather than
the objects identity.
We use this here to fix an issue where DOM was being redrawn after the
user had scrolled the page and was therefore resetting the scroll back
to 0 (the top of the page)
* ui: Ensure configuration is passed through to findInstanceBySlug
Due to the addition of namespace support, this arguments passed to this
method have been increased. Whilst the nspace support continues ot work
here, the configuration for blocking queries is never passed through.
This results in a 2 second poll rather than a blocking query.
This commit fixes that
* ui: Add a basic test to check the number of arguments passed through
For URL maintenance reasons we store the last visited DC in
localStorage incase you come back to a page (for example settings) that
doesn't have a dc in the URL.
A problem arises here if the last DC you tried to visit is unreachable.
The first fix here clears out the last visited DC from localStorage if
the API has errored out.
Secondly, our `href-mut` helper which mutates the current current and
replaces 'parts' in the URL rather than the whole thing functioned by
detecting the current route/URL you are on an 'mutating' that. A problem
arose here as even though you might be on the `/ui/dc-1/services` URL the
actual route is the 'error' route which does not have a URL that can be
changed properly.
The second fix here uses over route.currentRouteName.
The latter is equal to error when an error occurs whereas the former gives you the name of the route before the error happened, which is actually what we want/the intent here.
ie. when `router.currentRouteName === 'error'` then
` === Name Of Route Before It Errored` it seems
* ui: Move tomography length check inside of the partial
Previously we checked the length of tomography.distances to decide
whether to show the RTT tab or not. Previous to our ember upgrade this
would not cause a DOM reload of so many elements (i.e. all of the tab
content). Since our ember upgrade, any change to tomography (so not
necessarily the length of distances) seems to fire a change to the length (even if
the length remains the same). The knock on effect of this is that the
array of tab panels seems to be recalculated (but remain the same) and
all of the tab panels are completely re-rendered, causing the scroll of
the page to be reset.
This commit moves the check for tomography.distance.length to the lower
down with the loop, which means the array of tab panels always remains
the same, which consequently means that the entire array of tab panels
is never re-rendered entirely, and therefore fixes the issue.
The WithEventSource mixin has a reset method when the Controller is
exited which will close any open EventSources/Blocking queries.
This adds it in for intentions
When connect is disabled the discovery-chain endpoint returns a 500
error status, which we previoulsy did not gracefully cope with.
This commit gracefully copes with any errors from the disco-chain
endpoint by supressing the error and hiding the Routing tab from the
Service detail page.
Acceptance test included
* ui: Ensure we use nonEmptySet everywhere where we add Namespace
We missed a coupld of places where we use the noEmptySet function, which
will only perform the set if the specified property is non-empty.
Currently we aren't certain there is a place in OSS where a Namespace
can make its way down via the API and endup being PUT/POSTed back out
again when saved. If this did ever happen we would assume it would be
the default namespace, but we add an extra check here to ensure we never
PUT/POST the Namespace property if Namespaces are disabled.
* ui: Add step/assertion for assert if a property is NOT set in the body
* ui: Improve updated/create acc testing for policy/token/roles:
Including making sure a Namespace property is never sent through if you
are running without namespace support
* ui: Make API integration tests aware of CONSUL_NSPACES_ENABLED
* ui: Allow passing CONSUL_NSPACES_ENABLED in via the cli in ember
* ui: Add more makefile targets/package scripts to switch NSPACEs on/off
* ui: Ensure all acceptance tests continue to pass with NSPACEs on/off
This required a little tweaking of the dictionary, at some point
page-navigation and some of these little tweaks will no longer be
* ui: Try running CI frontend tests in two parellel runs oss/ent
* ui: Use correct make target, use different names for the reports
We noticed that this relative positioning is not even applied when the CSS is
compiled/compressed. When looking via Web Inspector this style/selector
doesn't even appear even though it is in the CSS source.
This !important reduces the amount of selectors for this style rule,
which fixes the error, so potentially this isn't a specificity thing.
* ui: remove the default word when describing routes
* ui: Avoid mutating the chain and look for the default edges more safely
* ui: Use not null check instead of a truthy check for showing disco-chain
* ui: Upgrade consul-api-double for better disco-chain mocks/fixtures
* ui: always pass KV flags through on update
* ui: Integration test to prove the flags queryParams gets passed through
* ui: Add Flags to the KV updating acceptance tests
* Update search field placeholder to display `Search`
* Add an acceptance test to search node listings with node name and IP Address
* Update and add unit tests for filter/search node listing with IP Address
* Adds conditional in route to not make discovery-chain request if service kind is equal to `connect-proxy` or `mesh-gateway`
* Adds conditional in template to not show Routing tab if `chain` returns as null
* Creates a new acceptance test to test the Routing tab not being displayed for a service proxy
* Adds `tabs` to the services/show page object
* Adds an acceptance test for hiding Blocking Queries
* Creates a new scenario - If a user adds CONSUL_UI_DISABLE_REALTIME to localStorage, the Blocking Queries section is hidden.
* Updates page assertion to accept functions and booleans as properties
* ui: Fix "don't see" step to watch for the different pageObject error
ember-cli-page object seems to throw a an error with a different message
depending on how you call a function:
currentPage()[property]() // message = 'Element not found'
const prop = currentPage()[property];
prop() // message = 'Something about destructuring'
This changes the step/test/assertion to ensure we check for both types of errors
Co-authored-by: John Cowen <>
* ui: Fix typo expanded > ariaExpanded
* ui: Add the things we need to test this
* ui: Add tests for testing the menu closes when clicked
* ui: Ensure the aria-menu closes on route change
Previous to 1.7 splitter names didn't include the namespace name
i.e. 'service-name'
as of 1.7 they now include the namespace
i.e. 'service-name.namespace'
This commit take account of that
* ui: Discovery-Chain: Cope with redirects that have failovers
We found a few stranger configurations for discovery-chain, one of which
was redirects that can then failover.
We altered the parsing here to include 2 passes, one to organize the
nodes into resolvers and children/subsets based on the nodes themselves, which
includes adding the failovers to resolvers and subsets.
We then do a second pass which can more reliably figure out whether a
target is a redirect or a failover (target failovers don't have a
corresponding node), this then adds the redirect children to the already
exising resolver (from the first pass) and then checks if the redirect
also has failovers and adds those if so.
* ui: Check to see if we have a user configured default route or not
...if we don't add one so the visualization looks complete
* ui: Enable blocking queries/live updates for intentions
* ui: Add acceptance tests for intention blocking queries
* ui: Add copy to explain that intentions are also now 'real time'
When editing Nspaces, although you can assign policies to a nspace using
PolicyDefaults you cannot assign a Service Identity to a policy like you
can when adding a policy to a token.
This commit adds an extra attribute to our policy-form/policy-selector
component so you can disable this setting. At a later date we may change
this to have a conficgurable `<Slot />` instead.
Simple acceptance tests is included here
* ui: Acceptance test improvements to prepare for more NS tests
* ui: Namespace acceptance testing (#7005)
* Update api-double and consul-api-double for http.body
* Adds places where we missed passing the nspace through
* Hardcode nspace CRUD to use the default nspace for policies and roles
* Alter test helpers to allow us to control nspaces from the outside
* Amends to allow tests to account for namespace, move ns from queryParam
1. We decided to move how we pass the namespace value through to the
backend when performing write actions (create, update). Previoulsy we
were using the queryParam although using the post body is the preferred
method to send the Namespace details through to the backend.
2. Other various amends to take into account testing across multiple
namespaced scenarios
* Enable nspace testing by default
* Remove last few occurances of old style http assertions
We had informally 'deprecated' our old style of http assertions that
relied on the order of http calls (even though that order was not
important for the assertion). Following on from our namespace work we
removed the majority of the old occrances of these old style assertions.
This commit removes the remaining few, and also then cleans up the
assertions/http.js file to only include the ones we are using.
This reduces our available step count further and prevents any confusion
over the usage of the old types and the new types.
* ui: Namespace CRUD acceptance tests (#7016)
* Upgrade consul-api-double
* Add all the things required for testing:
1. edit and index page objects
2. enable CONSUL_NSPACE_COUNT cookie setting
3. enable mutating HTTP response bodies based on URL
* Add acceptance test for nspace edit/delete/list and searching
* ui: Change action-group to use new popup-menu component in intentions
* ui: Slight amends to aria-menu to prevent scrolling
* ui: Begin to use aria-menu/popover-menu for other elements
* Use a simpler, hackier method to fix up zIndexing
* ui: Implement new confirmation dialogs in other list views (#7080)
This includes another amend to the popover-menu in order to allow
mutiple confirmations/subpanels in the same popover menu.
The functionality added here to allow this is likely to change in the
* Reorganize resolvers so its clearer what's happening
* Use entire route definition for id
* Clean up a tiny bit more, use guid for ids instead of JSON
* ui: Externalize disco-chain utils and add initial unit testing
* Add some click outside-ness for de-highlighting things
* ui: Delete a bunch of CSS that we recently moved elsewhere
* ui: Add some masking placeholders
* Switch out hashicorp logo for one from structure-icons
* Change copy-button to use new copy-action icon
* Change secret-button to use new visibility-hide/show icons
* New folder icon for KVs
* Cleanup some of the icons we no longer use
* Switch from %with-exit to standard-like %with-exit-icon
* Move all chevrons to use structure-icons properly
* Use star-fill as much as possible
* Remove the remaining icons from icons/index plus the file itself
* Change all instances of yield/block-slots to use attributes over positional arguments
* Remove the ability to use yield/block-slots with positional params
* Remove empty init
* Actually make the disco chain endpoint send the nspace, note:
The backend doesn't support this as yet.
* Tweak the font size of flash-messages ever so slightly
* Make sure the nspace menu is kept up to date when creating a new one
* Move comment to the correct place
* Only refresh the namespace menu if you specifically created a nspace
* Change FIXMEs to TODOs as we are happy for these to wait until later
* Add data layer for discovery chain (model/adapter/serializer/repo)
* Add routing plus template for routing tab
* Add extra deps - consul-api-double upgrade plus ngraph for graphing
* Add discovery-chain and related components and helpers:
1. discovery-chain to orchestrate/view controller
2. route-card, splitter-card, resolver card to represent the 3 different
node types.
3. route-match helper for easy formatting of route rules
4. dom-position to figure out where things are in order to draw lines
5. svg-curve, simple wrapper around svg's <path d=""> attribute format.
6. data-structs service. This isn't super required but we are using
other data-structures provided by other third party npm modules in other
yet to be merged PRs. All of these types of things will live here for
easy access/injection/changability
7. Some additions to our css-var 'polyfill' for a couple of extra needed
* Related CSS for discovery chain
1. We add a %card base component here, eventually this will go into our
base folder and %stats-card will also use it for a base component.
2. New icon for failovers
* ui: Discovery Chain Continued (#6939)
1. Add in the things we use for the animations
2 Use IntersectionObserver so we know when the tab is visible,
otherwise the dom-position helper won't work as the dom elements don't
have any display.
3. Add some base work for animations and use them a little
4. Try to detect if a resolver is a redirect. Right now this works for
datacenters and namespaces, but it can't work for services and subsets -
we are awaiting backend support for doing this properly.
5. Add a fake 'this service has no routes' route that says 'Default'
6. redirect icon
7. Add CSS.escape polyfill for Edge
Adds namespace support to the UI:
1. Namespace CRUD/management
2. Show Namespace in relevant areas (intentions, upstreams)
3. Main navigation bar improvements
4. Logic/integration to interact with a new `internal/acl/authorize` endpoint
We've had a set of %placeholders in our base styles for quite a while
but not butten the bullet to use them. This begins to use them.
We had to make a small amount of tweaks to base whilst doing this, but
its as we'd prefer there to be as few font placeholders as possible. We
might/should be able to reduce these further at somepoint, or
potentially rename them. We currently have six header fonts (or 4 header
fonts/2 strong body fonts) and 3 body fonts.
We also noticed an empty CSS file and deleted that while we were here.
We also noticed that the bottom border of structure tabs was a pixel
larger than ours so we tweaked that here also.