2020-09-10 13:32:06 -04:00
import UseCases from '@hashicorp/react-use-cases'
import BasicHero from '../../components/basic-hero'
import ConsulEnterpriseComparison from '../../components/enterprise-comparison/consul'
import CloudOfferingsList from '../../components/cloud-offerings-list'
import PrefooterCTA from '../../components/prefooter-cta'
import LearnCallout from '../../components/learn-callout'
import CaseStudyCarousel from '../../components/case-study-carousel'
import ProductFeaturesList from '@hashicorp/react-product-features-list'
2020-09-21 20:08:44 -04:00
import MiniCTA from '../../components/mini-cta'
2020-04-13 14:05:52 -04:00
2020-04-06 16:27:35 -04:00
export default function HomePage ( ) {
2020-04-13 14:05:52 -04:00
return (
2020-09-10 13:32:06 -04:00
< div className = "p-home" >
< BasicHero
brand = "consul"
heading = "Service Networking Across Any Cloud"
content = "Automate network configurations, discover services, and enable secure connectivity across any cloud or runtime."
links = { [
text : 'Get Started' ,
url : 'https://learn.hashicorp.com/consul' ,
type : 'outbound' ,
} ,
text : 'Download' ,
url : '/downloads' ,
type : 'download' ,
} ,
text : 'Learn more about Consul cloud offerings' ,
url : '/#cloud-offerings' ,
type : 'inbound' ,
} ,
] }
/ >
< ProductFeaturesList
heading = "Why Consul?"
features = { [
title : 'Integrate and Extend With Kubernetes' ,
content :
'Quickly deploy Consul on Kubernetes leveraging Helm. Automatically inject sidecars for Kubernetes resources. Federate multiple clusters into a single service mesh.' ,
icon : require ( './img/why-consul/kubernetes.svg' ) ,
} ,
title : 'Service Mesh Across Any Runtime' ,
content :
'Deploy service mesh within any runtime or infrastructure - Bare Metal, Virtual Machines, and Kubernetes clusters, across any cloud.' ,
icon : require ( './img/why-consul/service-mesh-runtime.svg' ) ,
} ,
title : 'Dynamic Load Balancing' ,
content :
'Resolve discovered services through integrated DNS. Automate 3rd party load balancers (F5, NGINX, HAProxy). Eliminate manual configuration of network devices.' ,
icon : require ( './img/why-consul/dynamic-load-balancing.svg' ) ,
} ,
title : 'Secure, Multi-Cloud Service Networking' ,
content :
'Secure services running in any environment leveraging intention based policies and automatic mTLS encryption between service mesh resources' ,
icon : require ( './img/why-consul/cloud.svg' ) ,
} ,
title : 'Service Discovery with Health Checking' ,
content :
'Consul enables detecting the deployment of new services, changes to existing ones, and provides real time agent health to reduce downtime.' ,
icon : require ( './img/why-consul/health.svg' ) ,
} ,
title : 'Robust Ecosystem' ,
content :
'Consul offers support for and integrations with many popular DevOps and Networking tools.' ,
icon : require ( './img/why-consul/world.svg' ) ,
} ,
] }
/ >
2020-04-13 14:05:52 -04:00
2020-09-11 15:33:15 -05:00
< LearnCallout
headline = "Get hands-on experience with Consul"
brand = "consul"
items = { [
title : 'Deploy Consul Service Mesh on Kubernetes' ,
category : 'Step-by-Step Tutorial' ,
time : '10 mins' ,
2020-09-21 20:08:44 -04:00
link :
'https://learn.hashicorp.com/tutorials/consul/service-mesh-deploy' ,
2020-09-11 15:33:15 -05:00
image : require ( './img/learn/getting-started.svg?url' ) ,
} ,
title : 'Observe Layer 7 Traffic' ,
category : 'Step-by-Step Tutorial' ,
time : '15 mins' ,
2020-09-21 20:08:44 -04:00
link :
'https://learn.hashicorp.com/tutorials/consul/service-mesh-features' ,
2020-09-11 15:33:15 -05:00
image : require ( './img/learn/kubernetes.svg?url' ) ,
} ,
] }
/ >
2020-09-10 13:32:06 -04:00
< CaseStudyCarousel
title = "Trusted by startups and the world’ s largest organizations"
caseStudies = { [
quote :
'Consul lets us spread more than 200 microservices over several AKS clusters. Each AKS cluster feeds into a Consul cluster that forms a larger service discovery mesh that allows us to find and connect services in a matter of minutes.' ,
caseStudyURL : 'https://www.hashicorp.com/case-studies/mercedes/' ,
person : {
firstName : 'Sriram' ,
lastName : 'Govindarajan' ,
photo :
'https://www.datocms-assets.com/2885/1589431834-sriram-govindarajan.jpg' ,
title : 'Principal Infrastructure Engineer' ,
} ,
company : {
name : 'Mercedes-Benz Research & Development (MBRDNA)' ,
logo : require ( './img/quotes/mercedes-logo.svg?url' ) ,
} ,
} ,
quote :
'Consul has fully replaced our manual service discovery activities with automated workflows and we’ ve repurposed as much as 80% of our Consul staff to other projects because the tool is so reliable, efficient, and intelligent.' ,
caseStudyURL :
'https://www.hashicorp.com/resources/criteo-containers-consul-connect/' ,
person : {
firstName : 'Pierre' ,
lastName : 'Souchay' ,
photo :
'https://www.datocms-assets.com/2885/1589431828-pierre-souchay.jpg' ,
title : 'Discovery and Security Authorization Lead' ,
} ,
company : {
name : 'Criteo' ,
logo : require ( './img/quotes/criteo-logo.svg?url' ) ,
} ,
} ,
] }
logoSection = { {
grayBackground : true ,
featuredLogos : [
companyName : 'Mercedes-Benz Research & Development (MBRDNA)' ,
url : require ( './img/quotes/mercedes-logo.svg?url' ) ,
} ,
companyName : 'Criteo' ,
url : require ( './img/quotes/criteo-logo.svg?url' ) ,
} ,
companyName : 'Barclays' ,
url : require ( './img/quotes/barclays-logo.svg?url' ) ,
} ,
companyName : 'Citadel' ,
url : require ( './img/quotes/citadel-logo.svg?url' ) ,
} ,
companyName : 'Ample Organics' ,
url :
'https://www.datocms-assets.com/2885/1589354369-ample-organics-logo.png?w=600' ,
} ,
] ,
} }
/ >
2020-09-21 20:08:44 -04:00
< MiniCTA
title = "Are you using Consul in production?"
link = { {
text : 'Share your success story and receive special Consul swag.' ,
url :
'https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1B-4XlRndv2hX9G4Gt2dMnJBqilctrrof7dfpyQ1EVIg/edit' ,
type : 'outbound' ,
} }
/ >
2020-04-13 14:05:52 -04:00
2020-09-10 13:32:06 -04:00
< div className = "use-cases g-grid-container" >
< h2 className = "g-type-display-2" > Use Cases < / h2 >
< UseCases
items = { [
title : 'Service Discovery and Health Checking' ,
description :
'Enable services to locate other services running in any environment and provide real-time health status.' ,
image : {
url : require ( './img/use-cases/service-discovery-and-health-checking.svg?url' ) ,
format : 'svg' ,
} ,
link : {
title : 'Learn more' ,
url : '/use-cases/service-discovery-and-health-checking' ,
} ,
} ,
title : 'Network Infrastructure Automation' ,
description :
'Reduce burden of manual, ticket-based networking tasks.' ,
image : {
url : require ( './img/use-cases/network-infrastructure-automation.svg?url' ) ,
format : 'svg' ,
} ,
link : {
title : 'Learn more' ,
url : '/use-cases/network-infrastructure-automation' ,
} ,
} ,
title : 'Multi-Platform Service Mesh' ,
description :
'Secure, modern application networking across any cloud or runtime.' ,
image : {
url : require ( './img/use-cases/multi-platform-service-mesh.svg?url' ) ,
format : 'svg' ,
} ,
link : {
title : 'Learn more' ,
url : '/use-cases/multi-platform-service-mesh' ,
} ,
} ,
] }
/ >
2020-04-13 14:05:52 -04:00
< / div >
2020-09-10 13:32:06 -04:00
2020-09-21 20:08:44 -04:00
< section
id = "cloud-offerings"
className = "cloud-offerings g-grid-container"
< h2 className = "g-type-display-2" >
Learn more about Consul cloud offerings
< / h2 >
2020-09-10 13:32:06 -04:00
< CloudOfferingsList
offerings = { [
image : require ( './img/cloud/hcs.jpg?url' ) ,
2020-09-21 20:08:44 -04:00
eyebrow : 'General Availability' ,
title : 'HashiCorp Consul Service on Azure' ,
description : 'Native Azure Experience' ,
2020-09-10 13:32:06 -04:00
link : {
2020-09-21 20:08:44 -04:00
text : 'Get Started' ,
url : 'https://learn.hashicorp.com/consul/hcs-azure/deploy' ,
type : 'outbound' ,
} ,
2020-09-10 13:32:06 -04:00
} ,
image : require ( './img/cloud/hcp.jpg?url' ) ,
2020-09-21 20:08:44 -04:00
eyebrow : 'Private Beta' ,
title : 'HCP Consul on AWS' ,
description : 'HashiCorp Cloud Platform' ,
2020-09-10 13:32:06 -04:00
link : {
2020-09-21 20:08:44 -04:00
text : 'Request Access' ,
url : 'https://www.hashicorp.com/cloud-platform/request-access/' ,
type : 'outbound' ,
} ,
} ,
2020-09-10 13:32:06 -04:00
] }
/ >
< / section >
< ConsulEnterpriseComparison / >
< PrefooterCTA / >
< / div >
2020-04-13 14:05:52 -04:00
2020-04-06 16:27:35 -04:00