- `consul.hashicorp.com/service-tags` - A comma separated list of tags that will
be applied to the Consul service and its sidecar.
consul.hashicorp.com/service-tags: foo,bar,baz
If you need your tag to have a comma in it you can escape the comma with `\,`. For example,
`consul.hashicorp.com/service-tags: foo\,bar\,baz` will become the single tag `foo,bar,baz`.
- `consul.hashicorp.com/service-meta-<YOUR_KEY>` - Set Consul meta key/value
pairs that will be applied to the Consul service and its sidecar.
The key will be what comes after `consul.hashicorp.com/service-meta-`, e.g.
`consul.hashicorp.com/service-meta-foo: bar` will result in `foo: bar`.
consul.hashicorp.com/service-meta-foo: baz
consul.hashicorp.com/service-meta-bar: baz
- `consul.hashicorp.com/sidecar-proxy-` - Override default resource settings for
the sidecar proxy container.
The defaults are set in Helm config via the [`connectInject.sidecarProxy.resources`](/docs/k8s/helm#v-connectinject-sidecarproxy-resources) key.
- `consul.hashicorp.com/sidecar-proxy-cpu-limit` - Override the default CPU limit.
- `consul.hashicorp.com/sidecar-proxy-cpu-request` - Override the default CPU request.
- `consul.hashicorp.com/sidecar-proxy-memory-limit` - Override the default memory limit.
- `consul.hashicorp.com/sidecar-proxy-memory-request` - Override the default memory request.
- `consul.hashicorp.com/consul-sidecar-` - Override default resource settings for
the `consul-sidecar` container.
The defaults are set in Helm config via the [`global.consulSidecarContainer.resources`](/docs/k8s/helm#v-global-consulsidecarcontainer) key.
- `consul.hashicorp.com/consul-sidecar-cpu-limit` - Override the default CPU limit.
- `consul.hashicorp.com/consul-sidecar-cpu-request` - Override the default CPU request.
- `consul.hashicorp.com/consul-sidecar-memory-limit` - Override the default memory limit.
- `consul.hashicorp.com/consul-sidecar-memory-request` - Override the default memory request.
- `consul.hashicorp.com/enable-metrics` - Override the default Helm value [`connectInject.metrics.defaultEnabled`](/docs/k8s/helm#v-connectinject-metrics-defaultenabled).
- `consul.hashicorp.com/enable-metrics-merging` - Override the default Helm value [`connectInject.metrics.defaultEnableMerging`](/docs/k8s/helm#v-connectinject-metrics-defaultenablemerging).
- `consul.hashicorp.com/merged-metrics-port` - Override the default Helm value [`connectInject.metrics.defaultMergedMetricsPort`](/docs/k8s/helm#v-connectinject-metrics-defaultmergedmetricsport).
- `consul.hashicorp.com/prometheus-scrape-port` - Override the default Helm value [`connectInject.metrics.defaultPrometheusScrapePort`](/docs/k8s/helm#v-connectinject-metrics-defaultprometheusscrapeport).
- `consul.hashicorp.com/prometheus-scrape-path` - Override the default Helm value [`connectInject.metrics.defaultPrometheusScrapePath`](/docs/k8s/helm#v-connectinject-metrics-defaultprometheusscrapepath).
- `consul.hashicorp.com/service-metrics-port` - Set the port where the Connect service exposes metrics.
- `consul.hashicorp.com/service-metrics-path` - Set the path where the Connect service exposes metrics.
## Labels
Resource labels could be used on a Kubernetes service to control connect-inject behavior.
- `consul.hashicorp.com/service-ignore` - This label can be set on a Kubernetes Service.
If set to "true", the service will not be used to register a Consul endpoint. This can be
useful in cases where 2 or more services point to the same deployment. Consul cannot register
multiple endpoints to the same deployment. This label can be used to tell the endpoint
registration to ignore all services except for the one which should be used for routing requests