mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 22:30:43 +00:00
@ -66,13 +66,6 @@ BUILD_CONTAINER_NAME?=consul-builder
# CI Variables #
CONSUL_VERSION?=$(shell cat version/VERSION)
@ -153,23 +146,27 @@ ifdef SKIP_DOCKER_BUILD
all: dev-build
##@ Build
.PHONY: all
all: dev-build ## Command running by default
# used to make integration dependencies conditional
noop: ;
# dev creates binaries for testing locally - these are put into ./bin
dev: dev-build
.PHONY: dev
dev: dev-build ## Dev creates binaries for testing locally - these are put into ./bin
.PHONY: dev-build
dev-build: ## Same as dev
mkdir -p bin
CGO_ENABLED=0 go install -ldflags "$(GOLDFLAGS)" -tags "$(GOTAGS)"
# rm needed due to signature caching (https://apple.stackexchange.com/a/428388)
rm -f ./bin/consul
cp ${MAIN_GOPATH}/bin/consul ./bin/consul
dev-docker-dbg: dev-docker
.PHONY: dev-docker-dbg
dev-docker-dbg: dev-docker ## Build containers for debug mode
@echo "Pulling consul container image - $(CONSUL_IMAGE_VERSION)"
@docker pull hashicorp/consul:$(CONSUL_IMAGE_VERSION) >/dev/null
@echo "Building Consul Development container - $(CONSUL_DEV_IMAGE)"
@ -181,7 +178,8 @@ dev-docker-dbg: dev-docker
--load \
-f $(CURDIR)/build-support/docker/Consul-Dev-Dbg.dockerfile $(CURDIR)/pkg/bin/
dev-docker: linux dev-build
.PHONY: dev-docker
dev-docker: linux dev-build ## Build and tag docker images in dev env
@echo "Pulling consul container image - $(CONSUL_IMAGE_VERSION)"
@docker pull hashicorp/consul:$(CONSUL_IMAGE_VERSION) >/dev/null
@echo "Building Consul Development container - $(CONSUL_DEV_IMAGE)"
@ -196,12 +194,14 @@ dev-docker: linux dev-build
-f $(CURDIR)/build-support/docker/Consul-Dev-Multiarch.dockerfile $(CURDIR)/pkg/bin/
docker tag 'consul:local' '$(CONSUL_COMPAT_TEST_IMAGE):local'
.PHONY: check-remote-dev-image-env
check-remote-dev-image-env: ## Check remote dev image env
$(error REMOTE_DEV_IMAGE is undefined: set this image to <your_docker_repo>/<your_docker_image>:<image_tag>, e.g. hashicorp/consul-k8s-dev:latest)
remote-docker: check-remote-dev-image-env
.PHONY: remote-docker
remote-docker: check-remote-dev-image-env ## Remote docker
$(MAKE) GOARCH=amd64 linux
$(MAKE) GOARCH=arm64 linux
@echo "Pulling consul container image - $(CONSUL_IMAGE_VERSION)"
@ -218,36 +218,58 @@ remote-docker: check-remote-dev-image-env
--push \
-f $(CURDIR)/build-support/docker/Consul-Dev-Multiarch.dockerfile $(CURDIR)/pkg/bin/
# In CI, the linux binary will be attached from a previous step at bin/. This make target
# should only run in CI and not locally.
@echo "Pulling consul container image - $(CONSUL_IMAGE_VERSION)"
@docker pull hashicorp/consul:$(CONSUL_IMAGE_VERSION) >/dev/null
@echo "Building Consul Development container - $(CI_DEV_DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME)"
$(CI_DEV_DOCKER_WORKDIR) -f $(CURDIR)/build-support/docker/Consul-Dev.dockerfile
@echo $(DOCKER_PASS) | docker login -u="$(DOCKER_USER)" --password-stdin
@echo "Pushing dev image to: https://cloud.docker.com/u/hashicorpdev/repository/docker/hashicorpdev/consul"
ifeq ($(CIRCLE_BRANCH), main)
# linux builds a linux binary compatible with the source platform
linux: ## Linux builds a linux binary compatible with the source platform
@mkdir -p ./pkg/bin/linux_$(GOARCH)
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=$(GOARCH) go build -o ./pkg/bin/linux_$(GOARCH) -ldflags "$(GOLDFLAGS)" -tags "$(GOTAGS)"
# dist builds binaries for all platforms and packages them for distribution
@$(SHELL) $(CURDIR)/build-support/scripts/release.sh -t '$(DIST_TAG)' -b '$(DIST_BUILD)' -S '$(DIST_SIGN)' $(DIST_VERSION_ARG) $(DIST_DATE_ARG) $(DIST_REL_ARG)
.PHONY: go-mod-tidy
go-mod-tidy: $(foreach mod,$(GO_MODULES),go-mod-tidy/$(mod)) ## Run go mod tidy in every module
cover: cov
.PHONY: mod-tidy/%
@echo "--> Running go mod tidy ($*)"
@cd $* && go mod tidy
##@ Checks
.PHONY: fmt
fmt: $(foreach mod,$(GO_MODULES),fmt/$(mod)) ## Format go modules
.PHONY: fmt/%
@echo "--> Running go fmt ($*)"
@cd $* && gofmt -s -l -w .
.PHONY: lint
lint: $(foreach mod,$(GO_MODULES),lint/$(mod)) lint-container-test-deps ## Lint go modules and test deps
.PHONY: lint/%
@echo "--> Running golangci-lint ($*)"
@cd $* && GOWORK=off golangci-lint run --build-tags '$(GOTAGS)'
@echo "--> Running lint-consul-retry ($*)"
@cd $* && GOWORK=off lint-consul-retry
@echo "--> Running enumcover ($*)"
@cd $* && GOWORK=off enumcover ./...
# check that the test-container module only imports allowlisted packages
# from the root consul module. Generally we don't want to allow these imports.
# In a few specific instances though it is okay to import test definitions and
# helpers from some of the packages in the root module.
.PHONY: lint-container-test-deps
lint-container-test-deps: ## Check that the test-container module only imports allowlisted packages from the root consul module.
@echo "--> Checking container tests for bad dependencies"
@cd test/integration/consul-container && \
$(CURDIR)/build-support/scripts/check-allowed-imports.sh \
github.com/hashicorp/consul \
##@ Testing
.PHONY: cover
cover: cov ## Run tests and generate coverage report
.PHONY: cov
cov: other-consul dev-build
go test -tags '$(GOTAGS)' ./... -coverprofile=coverage.out
cd sdk && go test -tags '$(GOTAGS)' ./... -coverprofile=../coverage.sdk.part
@ -256,17 +278,11 @@ cov: other-consul dev-build
rm -f coverage.{sdk,api}.part
go tool cover -html=coverage.out
.PHONY: test
test: other-consul dev-build lint test-internal
.PHONY: go-mod-tidy
go-mod-tidy: $(foreach mod,$(GO_MODULES),go-mod-tidy/$(mod))
.PHONY: mod-tidy/%
@echo "--> Running go mod tidy ($*)"
@cd $* && go mod tidy
.PHONY: test-internal
test-internal: ## Test internal
@echo "--> Running go test"
@rm -f test.log exit-code
@# Dump verbose output to test.log so we can surface test names on failure but
@ -295,159 +311,43 @@ test-internal:
@grep '^FAIL' test.log || true
@if [ "$$(cat exit-code)" == "0" ] ; then echo "PASS" ; exit 0 ; else exit 1 ; fi
test-all: other-consul dev-build lint $(foreach mod,$(GO_MODULES),test-module/$(mod))
.PHONY: test-all
test-all: other-consul dev-build lint $(foreach mod,$(GO_MODULES),test-module/$(mod)) ## Test all
.PHONY: test-module/%
@echo "--> Running go test ($*)"
cd $* && go test $(GOTEST_FLAGS) -tags '$(GOTAGS)' ./...
.PHONY: test-race
test-race: ## Test race
test-docker: linux go-build-image
@# -ti run in the foreground showing stdout
@# --rm removes the container once its finished running
@# GO_MODCACHE_VOL - args for mapping in the go module cache
@# GO_BUILD_CACHE_VOL - args for mapping in the go build cache
@# All the env vars are so we pass through all the relevant bits of information
@# Needed for running the tests
@# We map in our local linux_amd64 bin directory as thats where the linux dep
@# target dropped the binary. We could build the binary in the container too
@# but that might take longer as caching gets weird
@# Lastly we map the source dir here to the /consul workdir
@echo "Running tests within a docker container"
@docker run -ti --rm \
-v $(MAIN_GOPATH)/bin/linux_amd64/:/go/bin \
-v $(shell pwd):/consul \
make test-internal
.PHONY: other-consul
other-consul: ## Checking for other consul instances
@echo "--> Checking for other consul instances"
@if ps -ef | grep 'consul agent' | grep -v grep ; then \
echo "Found other running consul agents. This may affect your tests." ; \
exit 1 ; \
.PHONY: fmt
fmt: $(foreach mod,$(GO_MODULES),fmt/$(mod))
.PHONY: fmt/%
@echo "--> Running go fmt ($*)"
@cd $* && gofmt -s -l -w .
.PHONY: lint
lint: $(foreach mod,$(GO_MODULES),lint/$(mod)) lint-container-test-deps
.PHONY: lint/%
@echo "--> Running golangci-lint ($*)"
@cd $* && GOWORK=off golangci-lint run --build-tags '$(GOTAGS)'
@echo "--> Running lint-consul-retry ($*)"
@cd $* && GOWORK=off lint-consul-retry
@echo "--> Running enumcover ($*)"
@cd $* && GOWORK=off enumcover ./...
# check that the test-container module only imports allowlisted packages
# from the root consul module. Generally we don't want to allow these imports.
# In a few specific instances though it is okay to import test definitions and
# helpers from some of the packages in the root module.
.PHONY: lint-container-test-deps
@echo "--> Checking container tests for bad dependencies"
@cd test/integration/consul-container && \
$(CURDIR)/build-support/scripts/check-allowed-imports.sh \
github.com/hashicorp/consul \
# Build the static web ui inside a Docker container. For local testing only; do not commit these assets.
ui: ui-docker
# Build the static web ui with yarn. This is the version to commit.
.PHONY: ui-regen
cd $(CURDIR)/ui && make && cd ..
rm -rf $(CURDIR)/agent/uiserver/dist
mv $(CURDIR)/ui/packages/consul-ui/dist $(CURDIR)/agent/uiserver/
@$(SHELL) $(CURDIR)/build-support/scripts/devtools.sh
.PHONY: lint-tools
@$(SHELL) $(CURDIR)/build-support/scripts/devtools.sh -lint
.PHONY: proto-tools
@$(SHELL) $(CURDIR)/build-support/scripts/devtools.sh -protobuf
.PHONY: codegen-tools
@$(SHELL) $(CURDIR)/build-support/scripts/devtools.sh -codegen
.PHONY: deep-copy
deep-copy: codegen-tools
@$(SHELL) $(CURDIR)/agent/structs/deep-copy.sh
@$(SHELL) $(CURDIR)/agent/proxycfg/deep-copy.sh
@$(SHELL) $(CURDIR)/agent/consul/state/deep-copy.sh
@echo -n "Version: "
@$(SHELL) $(CURDIR)/build-support/scripts/version.sh
@echo -n "Version + release: "
@$(SHELL) $(CURDIR)/build-support/scripts/version.sh -r
@echo -n "Version + git: "
@$(SHELL) $(CURDIR)/build-support/scripts/version.sh -g
@echo -n "Version + release + git: "
@$(SHELL) $(CURDIR)/build-support/scripts/version.sh -r -g
docker-images: go-build-image ui-build-image
@echo "Building Golang build container"
@docker build $(NOCACHE) $(QUIET) -t $(GO_BUILD_TAG) - < build-support/docker/Build-Go.dockerfile
@echo "Building UI build container"
@docker build $(NOCACHE) $(QUIET) -t $(UI_BUILD_TAG) - < build-support/docker/Build-UI.dockerfile
# Builds consul in a docker container and then dumps executable into ./pkg/bin/...
consul-docker: go-build-image
@$(SHELL) $(CURDIR)/build-support/scripts/build-docker.sh consul
ui-docker: ui-build-image
@$(SHELL) $(CURDIR)/build-support/scripts/build-docker.sh ui
# Build image used to run integration tests locally.
$(MAKE) GOARCH=amd64 linux
docker build \
--platform linux/amd64 $(NOCACHE) $(QUIET) \
-t 'consul:local' \
$(CURDIR)/pkg/bin/linux_amd64 \
-f $(CURDIR)/build-support/docker/Consul-Dev.dockerfile
# Run integration tests.
# Use GO_TEST_FLAGS to run specific tests:
# make test-envoy-integ GO_TEST_FLAGS="-run TestEnvoy/case-basic"
# NOTE: Always uses amd64 images, even when running on M1 macs, to match CI/CD environment.
test-envoy-integ: $(ENVOY_INTEG_DEPS)
.PHONY: test-envoy-integ
test-envoy-integ: $(ENVOY_INTEG_DEPS) ## Run integration tests.
@go test -v -timeout=30m -tags integration $(GO_TEST_FLAGS) ./test/integration/connect/envoy
# NOTE: Use DOCKER_BUILDKIT=0, if docker build fails to resolve consul:local base image
.PHONY: test-compat-integ-setup
test-compat-integ-setup: dev-docker
@docker tag consul-dev:latest $(CONSUL_COMPAT_TEST_IMAGE):local
@docker run --rm -t $(CONSUL_COMPAT_TEST_IMAGE):local consul version
@# 'consul-envoy:target-version' is needed by compatibility integ test
@docker build -t consul-envoy:target-version --build-arg CONSUL_IMAGE=$(CONSUL_COMPAT_TEST_IMAGE):local --build-arg ENVOY_VERSION=${ENVOY_VERSION} -f ./test/integration/consul-container/assets/Dockerfile-consul-envoy ./test/integration/consul-container/assets
.PHONY: test-compat-integ
test-compat-integ: test-compat-integ-setup
test-compat-integ: test-compat-integ-setup ## Test compat integ
ifeq ("$(GOTESTSUM_PATH)","")
@cd ./test/integration/consul-container && \
go test \
@ -476,16 +376,8 @@ else
--latest-version latest
# NOTE: Use DOCKER_BUILDKIT=0, if docker build fails to resolve consul:local base image
.PHONY: test-compat-integ-setup
test-compat-integ-setup: dev-docker
@docker tag consul-dev:latest $(CONSUL_COMPAT_TEST_IMAGE):local
@docker run --rm -t $(CONSUL_COMPAT_TEST_IMAGE):local consul version
@# 'consul-envoy:target-version' is needed by compatibility integ test
@docker build -t consul-envoy:target-version --build-arg CONSUL_IMAGE=$(CONSUL_COMPAT_TEST_IMAGE):local --build-arg ENVOY_VERSION=${ENVOY_VERSION} -f ./test/integration/consul-container/assets/Dockerfile-consul-envoy ./test/integration/consul-container/assets
.PHONY: test-metrics-integ
test-metrics-integ: test-compat-integ-setup
test-metrics-integ: test-compat-integ-setup ## Test metrics integ
@cd ./test/integration/consul-container && \
go test -v -timeout=7m ./test/metrics \
--target-image $(CONSUL_COMPAT_TEST_IMAGE) \
@ -493,21 +385,113 @@ test-metrics-integ: test-compat-integ-setup
--latest-image $(CONSUL_COMPAT_TEST_IMAGE) \
--latest-version latest
.PHONY: test-connect-ca-providers
test-connect-ca-providers: ## Running /agent/connect/ca tests in verbose mode
@echo "Running /agent/connect/ca tests in verbose mode"
@go test -v ./agent/connect/ca
@go test -v ./agent/consul -run Vault
@go test -v ./agent -run Vault
##@ UI
.PHONY: ui
ui: ui-docker ## Build the static web ui inside a Docker container. For local testing only; do not commit these assets.
.PHONY: ui-regen
ui-regen: ## Build the static web ui with yarn. This is the version to commit.
cd $(CURDIR)/ui && make && cd ..
rm -rf $(CURDIR)/agent/uiserver/dist
mv $(CURDIR)/ui/packages/consul-ui/dist $(CURDIR)/agent/uiserver/
.PHONY: ui-build-image
ui-build-image: ## Building UI build container
@echo "Building UI build container"
@docker build $(NOCACHE) $(QUIET) -t $(UI_BUILD_TAG) - < build-support/docker/Build-UI.dockerfile
.PHONY: ui-docker
ui-docker: ui-build-image ## Builds ui within docker container and copy all the relevant artifacts out of the containers back to the source
@$(SHELL) $(CURDIR)/build-support/scripts/build-docker.sh ui
##@ Tools
.PHONY: tools
tools: ## Installs various supporting Go tools.
@$(SHELL) $(CURDIR)/build-support/scripts/devtools.sh
.PHONY: lint-tools
lint-tools: ## Install tools for linting
@$(SHELL) $(CURDIR)/build-support/scripts/devtools.sh -lint
.PHONY: codegen-tools
codegen-tools: ## Install tools for codegen
@$(SHELL) $(CURDIR)/build-support/scripts/devtools.sh -codegen
.PHONY: deep-copy
deep-copy: codegen-tools ## Deep copy
@$(SHELL) $(CURDIR)/agent/structs/deep-copy.sh
@$(SHELL) $(CURDIR)/agent/proxycfg/deep-copy.sh
@$(SHELL) $(CURDIR)/agent/consul/state/deep-copy.sh
print-% : ; @echo $($*) ## utility to echo a makefile variable (i.e. 'make print-GOPATH')
.PHONY: module-versions
module-versions: ## Print a list of modules which can be updated. Columns are: module current_version date_of_current_version latest_version
@go list -m -u -f '{{if .Update}} {{printf "%-50v %-40s" .Path .Version}} {{with .Time}} {{ .Format "2006-01-02" -}} {{else}} {{printf "%9s" ""}} {{end}} {{ .Update.Version}} {{end}}' all
.PHONY: docs
docs: ## Point your web browser to http://localhost:3000/consul to live render docs from ./website/
make -C website
##@ Release
.PHONY: version
version: ## Current Consul version
@echo -n "Version: "
@$(SHELL) $(CURDIR)/build-support/scripts/version.sh
@echo -n "Version + release: "
@$(SHELL) $(CURDIR)/build-support/scripts/version.sh -r
@echo -n "Version + git: "
@$(SHELL) $(CURDIR)/build-support/scripts/version.sh -g
@echo -n "Version + release + git: "
@$(SHELL) $(CURDIR)/build-support/scripts/version.sh -r -g
.PHONY: docker-images
docker-images: go-build-image ui-build-image
.PHONY: go-build-image
go-build-image: ## Building Golang build container
@echo "Building Golang build container"
@docker build $(NOCACHE) $(QUIET) -t $(GO_BUILD_TAG) - < build-support/docker/Build-Go.dockerfile
.PHONY: consul-docker
consul-docker: go-build-image ## Builds consul in a docker container and then dumps executable into ./pkg/bin/...
@$(SHELL) $(CURDIR)/build-support/scripts/build-docker.sh consul
.PHONY: docker-envoy-integ
docker-envoy-integ: ## Build image used to run integration tests locally.
$(MAKE) GOARCH=amd64 linux
docker build \
--platform linux/amd64 $(NOCACHE) $(QUIET) \
-t 'consul:local' \
$(CURDIR)/pkg/bin/linux_amd64 \
-f $(CURDIR)/build-support/docker/Consul-Dev.dockerfile
##@ Proto
.PHONY: proto
proto: proto-tools proto-gen proto-mocks
proto: proto-tools proto-gen proto-mocks ## Protobuf setup command
.PHONY: proto-tools
proto-tools: ## Install tools for protobuf
@$(SHELL) $(CURDIR)/build-support/scripts/devtools.sh -protobuf
.PHONY: proto-gen
proto-gen: proto-tools
proto-gen: proto-tools ## Regenerates all Go files from protobuf definitions
@$(SHELL) $(CURDIR)/build-support/scripts/protobuf.sh
.PHONY: proto-mocks
proto-mocks: ## Proto mocks
for dir in $(MOCKED_PB_DIRS) ; do \
cd proto-public && \
rm -f $$dir/mock*.go && \
@ -515,11 +499,11 @@ proto-mocks:
.PHONY: proto-format
proto-format: proto-tools
proto-format: proto-tools ## Proto format
@buf format -w
.PHONY: proto-lint
proto-lint: proto-tools
proto-lint: proto-tools ## Proto lint
@buf lint
@for fn in $$(find proto -name '*.proto'); do \
if [[ "$$fn" = "proto/private/pbsubscribe/subscribe.proto" ]]; then \
@ -534,21 +518,14 @@ proto-lint: proto-tools
fi \
# utility to echo a makefile variable (i.e. 'make print-PROTOC_VERSION')
print-% : ; @echo $($*)
.PHONY: module-versions
# Print a list of modules which can be updated.
# Columns are: module current_version date_of_current_version latest_version
@go list -m -u -f '{{if .Update}} {{printf "%-50v %-40s" .Path .Version}} {{with .Time}} {{ .Format "2006-01-02" -}} {{else}} {{printf "%9s" ""}} {{end}} {{ .Update.Version}} {{end}}' all
##@ Envoy
.PHONY: envoy-library
envoy-library: ## Ensures that all of the protobuf packages present in the github.com/envoyproxy/go-control-plane library are referenced in the consul codebase
@$(SHELL) $(CURDIR)/build-support/scripts/envoy-library-references.sh
.PHONY: envoy-regen
envoy-regen: ## Regenerating envoy golden files
$(info regenerating envoy golden files)
@for d in endpoints listeners routes clusters rbac; do \
if [[ -d "agent/xds/testdata/$${d}" ]]; then \
@ -559,17 +536,18 @@ envoy-regen:
@find "command/connect/envoy/testdata" -name '*.golden' -delete
@go test -tags '$(GOTAGS)' ./command/connect/envoy -update
# Point your web browser to http://localhost:3000/consul to live render docs from ./website/
.PHONY: docs
make -C website
##@ Help
# The help target prints out all targets with their descriptions organized
# beneath their categories. The categories are represented by '##@' and the
# target descriptions by '##'. The awk commands is responsible for reading the
# entire set of makefiles included in this invocation, looking for lines of the
# file as xyz: ## something, and then pretty-format the target and help. Then,
# if there's a line with ##@ something, that gets pretty-printed as a category.
# More info on the usage of ANSI control characters for terminal formatting:
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#SGR_parameters
# More info on the awk command:
# http://linuxcommand.org/lc3_adv_awk.php
.PHONY: help
$(info available make targets)
$(info ----------------------)
@grep "^[a-z0-9-][a-z0-9.-]*:" GNUmakefile | cut -d':' -f1 | sort
.PHONY: all bin dev dist cov test test-internal cover lint ui tools
.PHONY: docker-images go-build-image ui-build-image consul-docker ui-docker
.PHONY: version test-envoy-integ
help: ## Display this help.
@awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*##"; printf "\nUsage:\n make \033[36m<target>\033[0m\n"} /^[a-zA-Z_0-9-]+:.*?##/ { printf " \033[36m%-15s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2 } /^##@/ { printf "\n\033[1m%s\033[0m\n", substr($$0, 5) } ' $(MAKEFILE_LIST)
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ unset CDPATH
cd "$(dirname "$0")" # build-support/scripts
cd ../.. # <ROOT>
if [[ ! -f GNUmakefile ]] || [[ ! -f go.mod ]]; then
if [[ ! -f Makefile ]] || [[ ! -f go.mod ]]; then
echo "not in root consul checkout: ${PWD}" >&2
exit 1
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ contain other important source related to Consul.
* [.changelog] contains markdown files that are used by [hashicorp/go-changelog] to produce the
* [build-support] contains bash functions and scripts used to automate.
development tasks. Generally these scripts are called from the [GNUmakefile].
development tasks. Generally these scripts are called from the [Makefile].
* [grafana] contains the source for a [Grafana dashboard] that can be used to
monitor Consul.
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ contain other important source related to Consul.
[hashicorp/go-changelog]: https://github.com/hashicorp/go-changelog
[CHANGELOG.md]: https://github.com/hashicorp/consul/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md
[build-support]: https://github.com/hashicorp/consul/tree/main/build-support
[GNUmakefile]: https://github.com/hashicorp/consul/tree/main/GNUmakefile
[Makefile]: https://github.com/hashicorp/consul/tree/main/Makefile
[Grafana dashboard]: https://grafana.com/grafana/dashboards
[grafana]: https://github.com/hashicorp/consul/tree/main/grafana
Reference in New Issue
Block a user