mirror of
synced 2025-02-24 11:28:40 +00:00
resource: Make resource listbyowner tenancy aware (#18566)
This commit is contained in:
@ -10,39 +10,71 @@ import (
func (s *Server) ListByOwner(ctx context.Context, req *pbresource.ListByOwnerRequest) (*pbresource.ListByOwnerResponse, error) {
if err := validateListByOwnerRequest(req); err != nil {
return nil, err
_, err := s.resolveType(req.Owner.Type)
reg, err := s.validateListByOwnerRequest(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Convert v2 request tenancy to v1 for ACL subsystem.
entMeta := v2TenancyToV1EntMeta(req.Owner.Tenancy)
token := tokenFromContext(ctx)
// Fill entMeta with token tenancy when empty.
authz, authzContext, err := s.getAuthorizer(token, entMeta)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Handle defaulting empty tenancy units from request.
v1EntMetaToV2Tenancy(reg, entMeta, req.Owner.Tenancy)
// Check list ACL before verifying tenancy exists to not leak tenancy existence.
err = reg.ACLs.List(authz, authzContext)
switch {
case acl.IsErrPermissionDenied(err):
return nil, status.Error(codes.PermissionDenied, err.Error())
case err != nil:
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Internal, "failed list acl: %v", err)
// Check v1 tenancy exists for the v2 resource.
if err = v1TenancyExists(reg, s.V1TenancyBridge, req.Owner.Tenancy, codes.InvalidArgument); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Get owned resources.
children, err := s.Backend.ListByOwner(ctx, req.Owner)
if err != nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Internal, "failed list by owner: %v", err)
// TODO(spatel): Refactor _ and entMeta in NET-4917
authz, authzContext, err := s.getAuthorizer(tokenFromContext(ctx), acl.DefaultEnterpriseMeta())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
result := make([]*pbresource.Resource, 0)
for _, child := range children {
reg, err := s.resolveType(child.Id.Type)
// Retrieve child type's registration to access read ACL hook.
childReg, err := s.resolveType(child.Id.Type)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// ACL filter
err = reg.ACLs.Read(authz, authzContext, child.Id)
// Rebuild authorizer if tenancy not identical between owner and child (child scope
// may be narrower).
childAuthz := authz
childAuthzContext := authzContext
if !resource.EqualTenancy(req.Owner.Tenancy, child.Id.Tenancy) {
childEntMeta := v2TenancyToV1EntMeta(child.Id.Tenancy)
childAuthz, childAuthzContext, err = s.getAuthorizer(token, childEntMeta)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Filter out children that fail real ACL.
err = childReg.ACLs.Read(childAuthz, childAuthzContext, child.Id)
switch {
case acl.IsErrPermissionDenied(err):
@ -55,17 +87,36 @@ func (s *Server) ListByOwner(ctx context.Context, req *pbresource.ListByOwnerReq
return &pbresource.ListByOwnerResponse{Resources: result}, nil
func validateListByOwnerRequest(req *pbresource.ListByOwnerRequest) error {
func (s *Server) validateListByOwnerRequest(req *pbresource.ListByOwnerRequest) (*resource.Registration, error) {
if req.Owner == nil {
return status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "owner is required")
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "owner is required")
if err := validateId(req.Owner, "owner"); err != nil {
return err
return nil, err
if req.Owner.Uid == "" {
return status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "owner uid is required")
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "owner uid is required")
return nil
reg, err := s.resolveType(req.Owner.Type)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Lowercase
// Error when partition scoped and namespace not empty.
if reg.Scope == resource.ScopePartition && req.Owner.Tenancy.Namespace != "" {
return nil, status.Errorf(
"partition scoped type %s cannot have a namespace. got: %s",
return reg, nil
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import (
@ -17,41 +18,49 @@ import (
func TestListByOwner_InputValidation(t *testing.T) {
server := testServer(t)
client := testClient(t, server)
testCases := map[string]func(*pbresource.ListByOwnerRequest){
"no owner": func(req *pbresource.ListByOwnerRequest) { req.Owner = nil },
"no type": func(req *pbresource.ListByOwnerRequest) { req.Owner.Type = nil },
"no tenancy": func(req *pbresource.ListByOwnerRequest) { req.Owner.Tenancy = nil },
"no name": func(req *pbresource.ListByOwnerRequest) { req.Owner.Name = "" },
"no uid": func(req *pbresource.ListByOwnerRequest) { req.Owner.Uid = "" },
// clone necessary to not pollute DefaultTenancy
"tenancy partition not default": func(req *pbresource.ListByOwnerRequest) {
req.Owner.Tenancy = clone(req.Owner.Tenancy)
req.Owner.Tenancy.Partition = ""
testCases := map[string]func(artistId, recordlabelId *pbresource.ID) *pbresource.ID{
"no owner": func(artistId, recordLabelId *pbresource.ID) *pbresource.ID {
return nil
"tenancy namespace not default": func(req *pbresource.ListByOwnerRequest) {
req.Owner.Tenancy = clone(req.Owner.Tenancy)
req.Owner.Tenancy.Namespace = ""
"no type": func(artistId, _ *pbresource.ID) *pbresource.ID {
artistId.Type = nil
return artistId
"tenancy peername not local": func(req *pbresource.ListByOwnerRequest) {
req.Owner.Tenancy = clone(req.Owner.Tenancy)
req.Owner.Tenancy.PeerName = ""
"no tenancy": func(artistId, _ *pbresource.ID) *pbresource.ID {
artistId.Tenancy = nil
return artistId
"no name": func(artistId, _ *pbresource.ID) *pbresource.ID {
artistId.Name = ""
return artistId
"no uid": func(artistId, _ *pbresource.ID) *pbresource.ID {
artistId.Uid = ""
return artistId
"partition scope with non-empty namespace": func(_, recordLabelId *pbresource.ID) *pbresource.ID {
recordLabelId.Tenancy.Namespace = "ishouldnothaveanamespace"
return recordLabelId
for desc, modFn := range testCases {
t.Run(desc, func(t *testing.T) {
res, err := demo.GenerateV2Artist()
artist, err := demo.GenerateV2Artist()
require.NoError(t, err)
req := &pbresource.ListByOwnerRequest{Owner: res.Id}
recordLabel, err := demo.GenerateV1RecordLabel("LoonyTunes")
require.NoError(t, err)
// Each test case picks which resource to use based on the resource type's scope.
req := &pbresource.ListByOwnerRequest{Owner: modFn(artist.Id, recordLabel.Id)}
_, err = client.ListByOwner(testContext(t), req)
require.Error(t, err)
@ -67,7 +76,7 @@ func TestListByOwner_TypeNotRegistered(t *testing.T) {
_, err := client.ListByOwner(context.Background(), &pbresource.ListByOwnerRequest{
Owner: &pbresource.ID{
Type: demo.TypeV2Artist,
Tenancy: demo.TenancyDefault,
Tenancy: resource.DefaultNamespacedTenancy(),
Uid: "bogus",
Name: "bogus",
@ -125,8 +134,108 @@ func TestListByOwner_Many(t *testing.T) {
prototest.AssertElementsMatch(t, albums, rsp3.Resources)
func TestListByOwner_OwnerTenancyDoesNotExist(t *testing.T) {
tenancyCases := map[string]func(artistId, recordlabelId *pbresource.ID) *pbresource.ID{
"partition not found when namespace scoped": func(artistId, _ *pbresource.ID) *pbresource.ID {
id := clone(artistId)
id.Uid = "doesnotmatter"
id.Tenancy.Partition = "boguspartition"
return id
"namespace not found when namespace scoped": func(artistId, _ *pbresource.ID) *pbresource.ID {
id := clone(artistId)
id.Uid = "doesnotmatter"
id.Tenancy.Namespace = "bogusnamespace"
return id
"partition not found when partition scoped": func(_, recordLabelId *pbresource.ID) *pbresource.ID {
id := clone(recordLabelId)
id.Uid = "doesnotmatter"
id.Tenancy.Partition = "boguspartition"
return id
for desc, modFn := range tenancyCases {
t.Run(desc, func(t *testing.T) {
server := testServer(t)
client := testClient(t, server)
recordLabel, err := demo.GenerateV1RecordLabel("LoonyTunes")
require.NoError(t, err)
recordLabel, err = server.Backend.WriteCAS(testContext(t), recordLabel)
require.NoError(t, err)
artist, err := demo.GenerateV2Artist()
require.NoError(t, err)
artist, err = server.Backend.WriteCAS(testContext(t), artist)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Verify non-existant tenancy units in owner err with not found.
_, err = client.ListByOwner(testContext(t), &pbresource.ListByOwnerRequest{Owner: modFn(artist.Id, recordLabel.Id)})
require.Error(t, err)
require.Equal(t, codes.InvalidArgument.String(), status.Code(err).String())
require.Contains(t, err.Error(), "resource not found")
func TestListByOwner_Tenancy_Defaults_And_Normalization(t *testing.T) {
for tenancyDesc, modFn := range tenancyCases() {
t.Run(tenancyDesc, func(t *testing.T) {
server := testServer(t)
client := testClient(t, server)
// Create partition scoped recordLabel.
recordLabel, err := demo.GenerateV1RecordLabel("LoonyTunes")
require.NoError(t, err)
rsp1, err := client.Write(testContext(t), &pbresource.WriteRequest{Resource: recordLabel})
require.NoError(t, err)
recordLabel = rsp1.Resource
// Create namespace scoped artist.
artist, err := demo.GenerateV2Artist()
require.NoError(t, err)
rsp2, err := client.Write(testContext(t), &pbresource.WriteRequest{Resource: artist})
require.NoError(t, err)
artist = rsp2.Resource
// Owner will be either partition scoped (recordLabel) or namespace scoped (artist) based on testcase.
moddedOwnerId := modFn(artist.Id, recordLabel.Id)
var ownerId *pbresource.ID
// Avoid using the modded id when linking owner to child.
switch {
case proto.Equal(moddedOwnerId.Type, demo.TypeV2Artist):
ownerId = artist.Id
case proto.Equal(moddedOwnerId.Type, demo.TypeV1RecordLabel):
ownerId = recordLabel.Id
require.Fail(t, "unexpected resource type")
// Link owner to child.
album, err := demo.GenerateV2Album(ownerId)
require.NoError(t, err)
rsp3, err := client.Write(testContext(t), &pbresource.WriteRequest{Resource: album})
require.NoError(t, err)
album = rsp3.Resource
// Test
listRsp, err := client.ListByOwner(testContext(t), &pbresource.ListByOwnerRequest{
Owner: moddedOwnerId,
require.NoError(t, err)
// Verify child album always returned.
prototest.AssertDeepEqual(t, album, listRsp.Resources[0])
func TestListByOwner_ACL_PerTypeDenied(t *testing.T) {
authz := AuthorizerFrom(t, `key_prefix "resource/demo.v2.Album/" { policy = "deny" }`)
authz := AuthorizerFrom(t, `key_prefix "resource/demo.v2.Album/" { policy = "deny" }`, demo.ArtistV2ListPolicy)
_, rsp, err := roundTripListByOwner(t, authz)
// verify resource filtered out, hence no results
@ -135,7 +244,7 @@ func TestListByOwner_ACL_PerTypeDenied(t *testing.T) {
func TestListByOwner_ACL_PerTypeAllowed(t *testing.T) {
authz := AuthorizerFrom(t, `key_prefix "resource/demo.v2.Album/" { policy = "read" }`)
authz := AuthorizerFrom(t, `key_prefix "resource/demo.v2.Album/" { policy = "read" }`, demo.ArtistV2ListPolicy)
album, rsp, err := roundTripListByOwner(t, authz)
// verify resource not filtered out
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ func TestGetDecodedResource(t *testing.T) {
babypantsID := &pbresource.ID{
Type: demo.TypeV2Artist,
Tenancy: demo.TenancyDefault,
Tenancy: resource.DefaultNamespacedTenancy(),
Name: "babypants",
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ func TestDecode(t *testing.T) {
foo := &pbresource.Resource{
Id: &pbresource.ID{
Type: demo.TypeV2Artist,
Tenancy: demo.TenancyDefault,
Tenancy: resource.DefaultNamespacedTenancy(),
Name: "babypants",
Data: any,
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ func TestDecode(t *testing.T) {
foo := &pbresource.Resource{
Id: &pbresource.ID{
Type: demo.TypeV2Artist,
Tenancy: demo.TenancyDefault,
Tenancy: resource.DefaultNamespacedTenancy(),
Name: "babypants",
Data: &anypb.Any{
@ -22,13 +22,6 @@ import (
var (
// TenancyDefault contains the default values for all tenancy units.
TenancyDefault = &pbresource.Tenancy{
Partition: resource.DefaultPartitionName,
PeerName: "local",
Namespace: resource.DefaultNamespaceName,
// TypeV1RecordLabel represents a record label which artists are signed to.
// Used specifically as a resource to test partition only scoped resources.
TypeV1RecordLabel = &pbresource.Type{
@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ func TestResourceWriteHandler(t *testing.T) {
readRsp, err := client.Read(testutil.TestContext(t), &pbresource.ReadRequest{
Id: &pbresource.ID{
Type: demo.TypeV2Artist,
Tenancy: demo.TenancyDefault,
Tenancy: resource.DefaultNamespacedTenancy(),
Name: "keith-urban",
@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ func TestResourceWriteHandler(t *testing.T) {
readRsp, err := client.Read(testutil.TestContext(t), &pbresource.ReadRequest{
Id: &pbresource.ID{
Type: demo.TypeV1Artist,
Tenancy: demo.TenancyDefault,
Tenancy: resource.DefaultNamespacedTenancy(),
Name: "keith-urban-v1",
@ -430,7 +430,7 @@ func TestResourceDeleteHandler(t *testing.T) {
_, err := client.Read(testutil.TestContext(t), &pbresource.ReadRequest{
Id: &pbresource.ID{
Type: demo.TypeV2Artist,
Tenancy: demo.TenancyDefault,
Tenancy: resource.DefaultNamespacedTenancy(),
Name: "keith-urban",
@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ func TestResourceDeleteHandler(t *testing.T) {
_, err := client.Read(testutil.TestContext(t), &pbresource.ReadRequest{
Id: &pbresource.ID{
Type: demo.TypeV2Artist,
Tenancy: demo.TenancyDefault,
Tenancy: resource.DefaultNamespacedTenancy(),
Name: "keith-urban",
Reference in New Issue
Block a user