From bdd066425c819bb46b472a3aa4edd99d52e7bd21 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Mike Wickett Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2018 11:26:35 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] Adds small polyfill for classlist because IE does not support it on SVG elements --- .../javascripts/consul-connect/vendor/classlist-polyfill.min.js | 2 ++ website/source/layouts/layout.erb | 1 + 2 files changed, 3 insertions(+) create mode 100644 website/source/assets/javascripts/consul-connect/vendor/classlist-polyfill.min.js diff --git a/website/source/assets/javascripts/consul-connect/vendor/classlist-polyfill.min.js b/website/source/assets/javascripts/consul-connect/vendor/classlist-polyfill.min.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d866a30462 --- /dev/null +++ b/website/source/assets/javascripts/consul-connect/vendor/classlist-polyfill.min.js @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +/*! @source */ +"document" in self && ("classList" in document.createElement("_") && (!document.createElementNS || "classList" in document.createElementNS("", "g")) || !function (t) { "use strict"; if ("Element" in t) { var e = "classList", n = "prototype", i = t.Element[n], s = Object, r = String[n].trim || function () { return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "") }, o = Array[n].indexOf || function (t) { for (var e = 0, n = this.length; n > e; e++)if (e in this && this[e] === t) return e; return -1 }, c = function (t, e) { = t, this.code = DOMException[t], this.message = e }, a = function (t, e) { if ("" === e) throw new c("SYNTAX_ERR", "The token must not be empty."); if (/\s/.test(e)) throw new c("INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR", "The token must not contain space characters."); return, e) }, l = function (t) { for (var e ="class") || ""), n = e ? e.split(/\s+/) : [], i = 0, s = n.length; s > i; i++)this.push(n[i]); this._updateClassName = function () { t.setAttribute("class", this.toString()) } }, u = l[n] = [], h = function () { return new l(this) }; if (c[n] = Error[n], u.item = function (t) { return this[t] || null }, u.contains = function (t) { return ~a(this, t + "") }, u.add = function () { var t, e = arguments, n = 0, i = e.length, s = !1; do t = e[n] + "", ~a(this, t) || (this.push(t), s = !0); while (++n < i); s && this._updateClassName() }, u.remove = function () { var t, e, n = arguments, i = 0, s = n.length, r = !1; do for (t = n[i] + "", e = a(this, t); ~e;)this.splice(e, 1), r = !0, e = a(this, t); while (++i < s); r && this._updateClassName() }, u.toggle = function (t, e) { var n = this.contains(t), i = n ? e !== !0 && "remove" : e !== !1 && "add"; return i && this[i](t), e === !0 || e === !1 ? e : !n }, u.replace = function (t, e) { var n = a(t + ""); ~n && (this.splice(n, 1, e), this._updateClassName()) }, u.toString = function () { return this.join(" ") }, s.defineProperty) { var f = { get: h, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 }; try { s.defineProperty(i, e, f) } catch (p) { void 0 !== p.number && -2146823252 !== p.number || (f.enumerable = !1, s.defineProperty(i, e, f)) } } else s[n].__defineGetter__ && i.__defineGetter__(e, h) } }(self), function () { "use strict"; var t = document.createElement("_"); if (t.classList.add("c1", "c2"), !t.classList.contains("c2")) { var e = function (t) { var e = DOMTokenList.prototype[t]; DOMTokenList.prototype[t] = function (t) { var n, i = arguments.length; for (n = 0; i > n; n++)t = arguments[n],, t) } }; e("add"), e("remove") } if (t.classList.toggle("c3", !1), t.classList.contains("c3")) { var n = DOMTokenList.prototype.toggle; DOMTokenList.prototype.toggle = function (t, e) { return 1 in arguments && !this.contains(t) == !e ? e :, t) } } "replace" in document.createElement("_").classList || (DOMTokenList.prototype.replace = function (t, e) { var n = this.toString().split(" "), i = n.indexOf(t + ""); ~i && (n = n.slice(i), this.remove.apply(this, n), this.add(e), this.add.apply(this, n.slice(1))) }), t = null }()); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/website/source/layouts/layout.erb b/website/source/layouts/layout.erb index c06221c06b..f96d9a60f3 100644 --- a/website/source/layouts/layout.erb +++ b/website/source/layouts/layout.erb @@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ <%= javascript_include_tag "consul-connect/vendor/intersection-observer-polyfill", defer: true %> <%= javascript_include_tag "consul-connect/vendor/siema.min", defer: true %> + <%= javascript_include_tag "consul-connect/vendor/classlist-polyfill.min", defer: true %> <%= javascript_include_tag "application", defer: true %>