2020-05-27 13:02:22 -04:00
Package decode provides tools for customizing the decoding of configuration,
into structures using mapstructure.
package decode
import (
// HookTranslateKeys is a mapstructure decode hook which translates keys in a
// map to their canonical value.
// Any struct field with a field tag of `alias` may be loaded from any of the
// values keyed by any of the aliases. A field may have one or more alias.
// Aliases must be lowercase, as keys are compared case-insensitive.
// Example alias tag:
// MyField []string `alias:"old_field_name,otherfieldname"`
// This hook should ONLY be used to maintain backwards compatibility with
// deprecated keys. For new structures use mapstructure struct tags to set the
// desired serialization key.
// IMPORTANT: This function assumes that mapstructure is being used with the
// default struct field tag of `mapstructure`. If mapstructure.DecoderConfig.TagName
// is set to a different value this function will need to be parameterized with
// that value to correctly find the canonical data key.
func HookTranslateKeys(_, to reflect.Type, data interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
// Return immediately if target is not a struct, as only structs can have
// field tags. If the target is a pointer to a struct, mapstructure will call
// the hook again with the struct.
if to.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
return data, nil
// Avoid doing any work if data is not a map
source, ok := data.(map[string]interface{})
if !ok {
return data, nil
rules := translationsForType(to)
for k, v := range source {
lowerK := strings.ToLower(k)
canonKey, ok := rules[lowerK]
if !ok {
delete(source, k)
// if there is a value for the canonical key then keep it
if _, ok := source[canonKey]; ok {
source[canonKey] = v
return source, nil
// TODO: could be cached if it is too slow
func translationsForType(to reflect.Type) map[string]string {
translations := map[string]string{}
for i := 0; i < to.NumField(); i++ {
field := to.Field(i)
tag, ok := field.Tag.Lookup("alias")
if !ok {
canonKey := strings.ToLower(canonicalFieldKey(field))
for _, alias := range strings.Split(tag, ",") {
translations[strings.ToLower(alias)] = canonKey
return translations
func canonicalFieldKey(field reflect.StructField) string {
tag, ok := field.Tag.Lookup("mapstructure")
if !ok {
return field.Name
parts := strings.SplitN(tag, ",", 2)
switch {
case len(parts) < 1:
return field.Name
case parts[0] == "":
return field.Name
return parts[0]
2020-06-08 19:53:04 -04:00
// HookWeakDecodeFromSlice looks for []map[string]interface{} in the source
// data. If the target is not a slice or array it attempts to unpack 1 item
// out of the slice. If there are more items the source data is left unmodified,
// allowing mapstructure to handle and report the decode error caused by
// mismatched types.
// If this hook is being used on a "second pass" decode to decode an opaque
// configuration into a type, the DecodeConfig should set WeaklyTypedInput=true,
// (or another hook) to convert any scalar values into a slice of one value when
// the target is a slice. This is necessary because this hook would have converted
// the initial slices into single values on the first pass.
// Background
// HCL allows for repeated blocks which forces it to store structures
// as []map[string]interface{} instead of map[string]interface{}. This is an
// ambiguity which makes the generated structures incompatible with the
// corresponding JSON data.
// This hook allows config to be read from the HCL format into a raw structure,
// and later decoded into a strongly typed structure.
func HookWeakDecodeFromSlice(from, to reflect.Type, data interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
if from.Kind() == reflect.Slice && (to.Kind() == reflect.Slice || to.Kind() == reflect.Array) {
return data, nil
switch d := data.(type) {
case []map[string]interface{}:
switch {
case len(d) == 0:
return nil, nil
case len(d) == 1:
return d[0], nil
return data, nil
return data, nil