2023-01-27 09:43:16 -10:00
package validate
import (
2023-02-08 14:49:38 -08:00
2023-01-27 09:43:16 -10:00
envoy_admin_v3 "github.com/envoyproxy/go-control-plane/envoy/admin/v3"
envoy_cluster_v3 "github.com/envoyproxy/go-control-plane/envoy/config/cluster/v3"
envoy_core_v3 "github.com/envoyproxy/go-control-plane/envoy/config/core/v3"
envoy_listener_v3 "github.com/envoyproxy/go-control-plane/envoy/config/listener/v3"
envoy_route_v3 "github.com/envoyproxy/go-control-plane/envoy/config/route/v3"
envoy_aggregate_cluster_v3 "github.com/envoyproxy/go-control-plane/envoy/extensions/clusters/aggregate/v3"
envoy_resource_v3 "github.com/envoyproxy/go-control-plane/pkg/resource/v3"
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2023-02-06 09:14:35 -08:00
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const builtinValidateExtension = "builtin/proxy/validate"
// Validate contains input information about which proxy resources to validate and output information about resources it
// has validated.
type Validate struct {
// envoyID is an argument to the Validate plugin and identifies which listener to begin the validation with.
envoyID string
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// vip is an argument to the Validate plugin and identifies which transparent proxy listener to begin the validation
// with.
vip string
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// snis is all of the upstream SNIs for this proxy. It is set via ExtensionConfiguration.
snis map[string]struct{}
// listener specifies if the service's listener has been seen.
listener bool
// usesRDS determines if the listener's outgoing filter uses RDS.
usesRDS bool
// listener specifies if the service's route has been seen.
route bool
// resources is a mapping from SNI to the expected resources
// for that SNI. It is populated based on the cluster names on routes
// (whether they are specified on listener filters or routes).
resources map[string]*resource
type resource struct {
// required determines if the resource is required for the given upstream.
required bool
// cluster specifies if the cluster has been seen.
cluster bool
// aggregateCluster determines if the resource is an aggregate cluster.
aggregateCluster bool
// aggregateClusterChildren is a list of SNIs to identify the child clusters of this aggregate cluster.
aggregateClusterChildren []string
// parentCluster is empty if this is a top level cluster, and has a value if this is a child of an aggregate
// cluster.
parentCluster string
// loadAssignment specifies if the load assignment has been seen.
loadAssignment bool
// usesEDS specifies if the cluster has EDS configured.
usesEDS bool
// The number of endpoints for the cluster or load assignment.
endpoints int
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var _ extensioncommon.BasicExtension = (*Validate)(nil)
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// EndpointValidator allows us to inject a different function for tests.
type EndpointValidator func(*resource, string, *envoy_admin_v3.Clusters)
// MakeValidate is a builtinextensiontemplate.PluginConstructor for a builtinextensiontemplate.EnvoyExtension.
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func MakeValidate(ext extensioncommon.RuntimeConfig) (extensioncommon.BasicExtension, error) {
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var resultErr error
var plugin Validate
if name := ext.EnvoyExtension.Name; name != builtinValidateExtension {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("expected extension name 'builtin/proxy/validate' but got %q", name)
envoyID, _ := ext.EnvoyExtension.Arguments["envoyID"]
mainEnvoyID, _ := envoyID.(string)
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vip := ""
snis := map[string]struct{}{}
upstream, ok := ext.Upstreams[ext.ServiceName]
if ok {
vip = upstream.VIP
if upstream.SNI == nil || len(upstream.SNI) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no SNIs were set, unable to validate Envoy clusters")
snis = upstream.SNI
if mainEnvoyID == "" && vip == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("envoyID or virtual IP is required")
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plugin.vip = vip
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plugin.envoyID = mainEnvoyID
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plugin.snis = snis
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plugin.resources = make(map[string]*resource)
return &plugin, resultErr
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type Messages []Message
type Message struct {
Success bool
Message string
PossibleActions string
func (m Messages) Success() bool {
for _, message := range m {
if !message.Success {
return false
return true
func (m Messages) Errors() Messages {
var errors Messages
for _, message := range m {
if !message.Success {
errors = append(errors, message)
return errors
// GetMessages returns the error based only on Validate's state.
func (v *Validate) GetMessages(validateEndpoints bool, endpointValidator EndpointValidator, clusters *envoy_admin_v3.Clusters) Messages {
var messages Messages
var upstream string
upstream = v.envoyID
if v.envoyID == "" {
upstream = v.vip
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if !v.listener {
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messages = append(messages, Message{Message: fmt.Sprintf("no listener for upstream %q", upstream)})
} else {
messages = append(messages, Message{
Message: fmt.Sprintf("listener for upstream %q found", upstream),
Success: true,
2023-01-27 09:43:16 -10:00
if v.usesRDS && !v.route {
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messages = append(messages, Message{Message: fmt.Sprintf("no route for upstream %q", upstream)})
} else {
messages = append(messages, Message{
Message: fmt.Sprintf("route for upstream %q found", upstream),
Success: true,
2023-01-27 09:43:16 -10:00
numRequiredResources := 0
// Resources will be marked as required in PatchFilter or PatchRoute because the listener or route will determine
// which clusters/endpoints to validate.
for sni, resource := range v.resources {
if !resource.required {
numRequiredResources += 1
_, ok := v.snis[sni]
if !ok || !resource.cluster {
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messages = append(messages, Message{Message: fmt.Sprintf("no cluster %q for upstream %q", sni, upstream)})
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} else {
messages = append(messages, Message{
Message: fmt.Sprintf("cluster %q for upstream %q found", sni, upstream),
Success: true,
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// If the resource is a passthrough cluster, it will not have endpoints, so we need to skip the endpoint
// validation.
if strings.Contains(sni, "passthrough~") {
messages = append(messages, Message{
Message: fmt.Sprintf("cluster %q is a passthrough cluster, skipping endpoint healthiness check", sni),
Success: true,
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if validateEndpoints {
// If resource is a top-level cluster (any cluster that is an aggregate cluster or not a child of an aggregate
// cluster), it will have an empty parent. If resource is a child cluster, it will have a nonempty parent.
if resource.parentCluster == "" && resource.aggregateCluster {
// Aggregate cluster case: do endpoint verification by checking each child cluster. We need at least one
// child cluster to have healthy endpoints.
oneClusterHasEndpoints := false
for _, childCluster := range resource.aggregateClusterChildren {
endpointValidator(v.resources[childCluster], childCluster, clusters)
if v.resources[childCluster].endpoints > 0 {
oneClusterHasEndpoints = true
if !oneClusterHasEndpoints {
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messages = append(messages, Message{Message: fmt.Sprintf("no healthy endpoints for aggregate cluster %q for upstream %q", sni, upstream)})
} else {
messages = append(messages, Message{
Message: fmt.Sprintf("healthy endpoints for aggregate cluster %q for upstream %q", sni, upstream),
Success: true,
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} else if resource.parentCluster == "" {
// Top-level non-aggregate cluster case: check for load assignment and healthy endpoints.
endpointValidator(resource, sni, clusters)
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if (resource.usesEDS && !resource.loadAssignment) || resource.endpoints == 0 {
messages = append(messages, Message{
Message: fmt.Sprintf("no healthy endpoints for cluster %q for upstream %q", sni, upstream),
} else {
messages = append(messages, Message{
Message: fmt.Sprintf("healthy endpoints for cluster %q for upstream %q", sni, upstream),
Success: true,
2023-01-27 09:43:16 -10:00
} else {
// Child cluster case: skip, since it'll be verified by the parent aggregate cluster.
if numRequiredResources == 0 {
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messages = append(messages, Message{Message: fmt.Sprintf("no clusters found on route or listener")})
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return messages
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// DoEndpointValidation implements the EndpointVerifier function type.
func DoEndpointValidation(r *resource, sni string, clusters *envoy_admin_v3.Clusters) {
clusterStatuses := clusters.GetClusterStatuses()
if clusterStatuses == nil {
status := &envoy_admin_v3.ClusterStatus{}
r.loadAssignment = false
for _, s := range clusterStatuses {
if s.Name == sni {
status = s
r.loadAssignment = true
healthyEndpoints := 0
hostStatuses := status.GetHostStatuses()
if r.loadAssignment && hostStatuses != nil {
for _, h := range hostStatuses {
health := h.GetHealthStatus()
if health != nil {
if health.EdsHealthStatus == envoy_core_v3.HealthStatus_HEALTHY && health.FailedOutlierCheck == false {
healthyEndpoints += 1
r.endpoints = healthyEndpoints
// CanApply determines if the extension can apply to the given extension configuration.
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func (p *Validate) CanApply(config *extensioncommon.RuntimeConfig) bool {
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return true
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func (p *Validate) PatchRoute(config *extensioncommon.RuntimeConfig, route *envoy_route_v3.RouteConfiguration) (*envoy_route_v3.RouteConfiguration, bool, error) {
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// Route name on connect proxies will be the envoy ID. We are only validating routes for the specific upstream with
// the envoyID configured.
if route.Name != p.envoyID {
return route, false, nil
p.route = true
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for sni := range extensioncommon.RouteClusterNames(route) {
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if _, ok := p.resources[sni]; ok {
p.resources[sni] = &resource{required: true}
return route, false, nil
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func (p *Validate) PatchCluster(config *extensioncommon.RuntimeConfig, c *envoy_cluster_v3.Cluster) (*envoy_cluster_v3.Cluster, bool, error) {
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v, ok := p.resources[c.Name]
if !ok {
v = &resource{}
p.resources[c.Name] = v
v.cluster = true
// If it's an aggregate cluster, add the child clusters to p.resources if they are not already there.
aggregateCluster, ok := isAggregateCluster(c)
if ok {
// Mark this as an aggregate cluster, so we know we do not need to validate its endpoints directly.
v.aggregateCluster = true
for _, clusterName := range aggregateCluster.Clusters {
r, ok := p.resources[clusterName]
if !ok {
r = &resource{}
p.resources[clusterName] = r
if v.aggregateClusterChildren == nil {
v.aggregateClusterChildren = []string{}
// On the parent cluster, add the children.
v.aggregateClusterChildren = append(v.aggregateClusterChildren, clusterName)
// On the child cluster, set the parent.
r.parentCluster = c.Name
// The child clusters of an aggregate cluster will be required if the parent cluster is.
r.required = v.required
return c, false, nil
if c.EdsClusterConfig != nil {
v.usesEDS = true
} else {
la := c.LoadAssignment
if la == nil {
return c, false, nil
v.endpoints = len(la.Endpoints) + len(la.NamedEndpoints)
return c, false, nil
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func (p *Validate) PatchFilter(config *extensioncommon.RuntimeConfig, filter *envoy_listener_v3.Filter) (*envoy_listener_v3.Filter, bool, error) {
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// If a single filter exists for a listener we say it exists.
p.listener = true
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if httpConfig := envoy_resource_v3.GetHTTPConnectionManager(filter); httpConfig != nil {
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// If the http filter uses RDS, then the clusters we need to validate exist in the route, and there's nothing
// else we need to do with the filter.
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if httpConfig.GetRds() != nil {
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p.usesRDS = true
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// Edit the runtime configuration to add an envoy ID based on the route name in the filter. This is because
// routes are matched by envoyID and in the transparent proxy case, we only have the VIP set in the
// RuntimeConfig.
p.envoyID = httpConfig.GetRds().RouteConfigName
emptyServiceKey := api.CompoundServiceName{}
upstream, ok := config.Upstreams[emptyServiceKey]
if ok {
upstream.EnvoyID = p.envoyID
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return filter, true, nil
// FilterClusterNames handles the filter being an http or tcp filter.
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for sni := range extensioncommon.FilterClusterNames(filter) {
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// Mark any clusters we see as required resources.
if r, ok := p.resources[sni]; ok {
r.required = true
} else {
p.resources[sni] = &resource{required: true}
return filter, true, nil
func isAggregateCluster(c *envoy_cluster_v3.Cluster) (*envoy_aggregate_cluster_v3.ClusterConfig, bool) {
aggregateCluster := &envoy_aggregate_cluster_v3.ClusterConfig{}
cdt, ok := c.ClusterDiscoveryType.(*envoy_cluster_v3.Cluster_ClusterType)
if ok {
cct := cdt.ClusterType.TypedConfig
if cct != nil {
err := anypb.UnmarshalTo(cct, aggregateCluster, proto.UnmarshalOptions{})
if err == nil {
return aggregateCluster, true
return nil, false