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package cluster
import (
dockercontainer "github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container"
const bootLogLine = "Consul agent running"
// consulContainerNode implements the Agent interface by running a Consul agent
// in a container.
type consulContainerNode struct {
ctx context.Context
pod testcontainers.Container
container testcontainers.Container
serverMode bool
datacenter string
config Config
podReq testcontainers.ContainerRequest
consulReq testcontainers.ContainerRequest
dataDir string
network string
id int
name string
terminateFuncs []func() error
client *api.Client
clientAddr string
clientCACertFile string
ip string
nextAdminPortOffset int
nextConnectPortOffset int
info AgentInfo
func (c *consulContainerNode) GetPod() testcontainers.Container {
return c.pod
func (c *consulContainerNode) ClaimAdminPort() int {
p := 19000 + c.nextAdminPortOffset
return p
// NewConsulContainer starts a Consul agent in a container with the given config.
func NewConsulContainer(ctx context.Context, config Config, network string, index int) (Agent, error) {
if config.ScratchDir == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("ScratchDir is required")
license, err := readLicense()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pc, err := readSomeConfigFileFields(config.JSON)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
consulType := "client"
if pc.Server {
consulType = "server"
name := utils.RandName(fmt.Sprintf("%s-consul-%s-%d", pc.Datacenter, consulType, index))
// Inject new Agent name
config.Cmd = append(config.Cmd, "-node", name)
tmpDirData := filepath.Join(config.ScratchDir, "data")
if err := os.MkdirAll(tmpDirData, 0777); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error creating data directory %s: %w", tmpDirData, err)
if err := os.Chmod(tmpDirData, 0777); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error chowning data directory %s: %w", tmpDirData, err)
var caCertFileForAPI string
if config.CACert != "" {
caCertFileForAPI = filepath.Join(config.ScratchDir, "ca.pem")
if err := os.WriteFile(caCertFileForAPI, []byte(config.CACert), 0644); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error writing out CA cert %s: %w", caCertFileForAPI, err)
configFile, err := createConfigFile(config.ScratchDir, config.JSON)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error writing out config file %s: %w", configFile, err)
opts := containerOpts{
name: name,
configFile: configFile,
dataDir: tmpDirData,
license: license,
addtionalNetworks: []string{"bridge", network},
hostname: fmt.Sprintf("agent-%d", index),
podReq, consulReq := newContainerRequest(config, opts)
// Do some trickery to ensure that partial completion is correctly torn
// down, but successful execution is not.
var deferClean utils.ResettableDefer
defer deferClean.Execute()
podContainer, err := startContainer(ctx, podReq)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error starting pod with image %q: %w", podReq.Image, err)
deferClean.Add(func() {
_ = podContainer.Terminate(ctx)
var (
httpPort = pc.Ports.HTTP
httpsPort = pc.Ports.HTTPS
clientAddr string
clientCACertFile string
info AgentInfo
if httpPort > 0 {
uri, err := podContainer.PortEndpoint(ctx, "8500", "http")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
clientAddr = uri
} else if httpsPort > 0 {
uri, err := podContainer.PortEndpoint(ctx, "8501", "https")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
clientAddr = uri
clientCACertFile = caCertFileForAPI
} else {
if pc.Server {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("server container does not expose HTTP or HTTPS")
if caCertFileForAPI != "" {
if config.UseAPIWithTLS {
if pc.Ports.HTTPS > 0 {
info.UseTLSForAPI = true
} else {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("UseAPIWithTLS is set but ports.https is not for this agent")
if config.UseGRPCWithTLS {
if pc.Ports.GRPCTLS > 0 {
info.UseTLSForGRPC = true
} else {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("UseGRPCWithTLS is set but ports.grpc_tls is not for this agent")
info.CACertFile = clientCACertFile
ip, err := podContainer.ContainerIP(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
consulContainer, err := startContainer(ctx, consulReq)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error starting main with image %q: %w", consulReq.Image, err)
deferClean.Add(func() {
_ = consulContainer.Terminate(ctx)
if utils.FollowLog {
if err := consulContainer.StartLogProducer(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, err
deferClean.Add(func() {
_ = consulContainer.StopLogProducer()
if config.LogConsumer != nil {
} else {
Prefix: opts.name,
node := &consulContainerNode{
config: config,
pod: podContainer,
container: consulContainer,
serverMode: pc.Server,
datacenter: pc.Datacenter,
ctx: ctx,
podReq: podReq,
consulReq: consulReq,
dataDir: tmpDirData,
network: network,
id: index,
name: name,
ip: ip,
info: info,
if httpPort > 0 || httpsPort > 0 {
apiConfig := api.DefaultConfig()
apiConfig.Address = clientAddr
if clientCACertFile != "" {
apiConfig.TLSConfig.CAFile = clientCACertFile
apiClient, err := api.NewClient(apiConfig)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
node.client = apiClient
node.clientAddr = clientAddr
node.clientCACertFile = clientCACertFile
// disable cleanup functions now that we have an object with a Terminate() function
return node, nil
func (c *consulContainerNode) GetName() string {
if c.container == nil {
return c.consulReq.Name // TODO: is this safe to do all the time?
name, err := c.container.Name(c.ctx)
if err != nil {
return ""
return name
func (c *consulContainerNode) GetConfig() Config {
return c.config.Clone()
func (c *consulContainerNode) GetDatacenter() string {
return c.datacenter
func (c *consulContainerNode) IsServer() bool {
return c.serverMode
// GetClient returns an API client that can be used to communicate with the Agent.
func (c *consulContainerNode) GetClient() *api.Client {
return c.client
func (c *consulContainerNode) GetAPIAddrInfo() (addr, caCert string) {
return c.clientAddr, c.clientCACertFile
func (c *consulContainerNode) GetInfo() AgentInfo {
return c.info
func (c *consulContainerNode) GetIP() string {
return c.ip
func (c *consulContainerNode) RegisterTermination(f func() error) {
c.terminateFuncs = append(c.terminateFuncs, f)
func (c *consulContainerNode) Exec(ctx context.Context, cmd []string) (int, error) {
exit, _, err := c.container.Exec(ctx, cmd)
return exit, err
func (c *consulContainerNode) Upgrade(ctx context.Context, config Config) error {
if config.ScratchDir == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("ScratchDir is required")
newConfigFile, err := createConfigFile(config.ScratchDir, config.JSON)
if err != nil {
return err
// We'll keep the same pod.
opts := containerOpts{
name: c.consulReq.Name,
configFile: newConfigFile,
dataDir: c.dataDir,
license: "",
addtionalNetworks: []string{"bridge", c.network},
hostname: c.consulReq.Hostname,
_, consulReq2 := newContainerRequest(config, opts)
consulReq2.Env = c.consulReq.Env // copy license
// sanity check two fields
if consulReq2.Name != c.consulReq.Name {
return fmt.Errorf("new name %q should match old name %q", consulReq2.Name, c.consulReq.Name)
if consulReq2.Hostname != c.consulReq.Hostname {
return fmt.Errorf("new hostname %q should match old hostname %q", consulReq2.Hostname, c.consulReq.Hostname)
if err := c.TerminateAndRetainPod(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error terminating running container during upgrade: %w", err)
c.consulReq = consulReq2
container, err := startContainer(ctx, c.consulReq)
c.ctx = ctx
c.container = container
if err != nil {
return err
if utils.FollowLog {
if err := container.StartLogProducer(ctx); err != nil {
return err
Prefix: opts.name,
return nil
// Terminate attempts to terminate the agent container.
// This might also include running termination functions for containers associated with the agent.
// On failure, an error will be returned and the reaper process (RYUK) will handle cleanup.
func (c *consulContainerNode) Terminate() error {
return c.terminate(false)
func (c *consulContainerNode) TerminateAndRetainPod() error {
return c.terminate(true)
func (c *consulContainerNode) terminate(retainPod bool) error {
// Services might register a termination function that should also fire
// when the "agent" is cleaned up
for _, f := range c.terminateFuncs {
err := f()
if err != nil {
var merr error
if c.container != nil {
if err := TerminateContainer(c.ctx, c.container, true); err != nil {
merr = multierror.Append(merr, err)
c.container = nil
if !retainPod && c.pod != nil {
if err := TerminateContainer(c.ctx, c.pod, false); err != nil {
merr = multierror.Append(merr, err)
c.pod = nil
return merr
func (c *consulContainerNode) DataDir() string {
return c.dataDir
func startContainer(ctx context.Context, req testcontainers.ContainerRequest) (testcontainers.Container, error) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, time.Second*40)
defer cancel()
return testcontainers.GenericContainer(ctx, testcontainers.GenericContainerRequest{
ContainerRequest: req,
Started: true,
const pauseImage = "k8s.gcr.io/pause:3.3"
type containerOpts struct {
configFile string
dataDir string
hostname string
index int
license string
name string
addtionalNetworks []string
func newContainerRequest(config Config, opts containerOpts) (podRequest, consulRequest testcontainers.ContainerRequest) {
skipReaper := isRYUKDisabled()
pod := testcontainers.ContainerRequest{
Image: pauseImage,
AutoRemove: false,
Name: opts.name + "-pod",
SkipReaper: skipReaper,
ExposedPorts: []string{
"8443/tcp", // Envoy Gateway Listener
"5000/tcp", // Envoy App Listener
"8079/tcp", // Envoy App Listener
"8080/tcp", // Envoy App Listener
"9998/tcp", // Envoy App Listener
"9999/tcp", // Envoy App Listener
"19000/tcp", // Envoy Admin Port
"19001/tcp", // Envoy Admin Port
"19002/tcp", // Envoy Admin Port
"19003/tcp", // Envoy Admin Port
"19004/tcp", // Envoy Admin Port
"19005/tcp", // Envoy Admin Port
"19006/tcp", // Envoy Admin Port
"19007/tcp", // Envoy Admin Port
"19008/tcp", // Envoy Admin Port
"19009/tcp", // Envoy Admin Port
Hostname: opts.hostname,
Networks: opts.addtionalNetworks,
// For handshakes like auto-encrypt, it can take 10's of seconds for the agent to become "ready".
// If we only wait until the log stream starts, subsequent commands to agents will fail.
// TODO: optimize the wait strategy
app := testcontainers.ContainerRequest{
NetworkMode: dockercontainer.NetworkMode("container:" + opts.name + "-pod"),
Image: config.DockerImage(),
WaitingFor: wait.ForLog(bootLogLine).WithStartupTimeout(60 * time.Second), // See note above
AutoRemove: false,
Name: opts.name,
Mounts: []testcontainers.ContainerMount{
Source: testcontainers.DockerBindMountSource{HostPath: opts.configFile},
Target: "/consul/config/config.json",
ReadOnly: true,
Source: testcontainers.DockerBindMountSource{HostPath: opts.dataDir},
Target: "/consul/data",
Cmd: config.Cmd,
SkipReaper: skipReaper,
Env: map[string]string{"CONSUL_LICENSE": opts.license},
if config.CertVolume != "" {
app.Mounts = append(app.Mounts, testcontainers.ContainerMount{
Source: testcontainers.DockerVolumeMountSource{
Name: config.CertVolume,
Target: "/consul/config/certs",
ReadOnly: true,
// fmt.Printf("app: %s\n", utils.Dump(app))
return pod, app
// isRYUKDisabled returns whether the reaper process (RYUK) has been disabled
// by an environment variable.
// https://github.com/testcontainers/moby-ryuk
func isRYUKDisabled() bool {
skipReaperStr := os.Getenv(disableRYUKEnv)
skipReaper, err := strconv.ParseBool(skipReaperStr)
if err != nil {
return false
return skipReaper
func readLicense() (string, error) {
if license := os.Getenv("CONSUL_LICENSE"); license != "" {
return license, nil
licensePath := os.Getenv("CONSUL_LICENSE_PATH")
if licensePath == "" {
return "", nil
licenseBytes, err := os.ReadFile(licensePath)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return string(licenseBytes), nil
func createConfigFile(scratchDir string, JSON string) (string, error) {
configDir := filepath.Join(scratchDir, "config")
if err := os.MkdirAll(configDir, 0777); err != nil {
return "", err
if err := os.Chmod(configDir, 0777); err != nil {
return "", err
configFile := filepath.Join(configDir, "config.hcl")
if err := os.WriteFile(configFile, []byte(JSON), 0644); err != nil {
return "", err
return configFile, nil
type parsedConfig struct {
Datacenter string `json:"datacenter"`
Server bool `json:"server"`
Ports parsedPorts `json:"ports"`
type parsedPorts struct {
DNS int `json:"dns"`
HTTP int `json:"http"`
HTTPS int `json:"https"`
GRPC int `json:"grpc"`
GRPCTLS int `json:"grpc_tls"`
SerfLAN int `json:"serf_lan"`
SerfWAN int `json:"serf_wan"`
Server int `json:"server"`
func readSomeConfigFileFields(JSON string) (parsedConfig, error) {
var pc parsedConfig
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(JSON), &pc); err != nil {
return pc, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to parse config file")
if pc.Datacenter == "" {
pc.Datacenter = "dc1"
return pc, nil