Mamy Ratsimbazafy 499f9605b2
Hash to curve - BLS12-381 (#110)
* Hash to Curve: impl expand_message_xmd

* Try to precompute part of hash to curve at compile-time

* sha256 bench - use the new hashes module

* [WIP] smoke test hash to field

* Implement hash_to_field with expected output

* unoptimized hash-to-curve G2 for BLS12-381

* Don't run sanitizer on hash to field as it uses GC-ed strings
2021-08-13 22:07:26 +02:00

88 lines
3.1 KiB

# Internals
# Helpers
proc separator*() = separator(69)
# Deal with platform mess
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
when defined(windows):
when sizeof(int) == 8:
const DLLSSLName* = "(libssl-1_1-x64|ssleay64|libssl64).dll"
const DLLSSLName* = "(libssl-1_1|ssleay32|libssl32).dll"
when defined(macosx):
const versions = "(.1.1|.38|.39|.41|.43|.44|.45|.46|.47|.48|.10|.1.0.2|.1.0.1|.1.0.0|.0.9.9|.0.9.8|)"
const versions = "(.1.1|.1.0.2|.1.0.1|.1.0.0|.0.9.9|.0.9.8|.48|.47|.46|.45|.44|.43|.41|.39|.38|.10|)"
when defined(macosx):
const DLLSSLName* = "libssl" & versions & ".dylib"
elif defined(genode):
const DLLSSLName* = ""
const DLLSSLName* = "" & versions
# OpenSSL wrapper
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
proc SHA256[T: byte|char](
msg: openarray[T],
digest: ptr array[32, byte] = nil
): ptr array[32, byte] {.cdecl, dynlib: DLLSSLName, importc.}
proc SHA256_OpenSSL[T: byte|char](
digest: var array[32, byte],
s: openarray[T]) =
discard SHA256(s, digest.addr)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
proc report(op: string, bytes: int, startTime, stopTime: MonoTime, startClk, stopClk: int64, iters: int) =
let ns = inNanoseconds((stopTime-startTime) div iters)
let throughput = 1e9 / float64(ns)
when SupportsGetTicks:
let cycles = (stopClk - startClk) div iters
let cyclePerByte = cycles.float64 / bytes.float64
echo &"{op:<30} {throughput:>15.3f} ops/s {ns:>9} ns/op {cycles:>10} cycles {cyclePerByte:>5.2f} cycles/byte"
echo &"{op:<30} {throughput:>15.3f} ops/s {ns:>9} ns/op"
template bench(op: string, bytes: int, iters: int, body: untyped): untyped =
measure(iters, startTime, stopTime, startClk, stopClk, body)
report(op, bytes, startTime, stopTime, startClk, stopClk, iters)
proc benchSHA256_constantine[T](msg: openarray[T], msgComment: string, iters: int) =
var digest: array[32, byte]
bench("SHA256 - Constantine - " & msgComment, msg.len, iters):
sha256.hash(digest, msg)
proc benchSHA256_openssl[T](msg: openarray[T], msgComment: string, iters: int) =
var digest: array[32, byte]
bench("SHA256 - OpenSSL - " & msgComment, msg.len, iters):
SHA256_OpenSSL(digest, msg)
when isMainModule:
proc main() =
let msg128B = rng.random_byte_seq(32)
benchSHA256_constantine(msg128B, "32B", 32)
benchSHA256_openssl(msg128B, "32B", 32)
let msg128B = rng.random_byte_seq(128)
benchSHA256_constantine(msg128B, "128B", 128)
benchSHA256_openssl(msg128B, "128B", 128)
let msg5MB = rng.random_byte_seq(5_000_000)
benchSHA256_constantine(msg5MB, "5MB", 16)
benchSHA256_openssl(msg5MB, "5MB", 16)
let msg100MB = rng.random_byte_seq(100_000_000)
benchSHA256_constantine(msg100MB, "100MB", 3)
benchSHA256_openssl(msg100MB, "100MB", 3)