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import { moduleFor, test } from 'ember-qunit';
import repo from 'consul-ui/tests/helpers/repo';
import { get } from '@ember/object';
const NAME = 'service';
moduleFor(`service:repository/${NAME}`, `Integration | Service | ${NAME}`, {
// Specify the other units that are required for this test.
integration: true,
const dc = 'dc-1';
const now = new Date().getTime();
const undefinedNspace = 'default';
[undefinedNspace, 'team-1', undefined].forEach(nspace => {
test(`findGatewayBySlug returns the correct data for list endpoint when nspace is ${nspace}`, function(assert) {
get(this.subject(), 'store').serializerFor(NAME).timestamp = function() {
return now;
const gateway = 'gateway';
const conf = {
cursor: 1,
return repo(
function retrieveStub(stub) {
return stub(
typeof nspace !== 'undefined' ? `&ns=${nspace}` : ``
function performTest(service) {
return service.findGatewayBySlug(gateway, dc, nspace || undefinedNspace, conf);
function performAssertion(actual, expected) {
const result = expected(function(payload) {
return payload.map(item =>
Object.assign({}, item, {
SyncTime: now,
Datacenter: dc,
Namespace: item.Namespace || undefinedNspace,
uid: `["${item.Namespace || undefinedNspace}","${dc}","${item.Name}"]`,
assert.equal(actual[0].SyncTime, result[0].SyncTime);
assert.equal(actual[0].Datacenter, result[0].Datacenter);
assert.equal(actual[0].Namespace, result[0].Namespace);
assert.equal(actual[0].uid, result[0].uid);