Mamy Ratsimbazafy f6c02fe075
Optimized subgroup checks and cofactor clearing (#169)
* Move cofactor clearing to dedicated per-curve subgroups file

* Add BLS12-381 fast subgroup checks

* Implement fast cofactor clearing for BN254_snarks

* Add fast subgroup check to BN254Snarks

* add BLS12_377 optimized cofactor and subgroup functions

* Add BN254_Nogami

* Add GT-subgroup tests

* Use the new subgroup checks for Eth1 EVM precompiles
2022-01-03 14:12:58 +01:00
.. Optimized subgroup checks and cofactor clearing (#169) 2022-01-03 14:12:58 +01:00
m_pairings.nim Optimized subgroup checks and cofactor clearing (#169) 2022-01-03 14:12:58 +01:00
reports.nim Metering (#140) 2021-01-29 22:21:19 +01:00
tracer.nim Metering (#140) 2021-01-29 22:21:19 +01:00



This folder allows measuring an accurate cost of high-level primitives in terms of basic operations (Field mul, add, inv, ...)

For optimization

Metering allows choosing the best algorithm or representation when multiple are available, for example choosing elliptic curve coordinates between affine projective or jacobian? Also some might be faster for certain fields (Fp or Fp2) or certain curves.

It also allows to focus tuning operations that underlie the high-level building blocks. This is not a replacement for profiling but a complement. Metering allows reasoning at the complexity and algorithmic level while profiling allows reasoning at the hardware and timing level.

For blockchains

Important for blockchain to correctly price the VM opcodes. Pricing too low would allow denial-of-service attacks, too high will disincentivize their use.

Note: this only takes into account the number of operations but does not take into account stack usage for temporaries.

Measuring cost

The file m_pairings has a minimal example for the current state.

var rng*: RngState
let seed = uint32(getTime().toUnix() and (1'i64 shl 32 - 1)) # unixTime mod 2^32
echo "bench xoshiro512** seed: ", seed

func random_point*(rng: var RngState, EC: typedesc): EC {.noInit.} =
  result = rng.random_unsafe(EC)

proc pairingBLS12Meter*(C: static Curve) =
    P = rng.random_point(ECP_ShortW_Prj[Fp[C], G1])
    Q = rng.random_point(ECP_ShortW_Prj[Fp2[C], G2])

  var f: Fp12[C]

  f.pairing_bls12(P, Q)

const flags = if UseASM_X86_64 or UseASM_X86_32: "UseAssembly" else: "NoAssembly"
reportCli(Metrics, flags)

After compiling with

nim c -r --hints:off --warnings:off --verbosity:0 -d:danger -d:CttMeter --outdir:build metering/m_pairings.nim

We get

bench xoshiro512** seed: 1611954740

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9980XE CPU @ 3.00GHz
The CPU Cycle Count is indicative only. It cannot be used to compare across systems, works at your CPU nominal frequency and is sensitive to overclocking, throttling and frequency scaling (powersaving and Turbo Boost).

|                    Procedures                    |  # of Calls  | Throughput (ops/s) |   Time (µs)   |  Avg Time (µs)  | CPU cycles (in billions) | Avg cycles (in billions) |
|                   UseAssembly                    |              |                    |               |                 |     indicative only      |     indicative only      |
|`+=`*                                             |         11473|                 inf|          0.000|            0.000|
|`-=`*                                             |         18603|   2067000000000.000|          0.009|            0.000|
|double*                                           |          7212|   2404000000000.000|          0.003|            0.000|
|sum*                                              |         21058|   7019333333333.333|          0.003|            0.000|
|diff*                                             |          8884|   2961333333333.333|          0.003|            0.000|
|diff*                                        |            10|                 inf|          0.000|            0.000|
|double*                                           |          4186|                 inf|          0.000|            0.000|
|prod*                                             |         14486|   1609555555555.555|          0.009|            0.000|
|square*                                           |            16|                 inf|          0.000|            0.000|
|neg*                                              |          2093|                 inf|          0.000|            0.000|
|neg*                                              |          2050|                 inf|          0.000|            0.000|
|div2*                                             |           512|                 inf|          0.000|            0.000|
|`*=`*                                             |          5584|    620444444444.444|          0.009|            0.000|
|square*                                           |          1116|                 inf|          0.000|            0.000|
|square_repeated*                                  |           126|      1235294117.647|          0.102|            0.001|
|finalExpEasy*                                     |             1|         5555555.556|          0.180|            0.180|
|cyclotomic_inv*                                   |             5|      1000000000.000|          0.005|            0.001|
|cyclotomic_inv*                                   |             1|                 inf|          0.000|            0.000|
|cyclotomic_square*                                |             6|        70588235.294|          0.085|            0.014|
|cyclotomic_square*                                |           309|        70499657.769|          4.383|            0.014|
|cycl_sqr_repeated*                                |            25|         5556790.398|          4.499|            0.180|
|millerLoopGenericBLS12*                           |             1|          279251.606|          3.581|            3.581|
|finalExpHard_BLS12*                               |             1|          178475.817|          5.603|            5.603|
|pairing_bls12*                                    |             1|          105196.718|          9.506|            9.506|

The reporting and tracing will be improved to collect the fields and curves It's already useful to know how many base field operations are necessary.