2019-04-29 17:27:57 +01:00
#!/usr/bin/env bats
load helpers
@test "s1 proxy admin is up on :19000" {
retry_default curl -f -s localhost:19000/stats -o /dev/null
@test "s2 proxy admin is up on :19001" {
retry_default curl -f -s localhost:19001/stats -o /dev/null
@test "s1 proxy listener should be up and have right cert" {
assert_proxy_presents_cert_uri localhost:21000 s1
@test "s2 proxy listener should be up and have right cert" {
assert_proxy_presents_cert_uri localhost:21001 s2
2019-07-10 15:58:25 -05:00
@test "s2 proxy should be healthy" {
assert_service_has_healthy_instances s2 1
2019-07-12 11:12:56 -05:00
@test "s1 upstream should have healthy endpoints for s2" {
2019-07-23 20:08:36 -05:00
assert_upstream_has_endpoints_in_status s2 HEALTHY 1
2019-07-12 11:12:56 -05:00
2019-04-29 17:27:57 +01:00
@test "s1 upstream should be able to connect to s2" {
run retry_default curl -s -f -d hello localhost:5000
[ "$status" == "0" ]
[ "$output" == "hello" ]
@test "s1 proxy should send trace spans to zipkin/jaeger" {
# Send traced request through upstream. Debug echoes headers back which we can
# use to get the traceID generated (no way to force one I can find with Envoy
# currently?)
run curl -s -f -H 'x-client-trace-id:test-sentinel' localhost:5000/Debug
echo "OUTPUT $output"
[ "$status" == "0" ]
# Get the traceID from the output
TRACEID=$(echo $output | grep 'X-B3-Traceid:' | cut -c 15-)
# Get the trace from Jaeger. Won't bother parsing it just seeing it show up
# there is enough to know that the tracing config worked.
run retry_default curl -s -f "localhost:16686/api/traces/$TRACEID"
2019-07-10 15:58:25 -05:00