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layout: "docs"
page_title: "Using Envoy with Connect"
sidebar_current: "docs-guides-connect-envoy"
description: |-
This guide walks though getting started running Envoy as a Connect Proxy.
# Using Connect with Envoy Proxy
Consul Connect has first class support for using
[Envoy](https://www.envoyproxy.io) as a proxy. This guide will walk through a
working example on a local development machine that shows the moving parts.
For reference documentation on how the integration works and is configured,
please see [Envoy](/docs/connect/proxies/envoy.html).
## Setup Overview
This guide will describe how to setup a development-mode Consul server and two
Envoy proxies on a single machine using [Docker](https://www.docker.com/). The
aim is to demonstrate a minimal working setup and the moving parts involved.
We choose to run in Docker since Envoy is only distributed as a Docker image so
it's the quickest way to get a demo running. The same commands used here will
work in just the same way outside of Docker if you build an Envoy binary
We'll start all containers using Docker's `host` network mode which is not a
realistic simulation of a production setup, but makes the following steps much
We should end up with five containers running:
1. The Consul agent
2. An example TCP `echo` service as a destination
3. An Envoy sidecar proxy for the `echo` service
4. An Envoy sidecar proxy for the `client` service
5. An example `client` service (netcat)
## Building an Envoy Image
Starting Envoy requires a bootstrap configuration file that points Envoy to the
local agent for discovering the rest of it's configuration. The Consul binary
includes the [`consul connect envoy` command](/docs/commands/connect/envoy.html)
which can generate the bootstrap configuration for Envoy and optionally run it
Envoy's official Docker image can be used with Connect directly however it
requires some additional steps to generate bootstrap configuration and inject it
into the container.
Instead, we'll use Docker multi-stage builds (added in version 17.05) to make a
local image that has both `envoy` and `consul` binaries.
We'll create a local Docker image to use that contains both binaries. First
create a `Dockerfile` containing the following:
FROM consul:latest
FROM envoyproxy/envoy:v1.8.0
COPY --from=0 /bin/consul /bin/consul
ENTRYPOINT ["dumb-init", "consul", "connect", "envoy"]
This takes the Consul binary from the latest release image and copies it into a
new image based on the official Envoy image.
This can be built locally with:
docker build -t consul-envoy .
We will use the `consul-envoy` image we just made to configure and run Envoy
processes later.
## Consul Agent Setup
Next we need a Consul agent. We'll work with a single Consul agent in `-dev`
mode for simplicity.
-> **Note:** `-dev` mode enables the gRPC server on port 8502 by default. For a
production agent you'll need to [explicitly configure the gRPC
In order to start a proxy instance, a [proxy service
definition](/docs/connect/proxies.html) must exist on the local agent. We'll
create one using the [sidecar service
registration](/docs/connect/proxies/sidecar-service.html) syntax.
Create a config file called `envoy_demo.hcl` containing the following service
services {
name = "client"
port = 8080
connect {
sidecar_service {
proxy {
upstreams {
destination_name = "echo"
local_bind_port = 9191
services {
name = "echo"
port = 9090
connect {
sidecar_service {}
The Consul agent container can now be started with that configuration.
$ docker run --rm -d -v$(pwd)/envoy_demo.hcl:/etc/consul/envoy_demo.hcl \
--network host --name consul-agent consul:latest \
agent -dev -config-file /etc/consul/envoy_demo.hcl
Running with `-d` like this puts the container into the background so we can
continue in the same terminal. Log output can be seen using the name we gave.
docker logs -f consul-agent
Note that the Consul agent has registered two services `client` and `echo`, but
also registered two proxies `client-sidecar-proxy` and `echo-sidecar-proxy`.
Next we'll need to run those services and proxies.
## Running the Echo Service
Next we'll run the `echo` service. We can use an existing tcp echo utility image
for this.
Start the echo service on port 9090 as registered before.
$ docker run -d --network host abrarov/tcp-echo --port 9090
## Running the Proxies
We can now run "sidecar" proxy instances.
$ docker run --rm -d --network host --name echo-proxy \
consul-envoy -sidecar-for echo
$ docker run --rm -d --network host --name client-proxy \
consul-envoy -sidecar-for client -admin-bind localhost:19001
The `-admin-bind` flag on the second proxy command is needed because both
proxies are running on the host network and so can't bind to the same port for
their admin API (which cannot be disabled).
Again we can see the output using docker logs. To see more verbose information
from Envoy you can add `-- -l debug` to the end of the commands above. This
passes the `-l` (log level) option directly through to Envoy. With debug level
logs you should see the config being delivered to the proxy in the output.
The [`consul connect envoy` command](/docs/commands/connect/envoy.html) here is
connecting to the local agent, getting the proxy configuration from the proxy
service registration and generating the required Envoy bootstrap configuration
before `exec`ing the envoy binary directly to run it with the generated
Envoy uses the bootstrap configuration to connect to the local agent directly
via gRPC and use it's xDS protocol to retrieve the actual configuration for
listeners, TLS certificates, upstream service instances and so on. The xDS API
allows the Envoy instance to watch for any changes so certificate rotations or
changes to the upstream service instances are immediately sent to the proxy.
## Running the Client
Finally, we can see the connectivity by running a dummy "client" service. Rather
than run a full service that itself can listen, we'll simulate the service with
a simple netcat process that will only talk to the `client-sidecar-proxy` Envoy
Recall that we configured the `client` sidecar with one declared "upstream"
dependency (the `echo` service). In that declaration we also requested that the
`echo` service should be exposed to the client on local port 9191.
This configuration causes the `client-sidecar-proxy` to start a TCP proxy
listening on `localhost:9191` and proxying to the `echo` service. Importantly,
the listener will use the correct `client` service mTLS certificate to authorize
the connection. It discovers the IP addresses of instances of the echo service
via Consul service discovery.
We can now see this working if we run netcat.
$ docker run -ti --rm --network host gophernet/netcat localhost 9191
Hello World!
Hello World!
## Testing Authorization
To demonstrate that Connect is controlling authorization for the echo service,
we can add an explicit deny rule.
$ docker run -ti --rm --network host consul:latest intention create -deny client echo
Created: client => echo (deny)
Now, new connections will be denied. Depending on a few factors, netcat may not
see the connection being closed but will not get a response from the service.
$ docker run -ti --rm --network host gophernet/netcat localhost 9191
Anyone there?
-> **Note:** Envoy will not currently re-authenticate already established TCP
connections so if you still have the netcat terminal open from before, that will
still be able to communicate with "echo". _New_ connections should be denied
Removing the intention restores connectivity.
$ docker run -ti --rm --network host consul:latest intention delete client echo
Intention deleted.
$ docker run -ti --rm --network host gophernet/netcat localhost 9191
## Summary
In this guide we walked through getting a minimal working example of two plain
TCP processes communicating over mTLS using Envoy sidecars configured by
For more details on how the Envoy integration works, please see the [Envoy
reference documentation](/docs/connect/proxies/envoy.html).
To see how to get Consul Connect working in different environments like
Kubernetes see the [Connect Getting
Started](/docs/connect/index.html#getting-started-with-connect) overview.