2022-09-29 16:38:41 +00:00
Feature: dc / peers / establish: Peer Establish Peering
Given 1 datacenter model with the value "dc-1"
And the url "/v1/peering/token" responds with from yaml
PeeringToken: an-encoded-token
When I visit the peers page for yaml
dc: dc-1
Then the url should be /dc-1/peers
And I click create
When I click "[data-test-tab=tab_establish-peering] button"
Then I fill in with yaml
Name: new-peer
Token: an-encoded-token
When I click ".peer-create-modal .modal-dialog-footer button"
Then a POST request was made to "/v1/peering/establish" from yaml
PeerName: new-peer
PeeringToken: an-encoded-token
2023-03-06 22:10:09 +00:00
And "[data-notification]" has the "hds-toast" class
And "[data-notification]" has the "hds-alert--color-success" class
2022-10-26 09:15:57 +00:00
And the url should be /dc-1/peers/new-peer/imported-services