| `expanded` | `Boolean` | false | The _initial_ state of the disclosure. Please note: this is the _initial_ state only, please use the `disclosure.open` and `disclosure.close` for controling the state. |
## Exported API
| Name | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `Action` | `GlimmerComponent` | A contextual '<Action />' component with aria attributes correctly applied, please note you still need to add an 'on' modifier here so you can control whether it opens on click/hover etc |
| `Menu` | `MenuComponent` | A contextual '<Menu />' component already wrapped in a disclosure.Details component |
| `toggle` | `Function` | Toggle the open/close state of the disclosure |
| `expanded` | `Boolean` | Whether the disclosure is 'expanded' or not |
| `disclosure` | `DisclosureComponentAPI` | A reference to the full DisclosureComponentAPI |
### menu.Action
An `<Action />` component with the correct aria attributes added.
### menu.Menu
A `<Menu />` component with the correct aria attributes added.