Cluster peering establishes communication between independent clusters in Consul, allowing services to interact across datacenters. Learn about the cluster peering process, differences with WAN federation for multi-datacenter deployments, and technical constraints.
~> **Cluster peering is currently in beta**: Functionality associated with cluster peering is subject to change. You should never use the beta release in secure environments or production scenarios. Features in beta may have performance issues, scaling issues, and limited support. <br/><br/>Cluster peering is not currently available in the HCP Consul offering.
You can create peering connections between two or more independent clusters so that services deployed to different partitions or datacenters can communicate.
For detailed instructions on establishing cluster peering connections, refer to [Create and Manage Peering Connections](/docs/connect/cluster-peering/create-manage-peering).
WAN federation and cluster peering are different ways to connect Consul deployments. WAN federation connects multiple datacenters to make them function as if they were a single cluster, while cluster peering treats each datacenter as a separate cluster. As a result, WAN federation requires a primary datacenter to maintain and replicate global states such as ACLs and configuration entries, but cluster peering does not.
Regardless of whether you connect your clusters through WAN federation or cluster peering, human and machine users can use either method to discover services in other clusters or dial them through the service mesh.
- **Consul v1.14 beta only**: Dynamic traffic control with a service resolver config entry can target failover and redirects to service instances in a peered cluster.
- Mesh gateways for _service to service traffic_ between clusters are available. For more information on configuring mesh gateways across peers, refer to [Service-to-service Traffic Across Peered Clusters](/docs/connect/gateways/mesh-gateway/service-to-service-traffic-peers).
- You can generate peering tokens, establish, list, read, and delete peerings, and manage intentions for peering connections with both the API and the UI.
- You can configure [transparent proxies](/docs/connect/transparent-proxy) for peered services.
- You can use the [`peering` rule for ACL enforcement](/docs/security/acl/acl-rules#peering) of peering APIs.
- The `service-splitter` and `service-router` config entry kinds cannot directly target a peer. To split or route traffic to a service instance on a peer, you must supplement your desired dynamic routing definition with a `service-resolver` config entry on the dialing cluster. Refer to [L7 traffic management between peers](/docs/connect/cluster-peering/create-manage-peering#L7-traffic) for more information.
- The `consul intention` CLI command is not supported. To manage intentions that specify services in peered clusters, use [configuration entries](/docs/connect/config-entries/service-intentions).
- Because non-Enterprise Consul instances are restricted to the `default` namespace, Consul Enterprise instances cannot export services from outside of the `default` namespace to non-Enterprise peers.