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ui: feature-flagged peering mvp (#13425) * add peers route * add peers to nav * use regular app ui patterns peers template * use empty state in peers UI * mock `v1/peerings` request * implement custom adapter/serializer for `peers`-model * index request for peerings on peers route * update peers list to show as proper list * Use tailwind for easier styling * Unique ids in peerings response mock-api * Add styling peerings list * Allow creating empty tooltip To make it easier to iterate over a set of items where some items should not display a tooltip and others should. * Add tooltip Peerings:Badge * Add undefined peering state badge * Remove imported/exported services count peering This won't be included in the initial version of the API response * Implement Peerings::Search * Make it possible to filter peerings by name * Install ember-keyboard For idiomatic handling of key-presses. * Clear peering search input when pressing `Escape` * use peers.index instead of peers for peerings listing * Allow to include peered services in services-query * update services mock to add peerName * add Consul::Peer component To surface peering information on a resource * add PeerName as attribute to service model * surface peering information in service list * Add tooltip to Consul::Peer * Make services searchable by peer-name * Allow passing optional query-params to href-to * Add peer query-param to dc.services.show * Pass peer as query-param services listing * support option peer route-param * set peer-name undefined in services serializer when empty * update peer route-param when navigating to peered service * request sercice with peer-name if need be * make sure to reset peer route-param when leaving service.show * componentize services.peer-info * surface peer info services.show * make sure to reset peer route-param in main nav * fix services breadcrumb services.intentions we need to reset peer route-param here to not break the app * surface peer when querying for it on service api call * query for peer info service-instance api calls * surface peer info service-instance.show * Camelize peer attributes to match rest of app * Refactor peers.index to reflect camelized attributes for peer * Remove unused query-params services.show * make logo href reset peer route-param * Cleanup optional peer param query service-instance * Use replace decorator instead of serializer for empty peerName * make sure to only send peer info when correct qp is passed * Always send qp for querying peers services request * rename with-imports to with-peers * Use css for peer-icon * Refactor bucket-list component to surface peer-info * Remove Consul::Peer component This info is now displayed via the bucket-list component * Fix bucket-list component to surface service again * Update bucket-list docs to reflect peer-info addition * Remove tailwind related styles * Remove consul-tailwind package We won't be using tailwind for now * Fix typo badge scss * Add with-import handling mock-api nodes * Add peerName to node attributes * include peers when querying nodes * reflect api updates node list mock * Create consul::node::peer-info component * Surface peer-info in nodes list * Mock peer response for node request * Make it possible to add peer-name to node request * Update peer route-param when linking to node * Reset peers route-param when leaving nodes.show We need to reset the route-param to not introduce a bug - otherwise subsequent node show request would request with the old peer query-param * Add sourcePeer intentions api mock * add SourcePeer attr to intentions model * Surface peering info on intentions list * Request peered intentions differently intentions.edit * Handle peer info in intentions/exact mock * Surface peering info intention view * Add randomized peer data topology mock * Surface peer info topology view * fix service/peer-info styling We aren't using tailwind anymore - we need to create a custom scss file * Update peerings api mocks * Update peerings::badge with updated styling * cleanup intentions/exact mock * Create watcher component to declaratively register polling * Poll peers in background when on peers route * use existing colors for peering-badge * Add test for requesting service with `with-peers`-query * add imported/exported count to peers model * update mock-api to surface exported/imported count on peers * Show exported/imported peers count on peers list * Use translations for service import/export UI peers * Make sure to ask for nodes with peers * Add match-url step for easier url testing of service urls * Add test for peer-name on peered services * Add test for service navigation peered service * Implement feature-flag handling * Enable peering feature in test and development * Redirect peers to services.index when feature-flag is disabled * Only query for peers when feature is enabled * Only show peers in nav when feature is enabled * Componentize peering service count detail * Handle non-state Peerings::Badge * Use Peerings::ServiceCount in peerings list * Only send peer query for peered service-instances. * Add step to visit url directly * add test for accessing peered service directly * Remove unused service import peers.index * Only query for peer when peer provided node-adapter * fix tests
2022-06-23 15:16:26 +02:00
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