# If we do not find a file in .changelog/, we post a comment to the PR
if [ -z "$changelog_files" ]; then
# post PR comment to GitHub when no .changelog entry was found on PR
echo "changelog-check: Did not find a .changelog entry, posting a reminder in the PR"
github_message="🤔 Double check that this PR does not require a changelog entry in the .changelog directory. [Reference](https://github.com/hashicorp/consul/pull/8387)"
fetch-depth:0# by default the checkout action doesn't checkout all branches
- name:Check for website/ dir change in diff
# check if there is a diff in the website/ directory
website_files=$(git --no-pager diff --name-only HEAD "$(git merge-base HEAD "origin/${{ github.event.pull_request.base.ref }}")" -- website/)
# If we find changed files in the website/ directory, we post a comment to the PR
if [ -n "$website_files" ]; then
# post PR comment to GitHub to check if a 'type/docs-cherrypick' label needs to be applied to the PR
echo "website-check: Did not find a 'type/docs-cherrypick' label, posting a reminder in the PR"
github_message="🤔 This PR has changes in the `website/` directory but does not have a `type/docs-cherrypick` label. If the changes are for the next version, this can be ignored. If they are updates to current docs, attach the label to auto cherrypick to the `stable-website` branch after merging."