mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 06:10:44 +00:00
Pass the Config and TLS Configurator into the AutoConfig constructor
This is instead of having the AutoConfigBackend interface provide functions for retrieving them. NOTE: the config is not reloadable. For now this is fine as we don’t look at any reloadable fields. If that changes then we should provide a way to make it reloadable.
This commit is contained in:
@ -80,27 +80,34 @@ func (a *jwtAuthorizer) Authorize(req *agentpb.AutoConfigRequest) (AutoConfigOpt
type AutoConfigBackend interface {
GetConfig() *Config
CreateACLToken(template *structs.ACLToken) (*structs.ACLToken, error)
DatacenterJoinAddresses(segment string) ([]string, error)
TLSConfigurator() *tlsutil.Configurator
ForwardRPC(method string, info structs.RPCInfo, args, reply interface{}) (bool, error)
// AutoConfig endpoint is used for cluster auto configuration operations
type AutoConfig struct {
// currently AutoConfig does not support pushing down any configuration that would be reloadable on the servers
// (outside of some TLS settings such as the configured CA certs which are retrieved via the TLS configurator)
// If that changes then we will need to change this to use an atomic.Value and provide means of reloading it.
config *Config
tlsConfigurator *tlsutil.Configurator
backend AutoConfigBackend
authorizer AutoConfigAuthorizer
// getBackendConfig is a small wrapper around the backend's GetConfig to ensure
// that all helper functions have a non-nil configuration to operate on.
func (ac *AutoConfig) getBackendConfig() *Config {
if conf := ac.backend.GetConfig(); conf != nil {
return conf
func NewAutoConfig(conf *Config, tlsConfigurator *tlsutil.Configurator, backend AutoConfigBackend, authz AutoConfigAuthorizer) *AutoConfig {
if conf == nil {
conf = DefaultConfig()
return DefaultConfig()
return &AutoConfig{
config: conf,
tlsConfigurator: tlsConfigurator,
backend: backend,
authorizer: authz,
// updateTLSCertificatesInConfig will ensure that the TLS settings regarding how an agent is
@ -108,28 +115,26 @@ func (ac *AutoConfig) getBackendConfig() *Config {
// in some cases only if auto_encrypt is enabled on the servers. This endpoint has the option
// to configure auto_encrypt or potentially in the future to generate the certificates inline.
func (ac *AutoConfig) updateTLSCertificatesInConfig(opts AutoConfigOptions, conf *config.Config) error {
conf.AutoEncrypt = &config.AutoEncrypt{TLS: ac.getBackendConfig().AutoEncryptAllowTLS}
conf.AutoEncrypt = &config.AutoEncrypt{TLS: ac.config.AutoEncryptAllowTLS}
return nil
// updateACLtokensInConfig will configure all of the agents ACL settings and will populate
// the configuration with an agent token usable for all default agent operations.
func (ac *AutoConfig) updateACLsInConfig(opts AutoConfigOptions, conf *config.Config) error {
backendConf := ac.getBackendConfig()
acl := &config.ACL{
Enabled: backendConf.ACLsEnabled,
PolicyTTL: backendConf.ACLPolicyTTL.String(),
RoleTTL: backendConf.ACLRoleTTL.String(),
TokenTTL: backendConf.ACLTokenTTL.String(),
DisabledTTL: backendConf.ACLDisabledTTL.String(),
DownPolicy: backendConf.ACLDownPolicy,
DefaultPolicy: backendConf.ACLDefaultPolicy,
EnableKeyListPolicy: backendConf.ACLEnableKeyListPolicy,
Enabled: ac.config.ACLsEnabled,
PolicyTTL: ac.config.ACLPolicyTTL.String(),
RoleTTL: ac.config.ACLRoleTTL.String(),
TokenTTL: ac.config.ACLTokenTTL.String(),
DisabledTTL: ac.config.ACLDisabledTTL.String(),
DownPolicy: ac.config.ACLDownPolicy,
DefaultPolicy: ac.config.ACLDefaultPolicy,
EnableKeyListPolicy: ac.config.ACLEnableKeyListPolicy,
// when ACLs are enabled we want to create a local token with a node identity
if backendConf.ACLsEnabled {
if ac.config.ACLsEnabled {
// set up the token template - the ids and create
template := structs.ACLToken{
Description: fmt.Sprintf("Auto Config Token for Node %q", opts.NodeName),
@ -137,7 +142,7 @@ func (ac *AutoConfig) updateACLsInConfig(opts AutoConfigOptions, conf *config.Co
NodeIdentities: []*structs.ACLNodeIdentity{
NodeName: opts.NodeName,
Datacenter: backendConf.Datacenter,
Datacenter: ac.config.Datacenter,
EnterpriseMeta: *structs.DefaultEnterpriseMeta(),
@ -148,16 +153,6 @@ func (ac *AutoConfig) updateACLsInConfig(opts AutoConfigOptions, conf *config.Co
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to generate an ACL token for node %q - %w", opts.NodeName, err)
// req := structs.ACLTokenBatchSetRequest{
// Tokens: structs.ACLTokens{&token},
// CAS: false,
// }
// // perform the request to mint the new token
// if _, err := c.srv.raftApplyMsgpack(structs.ACLTokenSetRequestType, &req); err != nil {
// return err
// }
acl.Tokens = &config.ACLTokens{Agent: token.SecretID}
@ -173,14 +168,6 @@ func (ac *AutoConfig) updateJoinAddressesInConfig(opts AutoConfigOptions, conf *
return err
// var joinAddrs []string
// for _, m := range members {
// if ok, _ := metadata.IsConsulServer(m); ok {
// serfAddr := net.TCPAddr{IP: m.Addr, Port: int(m.Port)}
// joinAddrs = append(joinAddrs, serfAddr.String())
// }
// }
if conf.Gossip == nil {
conf.Gossip = &config.Gossip{}
@ -192,7 +179,7 @@ func (ac *AutoConfig) updateJoinAddressesInConfig(opts AutoConfigOptions, conf *
// updateGossipEncryptionInConfig will populate the gossip encryption configuration settings
func (ac *AutoConfig) updateGossipEncryptionInConfig(_ AutoConfigOptions, conf *config.Config) error {
// Add gossip encryption settings if there is any key loaded
memberlistConfig := ac.getBackendConfig().SerfLANConfig.MemberlistConfig
memberlistConfig := ac.config.SerfLANConfig.MemberlistConfig
if lanKeyring := memberlistConfig.Keyring; lanKeyring != nil {
if conf.Gossip == nil {
conf.Gossip = &config.Gossip{}
@ -216,8 +203,7 @@ func (ac *AutoConfig) updateGossipEncryptionInConfig(_ AutoConfigOptions, conf *
// updateTLSSettingsInConfig will populate the TLS configuration settings but will not
// populate leaf or ca certficiates.
func (ac *AutoConfig) updateTLSSettingsInConfig(_ AutoConfigOptions, conf *config.Config) error {
tlsConfigurator := ac.backend.TLSConfigurator()
if tlsConfigurator == nil {
if ac.tlsConfigurator == nil {
// TLS is not enabled?
return nil
@ -227,8 +213,8 @@ func (ac *AutoConfig) updateTLSSettingsInConfig(_ AutoConfigOptions, conf *confi
conf.TLS = &config.TLS{}
conf.TLS.VerifyServerHostname = tlsConfigurator.VerifyServerHostname()
base := tlsConfigurator.Base()
conf.TLS.VerifyServerHostname = ac.tlsConfigurator.VerifyServerHostname()
base := ac.tlsConfigurator.Base()
conf.TLS.VerifyOutgoing = base.VerifyOutgoing
conf.TLS.MinVersion = base.TLSMinVersion
conf.TLS.PreferServerCipherSuites = base.PreferServerCipherSuites
@ -241,14 +227,12 @@ func (ac *AutoConfig) updateTLSSettingsInConfig(_ AutoConfigOptions, conf *confi
// baseConfig will populate the configuration with some base settings such as the
// datacenter names, node name etc.
func (ac *AutoConfig) baseConfig(opts AutoConfigOptions, conf *config.Config) error {
backendConf := ac.getBackendConfig()
if opts.NodeName == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("Cannot generate auto config response without a node name")
conf.Datacenter = backendConf.Datacenter
conf.PrimaryDatacenter = backendConf.PrimaryDatacenter
conf.Datacenter = ac.config.Datacenter
conf.PrimaryDatacenter = ac.config.PrimaryDatacenter
conf.NodeName = opts.NodeName
conf.SegmentName = opts.SegmentName
@ -274,19 +258,22 @@ var (
// AgentAutoConfig will authorize the incoming request and then generate the configuration
// to push down to the client
func (ac *AutoConfig) InitialConfiguration(req *agentpb.AutoConfigRequest, resp *agentpb.AutoConfigResponse) error {
backendConf := ac.getBackendConfig()
// default the datacenter to our datacenter - agents do not have to specify this as they may not
// yet know the datacenter name they are going to be in.
if req.Datacenter == "" {
req.Datacenter = backendConf.Datacenter
req.Datacenter = ac.config.Datacenter
// TODO (autoconf) Is performing auto configuration over the WAN really a bad idea?
if req.Datacenter != backendConf.Datacenter {
if req.Datacenter != ac.config.Datacenter {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid datacenter %q - agent auto configuration cannot target a remote datacenter", req.Datacenter)
// TODO (autoconf) maybe panic instead?
if ac.backend == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("No Auto Config backend is configured")
// forward to the leader
if done, err := ac.backend.ForwardRPC("AutoConfig.InitialConfiguration", req, req, resp); done {
return err
@ -29,13 +29,6 @@ type mockAutoConfigBackend struct {
func (m *mockAutoConfigBackend) GetConfig() *Config {
ret := m.Called()
// this handles converting an untyped nil to a typed nil
cfg, _ := ret.Get(0).(*Config)
return cfg
func (m *mockAutoConfigBackend) CreateACLToken(template *structs.ACLToken) (*structs.ACLToken, error) {
ret := m.Called(template)
// this handles converting an untyped nil to a typed nil
@ -50,13 +43,6 @@ func (m *mockAutoConfigBackend) DatacenterJoinAddresses(segment string) ([]strin
return addrs, ret.Error(1)
func (m *mockAutoConfigBackend) TLSConfigurator() *tlsutil.Configurator {
ret := m.Called()
// this handles converting an untyped nil to a typed nil
cfg, _ := ret.Get(0).(*tlsutil.Configurator)
return cfg
func (m *mockAutoConfigBackend) ForwardRPC(method string, info structs.RPCInfo, args, reply interface{}) (bool, error) {
ret := m.Called(method, info, args, reply)
return ret.Bool(0), ret.Error(1)
@ -315,11 +301,8 @@ func TestAutoConfig_baseConfig(t *testing.T) {
for name, tcase := range cases {
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
backend := &mockAutoConfigBackend{}
ac := AutoConfig{
backend: backend,
config: &tcase.serverConfig,
var actual config.Config
@ -330,8 +313,6 @@ func TestAutoConfig_baseConfig(t *testing.T) {
} else {
testutil.RequireErrorContains(t, err, tcase.err)
@ -406,19 +387,14 @@ func TestAutoConfig_updateTLSSettingsInConfig(t *testing.T) {
configurator, err := tlsutil.NewConfigurator(tcase.tlsConfig, logger)
require.NoError(t, err)
backend := &mockAutoConfigBackend{}
ac := &AutoConfig{
backend: backend,
tlsConfigurator: configurator,
var actual config.Config
err = ac.updateTLSSettingsInConfig(AutoConfigOptions{}, &actual)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, tcase.expected, actual)
@ -483,19 +459,14 @@ func TestAutoConfig_updateGossipEncryptionInConfig(t *testing.T) {
cfg := DefaultConfig()
cfg.SerfLANConfig.MemberlistConfig = &tcase.conf
backend := &mockAutoConfigBackend{}
ac := AutoConfig{
backend: backend,
config: cfg,
var actual config.Config
err := ac.updateGossipEncryptionInConfig(AutoConfigOptions{}, &actual)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, tcase.expected, actual)
@ -529,19 +500,14 @@ func TestAutoConfig_updateTLSCertificatesInConfig(t *testing.T) {
for name, tcase := range cases {
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
backend := &mockAutoConfigBackend{}
ac := AutoConfig{
backend: backend,
config: &tcase.serverConfig,
var actual config.Config
err := ac.updateTLSCertificatesInConfig(AutoConfigOptions{}, &actual)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, tcase.expected, actual)
@ -632,8 +598,6 @@ func TestAutoConfig_updateACLsInConfig(t *testing.T) {
for name, tcase := range cases {
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
backend := &mockAutoConfigBackend{}
expectedTemplate := &structs.ACLToken{
Description: `Auto Config Token for Node "something"`,
Local: true,
@ -664,7 +628,7 @@ func TestAutoConfig_updateACLsInConfig(t *testing.T) {
backend.On("CreateACLToken", expectedTemplate).Return(testToken, tcase.err).Once()
ac := AutoConfig{backend: backend}
ac := AutoConfig{config: &tcase.config, backend: backend}
var actual config.Config
err := ac.updateACLsInConfig(AutoConfigOptions{NodeName: "something"}, &actual)
@ -876,7 +876,7 @@ func (s *Server) setupRPC() error {
authz = &disabledAuthorizer{}
// now register with the insecure RPC server
s.insecureRPCServer.Register(&AutoConfig{backend: s, authorizer: authz})
s.insecureRPCServer.Register(NewAutoConfig(s.config, s.tlsConfigurator, s, authz))
ln, err := net.ListenTCP("tcp", s.config.RPCAddr)
if err != nil {
@ -1502,18 +1502,6 @@ func (s *Server) DatacenterJoinAddresses(segment string) ([]string, error) {
return joinAddrs, nil
// GetConfig will return the servers configuration - this is needed to satisfy
// interfaces: AutoConfigDelegate
func (s *Server) GetConfig() *Config {
return s.config
// TLSConfigurator just returns the servers TLS Configurator - this is needed to satisfy
// interfaces: AutoConfigDelegate
func (s *Server) TLSConfigurator() *tlsutil.Configurator {
return s.tlsConfigurator
// peersInfoContent is used to help operators understand what happened to the
// peers.json file. This is written to a file called peers.info in the same
// location.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user