
625 lines
20 KiB
Raw Normal View History

package proxycfg
import (
cachetype ""
type handlerUpstreams struct {
func (s *handlerUpstreams) handleUpdateUpstreams(ctx context.Context, u UpdateEvent, snap *ConfigSnapshot) error {
if u.Err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error filling agent cache: %v", u.Err)
upstreamsSnapshot, err := snap.ToConfigSnapshotUpstreams()
if err != nil {
return err
switch {
case u.CorrelationID == leafWatchID:
leaf, ok := u.Result.(*structs.IssuedCert)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid type for response: %T", u.Result)
upstreamsSnapshot.Leaf = leaf
case u.CorrelationID == meshConfigEntryID:
resp, ok := u.Result.(*structs.ConfigEntryResponse)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid type for response: %T", u.Result)
if resp.Entry != nil {
meshConf, ok := resp.Entry.(*structs.MeshConfigEntry)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid type for config entry: %T", resp.Entry)
upstreamsSnapshot.MeshConfig = meshConf
} else {
upstreamsSnapshot.MeshConfig = nil
upstreamsSnapshot.MeshConfigSet = true
case strings.HasPrefix(u.CorrelationID, "discovery-chain:"):
resp, ok := u.Result.(*structs.DiscoveryChainResponse)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid type for response: %T", u.Result)
uidString := strings.TrimPrefix(u.CorrelationID, "discovery-chain:")
uid := UpstreamIDFromString(uidString)
switch snap.Kind {
Implement APIGateway proxycfg snapshot (#16194) * Stub proxycfg handler for API gateway * Add Service Kind constants/handling for API Gateway * Begin stubbing for SDS * Add new Secret type to xDS order of operations * Continue stubbing of SDS * Iterate on proxycfg handler for API gateway * Handle BoundAPIGateway config entry subscription in proxycfg-glue * Add API gateway to config snapshot validation * Add API gateway to config snapshot clone, leaf, etc. * Subscribe to bound route + cert config entries on bound-api-gateway * Track routes + certs on API gateway config snapshot * Generate DeepCopy() for types used in watch.Map * Watch all active references on api-gateway, unwatch inactive * Track loading of initial bound-api-gateway config entry * Use proper proto package for SDS mapping * Use ResourceReference instead of ServiceName, collect resources * Fix typo, add + remove TODOs * Watch discovery chains for TCPRoute * Add TODO for updating gateway services for api-gateway * make proto * Regenerate deep-copy for proxycfg * Set datacenter on upstream ID from query source * Watch discovery chains for http-route service backends * Add ServiceName getter to HTTP+TCP Service structs * Clean up unwatched discovery chains on API Gateway * Implement watch for ingress leaf certificate * Collect upstreams on http-route + tcp-route updates * Remove unused GatewayServices update handler * Remove unnecessary gateway services logic for API Gateway * Remove outdate TODO * Use .ToIngress where appropriate, including TODO for cleaning up * Cancel before returning error * Remove GatewayServices subscription * Add godoc for handlerAPIGateway functions * Update terminology from Connect => Consul Service Mesh Consistent with terminology changes in * Add missing TODO * Remove duplicate switch case * Rerun deep-copy generator * Use correct property on config snapshot * Remove unnecessary leaf cert watch * Clean up based on code review feedback * Note handler properties that are initialized but set elsewhere * Add TODO for moving helper func into structs pkg * Update generated DeepCopy code * gofmt * Generate DeepCopy() for API gateway listener types * Improve variable name * Regenerate DeepCopy() code * Fix linting issue * Temporarily remove the secret type from resource generation
2023-02-08 16:52:12 -05:00
case structs.ServiceKindAPIGateway:
if _, ok := snap.APIGateway.UpstreamsSet[uid]; !ok {
// Discovery chain is not associated with a known explicit or implicit upstream so it is purged/skipped.
// The associated watch was likely cancelled.
delete(upstreamsSnapshot.DiscoveryChain, uid)
s.logger.Trace("discovery-chain watch fired for unknown upstream", "upstream", uid)
return nil
case structs.ServiceKindIngressGateway:
if _, ok := snap.IngressGateway.UpstreamsSet[uid]; !ok {
2021-12-13 18:07:56 -07:00
// Discovery chain is not associated with a known explicit or implicit upstream so it is purged/skipped.
// The associated watch was likely cancelled.
delete(upstreamsSnapshot.DiscoveryChain, uid)
s.logger.Trace("discovery-chain watch fired for unknown upstream", "upstream", uid)
return nil
case structs.ServiceKindConnectProxy:
explicit := snap.ConnectProxy.UpstreamConfig[uid].HasLocalPortOrSocket()
implicit := snap.ConnectProxy.IsImplicitUpstream(uid)
if !implicit && !explicit {
2021-12-13 18:07:56 -07:00
// Discovery chain is not associated with a known explicit or implicit upstream so it is purged/skipped.
// The associated watch was likely cancelled.
delete(upstreamsSnapshot.DiscoveryChain, uid)
s.logger.Trace("discovery-chain watch fired for unknown upstream", "upstream", uid)
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("discovery-chain watch fired for unsupported kind: %s", snap.Kind)
upstreamsSnapshot.DiscoveryChain[uid] = resp.Chain
if err := s.resetWatchesFromChain(ctx, uid, resp.Chain, upstreamsSnapshot); err != nil {
return err
case strings.HasPrefix(u.CorrelationID, upstreamPeerWatchIDPrefix):
resp, ok := u.Result.(*structs.IndexedCheckServiceNodes)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid type for response: %T", u.Result)
uidString := strings.TrimPrefix(u.CorrelationID, upstreamPeerWatchIDPrefix)
uid := UpstreamIDFromString(uidString)
s.setPeerEndpoints(upstreamsSnapshot, uid, resp.Nodes)
case strings.HasPrefix(u.CorrelationID, peerTrustBundleIDPrefix):
resp, ok := u.Result.(*pbpeering.TrustBundleReadResponse)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid type for response: %T", u.Result)
peer := strings.TrimPrefix(u.CorrelationID, peerTrustBundleIDPrefix)
if resp.Bundle != nil {
upstreamsSnapshot.UpstreamPeerTrustBundles.Set(peer, resp.Bundle)
case strings.HasPrefix(u.CorrelationID, "upstream-target:"):
resp, ok := u.Result.(*structs.IndexedCheckServiceNodes)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid type for response: %T", u.Result)
correlationID := strings.TrimPrefix(u.CorrelationID, "upstream-target:")
targetID, uidString, ok := removeColonPrefix(correlationID)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid correlation id %q", u.CorrelationID)
uid := UpstreamIDFromString(uidString)
if _, ok := upstreamsSnapshot.WatchedUpstreamEndpoints[uid]; !ok {
upstreamsSnapshot.WatchedUpstreamEndpoints[uid] = make(map[string]structs.CheckServiceNodes)
upstreamsSnapshot.WatchedUpstreamEndpoints[uid][targetID] = resp.Nodes
// Skip adding passthroughs unless it's a connect sidecar in tproxy mode.
if s.kind != structs.ServiceKindConnectProxy || s.proxyCfg.Mode != structs.ProxyModeTransparent {
return nil
// Clear out this target's existing passthrough upstreams and indices so that they can be repopulated below.
if _, ok := upstreamsSnapshot.PassthroughUpstreams[uid]; ok {
for addr := range upstreamsSnapshot.PassthroughUpstreams[uid][targetID] {
if indexed := upstreamsSnapshot.PassthroughIndices[addr]; indexed.targetID == targetID && indexed.upstreamID == uid {
delete(upstreamsSnapshot.PassthroughIndices, addr)
upstreamsSnapshot.PassthroughUpstreams[uid][targetID] = make(map[string]struct{})
passthroughs := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, node := range resp.Nodes {
dialedDirectly := node.Service.Proxy.TransparentProxy.DialedDirectly
// We must do a manual merge here on the DialedDirectly field, because the service-defaults
// and proxy-defaults are not automatically merged into the CheckServiceNodes when in
// agentless mode (because the streaming backend doesn't yet support the MergeCentralConfig field).
if chain := snap.ConnectProxy.DiscoveryChain[uid]; chain != nil {
if target := chain.Targets[targetID]; target != nil {
dialedDirectly = dialedDirectly || target.TransparentProxy.DialedDirectly
// Skip adding a passthrough for the upstream node if not DialedDirectly.
if !dialedDirectly {
// Make sure to use an external address when crossing partition or DC boundaries.
isRemote := !snap.Locality.Matches(node.Node.Datacenter, node.Node.PartitionOrDefault())
2022-07-13 12:14:57 -04:00
// If node is peered it must be remote
if node.Node.PeerOrEmpty() != "" {
isRemote = true
csnIdx, addr, _ := node.BestAddress(isRemote)
existing := upstreamsSnapshot.PassthroughIndices[addr]
if existing.idx > csnIdx {
// The last known instance with this address had a higher index so it takes precedence.
// The current instance has a higher Raft index so we ensure the passthrough address is only
// associated with this upstream target. Older associations are cleaned up as needed.
delete(upstreamsSnapshot.PassthroughUpstreams[existing.upstreamID][existing.targetID], addr)
if len(upstreamsSnapshot.PassthroughUpstreams[existing.upstreamID][existing.targetID]) == 0 {
delete(upstreamsSnapshot.PassthroughUpstreams[existing.upstreamID], existing.targetID)
if len(upstreamsSnapshot.PassthroughUpstreams[existing.upstreamID]) == 0 {
delete(upstreamsSnapshot.PassthroughUpstreams, existing.upstreamID)
upstreamsSnapshot.PassthroughIndices[addr] = indexedTarget{idx: csnIdx, upstreamID: uid, targetID: targetID}
passthroughs[addr] = struct{}{}
// Always clear out the existing target passthroughs list so that clusters are cleaned up
// correctly if no entries are populated.
upstreamsSnapshot.PassthroughUpstreams[uid] = make(map[string]map[string]struct{})
if len(passthroughs) > 0 {
// Add the passthroughs to the target if any were found.
upstreamsSnapshot.PassthroughUpstreams[uid][targetID] = passthroughs
case strings.HasPrefix(u.CorrelationID, "mesh-gateway:"):
resp, ok := u.Result.(*structs.IndexedCheckServiceNodes)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid type for response: %T", u.Result)
correlationID := strings.TrimPrefix(u.CorrelationID, "mesh-gateway:")
key, uidString, ok := strings.Cut(correlationID, ":")
if ok {
// correlationID formatted with an upstreamID
uid := UpstreamIDFromString(uidString)
if _, ok = upstreamsSnapshot.WatchedGatewayEndpoints[uid]; !ok {
upstreamsSnapshot.WatchedGatewayEndpoints[uid] = make(map[string]structs.CheckServiceNodes)
upstreamsSnapshot.WatchedGatewayEndpoints[uid][key] = resp.Nodes
} else {
// event was for local gateways only
upstreamsSnapshot.WatchedLocalGWEndpoints.Set(key, resp.Nodes)
return fmt.Errorf("unknown correlation ID: %s", u.CorrelationID)
return nil
func removeColonPrefix(s string) (string, string, bool) {
idx := strings.Index(s, ":")
if idx == -1 {
return "", "", false
return s[0:idx], s[idx+1:], true
func (s *handlerUpstreams) setPeerEndpoints(upstreamsSnapshot *ConfigSnapshotUpstreams, uid UpstreamID, nodes structs.CheckServiceNodes) {
filteredNodes := hostnameEndpoints(
GatewayKey{ /*empty so it never matches*/ },
if len(filteredNodes) > 0 {
if set := upstreamsSnapshot.PeerUpstreamEndpoints.Set(uid, filteredNodes); set {
upstreamsSnapshot.PeerUpstreamEndpointsUseHostnames[uid] = struct{}{}
} else {
if set := upstreamsSnapshot.PeerUpstreamEndpoints.Set(uid, nodes); set {
delete(upstreamsSnapshot.PeerUpstreamEndpointsUseHostnames, uid)
func (s *handlerUpstreams) resetWatchesFromChain(
ctx context.Context,
uid UpstreamID,
chain *structs.CompiledDiscoveryChain,
snap *ConfigSnapshotUpstreams,
) error {
s.logger.Trace("resetting watches for discovery chain", "id", uid)
if chain == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("not possible to arrive here with no discovery chain")
// Initialize relevant sub maps.
if _, ok := snap.WatchedUpstreams[uid]; !ok {
snap.WatchedUpstreams[uid] = make(map[string]context.CancelFunc)
if _, ok := snap.WatchedUpstreamEndpoints[uid]; !ok {
snap.WatchedUpstreamEndpoints[uid] = make(map[string]structs.CheckServiceNodes)
if _, ok := snap.WatchedGateways[uid]; !ok {
snap.WatchedGateways[uid] = make(map[string]context.CancelFunc)
if _, ok := snap.WatchedGatewayEndpoints[uid]; !ok {
snap.WatchedGatewayEndpoints[uid] = make(map[string]structs.CheckServiceNodes)
// We could invalidate this selectively based on a hash of the relevant
// resolver information, but for now just reset anything about this
// upstream when the chain changes in any way.
// TODO(rb): content hash based add/remove
for targetID, cancelFn := range snap.WatchedUpstreams[uid] {
s.logger.Trace("stopping watch of target",
"upstream", uid,
"chain", chain.ServiceName,
"target", targetID,
delete(snap.WatchedUpstreams[uid], targetID)
delete(snap.WatchedUpstreamEndpoints[uid], targetID)
targetUID := NewUpstreamIDFromTargetID(targetID)
if targetUID.Peer != "" {
var (
watchedChainEndpoints bool
needGateways = make(map[string]struct{})
chainID := chain.ID()
for _, target := range chain.Targets {
if target.ID == chainID {
watchedChainEndpoints = true
opts := targetWatchOpts{upstreamID: uid}
opts.fromChainTarget(chain, target)
err := s.watchUpstreamTarget(ctx, snap, opts)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to watch target %q for upstream %q", target.ID, uid)
// We'll get endpoints from the gateway query, but the health still has
// to come from the backing service query.
var gk GatewayKey
switch target.MeshGateway.Mode {
case structs.MeshGatewayModeRemote:
gk = GatewayKey{
Partition: target.Partition,
Datacenter: target.Datacenter,
case structs.MeshGatewayModeLocal:
gk = GatewayKey{
Partition: s.proxyID.PartitionOrDefault(),
Datacenter: s.source.Datacenter,
if s.source.Datacenter != target.Datacenter || s.proxyID.PartitionOrDefault() != target.Partition {
needGateways[gk.String()] = struct{}{}
// Register a local gateway watch if any targets are pointing to a peer and require a mode of local.
if target.Peer != "" && target.MeshGateway.Mode == structs.MeshGatewayModeLocal {
s.setupWatchForLocalGWEndpoints(ctx, snap)
// If the discovery chain's targets do not lead to watching all endpoints
// for the upstream, then create a separate watch for those too.
// This is needed in transparent mode because if there is some service A that
// redirects to service B, the dialing proxy needs to associate A's virtual IP
// with A's discovery chain.
// Outside of transparent mode we only watch the chain target, B,
// since A is a virtual service and traffic will not be sent to it.
if !watchedChainEndpoints && s.proxyCfg.Mode == structs.ProxyModeTransparent {
chainEntMeta := acl.NewEnterpriseMetaWithPartition(chain.Partition, chain.Namespace)
opts := targetWatchOpts{
upstreamID: uid,
chainID: chainID,
service: chain.ServiceName,
filter: "",
datacenter: chain.Datacenter,
entMeta: &chainEntMeta,
err := s.watchUpstreamTarget(ctx, snap, opts)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to watch target %q for upstream %q", chainID, uid)
for key := range needGateways {
if _, ok := snap.WatchedGateways[uid][key]; ok {
gwKey := gatewayKeyFromString(key)
s.logger.Trace("initializing watch of mesh gateway",
"upstream", uid,
"chain", chain.ServiceName,
"datacenter", gwKey.Datacenter,
"partition", gwKey.Partition,
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
opts := gatewayWatchOpts{
internalServiceDump: s.dataSources.InternalServiceDump,
source: *s.source,
token: s.token,
key: gwKey,
upstreamID: uid,
err := watchMeshGateway(ctx, opts)
if err != nil {
return err
snap.WatchedGateways[uid][key] = cancel
for key, cancelFn := range snap.WatchedGateways[uid] {
if _, ok := needGateways[key]; ok {
gwKey := gatewayKeyFromString(key)
s.logger.Trace("stopping watch of mesh gateway",
"upstream", uid,
"chain", chain.ServiceName,
"datacenter", gwKey.Datacenter,
"partition", gwKey.Partition,
delete(snap.WatchedGateways[uid], key)
delete(snap.WatchedGatewayEndpoints[uid], key)
return nil
type targetWatchOpts struct {
upstreamID UpstreamID
chainID string
service string
filter string
datacenter string
peer string
entMeta *acl.EnterpriseMeta
func (o *targetWatchOpts) fromChainTarget(c *structs.CompiledDiscoveryChain, t *structs.DiscoveryTarget) {
o.chainID = t.ID
o.service = t.Service
o.filter = t.Subset.Filter
o.datacenter = t.Datacenter
o.peer = t.Peer
o.entMeta = t.GetEnterpriseMetadata()
// The peer-targets in a discovery chain intentionally clear out
// the partition field, since we don't know the remote service's partition.
// Therefore, we must query with the chain's local partition / DC, or else
// the services will not be found.
// Note that the namespace is not swapped out, because it should
// always match the value in the remote datacenter (and shouldn't
// have been changed anywhere).
if o.peer != "" {
o.datacenter = ""
// Clone the enterprise meta so it's not modified when we swap the partition.
var em acl.EnterpriseMeta
o.entMeta = &em
func (s *handlerUpstreams) watchUpstreamTarget(ctx context.Context, snap *ConfigSnapshotUpstreams, opts targetWatchOpts) error {
s.logger.Trace("initializing watch of target",
"upstream", opts.upstreamID,
"chain", opts.service,
"target", opts.chainID,
uid := opts.upstreamID
correlationID := "upstream-target:" + opts.chainID + ":" + uid.String()
if opts.peer != "" {
uid = NewUpstreamIDFromTargetID(opts.chainID)
correlationID = upstreamPeerWatchIDPrefix + uid.String()
// Perform this merge so that a nil EntMeta isn't possible.
var entMeta acl.EnterpriseMeta
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
err := s.dataSources.Health.Notify(ctx, &structs.ServiceSpecificRequest{
PeerName: opts.peer,
Datacenter: opts.datacenter,
QueryOptions: structs.QueryOptions{
Token: s.token,
Filter: opts.filter,
ServiceName: opts.service,
Connect: true,
// Note that Identifier doesn't type-prefix for service any more as it's
// the default and makes metrics and other things much cleaner. It's
// simpler for us if we have the type to make things unambiguous.
Source: *s.source,
EnterpriseMeta: entMeta,
}, correlationID,
if err != nil {
return err
snap.WatchedUpstreams[opts.upstreamID][opts.chainID] = cancel
if uid.Peer == "" {
return nil
if ok := snap.PeerUpstreamEndpoints.IsWatched(uid); !ok {
snap.PeerUpstreamEndpoints.InitWatch(uid, cancel)
// Check whether a watch for this peer exists to avoid duplicates.
if ok := snap.UpstreamPeerTrustBundles.IsWatched(uid.Peer); !ok {
peerCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
if err := s.dataSources.TrustBundle.Notify(peerCtx, &cachetype.TrustBundleReadRequest{
Request: &pbpeering.TrustBundleReadRequest{
Name: uid.Peer,
Partition: uid.PartitionOrDefault(),
QueryOptions: structs.QueryOptions{Token: s.token},
}, peerTrustBundleIDPrefix+uid.Peer,; err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error while watching trust bundle for peer %q: %w", uid.Peer, err)
snap.UpstreamPeerTrustBundles.InitWatch(uid.Peer, cancel)
return nil
type discoveryChainWatchOpts struct {
id UpstreamID
name string
namespace string
2021-08-20 12:57:45 -04:00
partition string
datacenter string
cfg reducedUpstreamConfig
meshGateway structs.MeshGatewayConfig
func (s *handlerUpstreams) watchDiscoveryChain(ctx context.Context, snap *ConfigSnapshot, opts discoveryChainWatchOpts) error {
var watchedDiscoveryChains map[UpstreamID]context.CancelFunc
switch s.kind {
Implement APIGateway proxycfg snapshot (#16194) * Stub proxycfg handler for API gateway * Add Service Kind constants/handling for API Gateway * Begin stubbing for SDS * Add new Secret type to xDS order of operations * Continue stubbing of SDS * Iterate on proxycfg handler for API gateway * Handle BoundAPIGateway config entry subscription in proxycfg-glue * Add API gateway to config snapshot validation * Add API gateway to config snapshot clone, leaf, etc. * Subscribe to bound route + cert config entries on bound-api-gateway * Track routes + certs on API gateway config snapshot * Generate DeepCopy() for types used in watch.Map * Watch all active references on api-gateway, unwatch inactive * Track loading of initial bound-api-gateway config entry * Use proper proto package for SDS mapping * Use ResourceReference instead of ServiceName, collect resources * Fix typo, add + remove TODOs * Watch discovery chains for TCPRoute * Add TODO for updating gateway services for api-gateway * make proto * Regenerate deep-copy for proxycfg * Set datacenter on upstream ID from query source * Watch discovery chains for http-route service backends * Add ServiceName getter to HTTP+TCP Service structs * Clean up unwatched discovery chains on API Gateway * Implement watch for ingress leaf certificate * Collect upstreams on http-route + tcp-route updates * Remove unused GatewayServices update handler * Remove unnecessary gateway services logic for API Gateway * Remove outdate TODO * Use .ToIngress where appropriate, including TODO for cleaning up * Cancel before returning error * Remove GatewayServices subscription * Add godoc for handlerAPIGateway functions * Update terminology from Connect => Consul Service Mesh Consistent with terminology changes in * Add missing TODO * Remove duplicate switch case * Rerun deep-copy generator * Use correct property on config snapshot * Remove unnecessary leaf cert watch * Clean up based on code review feedback * Note handler properties that are initialized but set elsewhere * Add TODO for moving helper func into structs pkg * Update generated DeepCopy code * gofmt * Generate DeepCopy() for API gateway listener types * Improve variable name * Regenerate DeepCopy() code * Fix linting issue * Temporarily remove the secret type from resource generation
2023-02-08 16:52:12 -05:00
case structs.ServiceKindAPIGateway:
watchedDiscoveryChains = snap.APIGateway.WatchedDiscoveryChains
case structs.ServiceKindIngressGateway:
watchedDiscoveryChains = snap.IngressGateway.WatchedDiscoveryChains
case structs.ServiceKindConnectProxy:
watchedDiscoveryChains = snap.ConnectProxy.WatchedDiscoveryChains
return fmt.Errorf("unsupported kind %s", s.kind)
if _, ok := watchedDiscoveryChains[]; ok {
return nil
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
err := s.dataSources.CompiledDiscoveryChain.Notify(ctx, &structs.DiscoveryChainRequest{
Datacenter: s.source.Datacenter,
QueryOptions: structs.QueryOptions{Token: s.token},
EvaluateInDatacenter: opts.datacenter,
EvaluateInNamespace: opts.namespace,
EvaluateInPartition: opts.partition,
OverrideProtocol: opts.cfg.Protocol,
OverrideConnectTimeout: opts.cfg.ConnectTimeout(),
OverrideMeshGateway: opts.meshGateway,
}, "discovery-chain:",
if err != nil {
return err
watchedDiscoveryChains[] = cancel
return nil
// reducedUpstreamConfig represents the basic opaque config values that are now
// managed with the discovery chain but for backwards compatibility reasons
// should still affect how the proxy is configured.
// The full-blown config is agent/xds.UpstreamConfig
type reducedUpstreamConfig struct {
Protocol string `mapstructure:"protocol"`
ConnectTimeoutMs int `mapstructure:"connect_timeout_ms"`
func (c *reducedUpstreamConfig) ConnectTimeout() time.Duration {
return time.Duration(c.ConnectTimeoutMs) * time.Millisecond
func parseReducedUpstreamConfig(m map[string]interface{}) (reducedUpstreamConfig, error) {
var cfg reducedUpstreamConfig
err := mapstructure.WeakDecode(m, &cfg)
return cfg, err
func (s *handlerUpstreams) setupWatchForLocalGWEndpoints(
ctx context.Context,
upstreams *ConfigSnapshotUpstreams,
) error {
gk := GatewayKey{
Partition: s.proxyID.PartitionOrDefault(),
Datacenter: s.source.Datacenter,
// If the watch is already initialized, do nothing.
if upstreams.WatchedLocalGWEndpoints.IsWatched(gk.String()) {
return nil
opts := gatewayWatchOpts{
internalServiceDump: s.dataSources.InternalServiceDump,
source: *s.source,
token: s.token,
key: gk,
if err := watchMeshGateway(ctx, opts); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error while watching for local mesh gateway: %w", err)
upstreams.WatchedLocalGWEndpoints.InitWatch(gk.String(), nil)
return nil