Consul Enterprise is a paid offering that extends Consul Community Edition to support large and complex deployments. Learn about scaling infrastructure, simplifying operations, and making networks more resilient with Enterprise. Evaluate Enterprise features with the feature availability and compatibility matrix.
- [Admin Partitions](/consul/docs/enterprise/admin-partitions): Define administrative boundaries between tenants within a single Consul datacenter.
- [Namespaces](/consul/docs/enterprise/namespaces): Define resource boundaries within a single admin partition for further organizational flexibility.
- [Sameness Groups](/consul/docs/connect/config-entries/sameness-group): Define partitions and cluster peers as members of a group with identical services.
- [Server request rate limits per source IP](/consul/docs/agent/limits/usage/limit-request-rates-from-ips): Limit gRPC and RPC traffic to servers for source IP addresses.
- [Traffic rate limiting for services](/consul/docs/connect/manage-traffic/limit-request-rates): Limit the rate of HTTP requests a service receives per service instance.
- [Locality-aware routing](/consul/docs/connect/manage-traffic/route-to-local-upstreams): Prioritize upstream services in the same region and zone as the downstream service.
- [Fault injection](/consul/docs/connect/manage-traffic/fault-injection): Explore the resiliency of downstream services in response to problems with an upstream service, such as errors, latency, or response rate limits.
- [Long Term Support (LTS)](/consul/docs/enterprise/long-term-support): Reduce operational overhead and risk by using LTS releases that are maintained for longer than standard releases.
- [Automated Upgrades](/consul/docs/enterprise/upgrades): Ease upgrades by automating the transition from existing to newly deployed Consul servers.
- [Consul-Terraform-Sync Enterprise](/consul/docs/nia/enterprise): Leverage the enhanced network infrastructure automation capabilities of the enterprise version of Consul-Terraform-Sync.
- [Network Areas](/consul/docs/enterprise/federation): Support complex network topologies between federated Consul datacenters with pairwise federation rather than full mesh federation.
- [Network Segments](/consul/docs/enterprise/network-segments/network-segments-overview): Support complex network topologies within a Consul datacenter by enforcing boundaries in Consul client gossip traffic.
- [OIDC Auth Method](/consul/docs/security/acl/auth-methods/oidc): Manage user access to Consul through an OIDC identity provider instead of Consul ACL tokens directly.
- [Audit Logging](/consul/docs/enterprise/audit-logging): Understand Consul access and usage patterns by reviewing access to the Consul HTTP API.
- JWT authentication and authorization for API gateway: Prevent unverified traffic at the API gateway using JWTs for authentication and authorization on [VMs](/consul/docs/connect/gateways/api-gateway/secure-traffic/verify-jwts-vms) and on [Kubernetes](/consul/docs/connect/gateways/api-gateway/secure-traffic/verify-jwts-k8s).
- [FIPS 140-2 Compliance](/consul/docs/enterprise/fips): Leverage FIPS builds of Consul Enterprise to ensure your Consul deployments are secured with BoringCrypto and CNGCrypto, and compliant with FIPS 140-2.
FIPS 140-2 builds of Consul Enterprise support all runtimes (VMs, Kubernetes) except for Lambda and ECS. In addition, HCP does not currently support FIPS builds of Consul Enterprise.
| [Long Term Support (LTS)](/consul/docs/enterprise/long-term-support) | Not applicable | Yes | Not applicable |
| [Namespaces](/consul/docs/enterprise/namespaces) | All tiers | Yes | With Governance and Policy module |
| [Network Areas](/consul/docs/enterprise/federation) | No | Yes | With Global Visibility, Routing, and Scale module |
| [Network Segments](/consul/docs/enterprise/network-segments/network-segments-overview) | No | Yes | With Global Visibility, Routing, and Scale module |
| [Redundancy Zones](/consul/docs/enterprise/redundancy) | Not applicable | Yes | With Global Visibility, Routing, and Scale module |
| [Sameness Groups](/consul/docs/connect/config-entries/sameness-group) | No | Yes | Not applicable |
| [Server request rate limits per source IP](/consul/docs/agent/limits/usage/limit-request-rates-from-ips) | All tiers | Yes | With Governance and Policy module |