import { time, loadFixture } from "@nomicfoundation/hardhat-network-helpers"; import { anyValue } from "@nomicfoundation/hardhat-chai-matchers/withArgs"; import { expect } from "chai"; import { ethers } from "hardhat"; import { Currency } from "../typechain-types/contracts/mocks/Currency"; import { BuyableSoulbound } from "../typechain-types/contracts/BuyableSoulbound"; import { SignerWithAddress } from "@nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers/signers"; import { BN, constants, expectEvent, expectRevert, } from "@openzeppelin/test-helpers"; const tokenUtils = { fromUnit: (amount: number) => new BN(amount).mul(new BN(10).pow(new BN(18))) }; describe("BuyableSoulbound", function () { describe("deployment", function () { let owner: SignerWithAddress; let accounts: SignerWithAddress[]; let beneficiary: SignerWithAddress; let currency: Currency; let token: BuyableSoulbound; beforeEach(async () => { [owner, beneficiary, ...accounts] = await ethers.getSigners(); const Currency = await ethers.getContractFactory("Currency"); currency = await Currency.deploy(); const BuyableSoulbound = await ethers.getContractFactory("BuyableSoulbound"); token = await BuyableSoulbound.deploy( "Test Soulbound", "SOUL", "http://test.local", beneficiary.address, currency.address, tokenUtils.fromUnit(10).toString() ); }); it("deploys with right attributes", async () => { expect(await"Test Soulbound"); expect(await token.symbol()).to.equal("SOUL"); expect(await token.beneficiary()).to.equal(beneficiary.address); expect(await token.paymentToken()).to.equal(currency.address); expect(await token.tokenPrice()).to.equal("10000000000000000000"); }); const transferCurrency = async (account: SignerWithAddress, amount: any) => { await, amount.toString()); }; const approveCurrency = async (owner: SignerWithAddress, spender: string, amount: any) => { await currency.connect(owner).approve(spender, amount.toString()); }; it("allows users to mint paying with Currency", async () => { const a = accounts[0]; await transferCurrency(a, tokenUtils.fromUnit(10)); await approveCurrency(a, token.address, tokenUtils.fromUnit(10)); await token.connect(a).mint(); }); it("fails with not enough allowance", async () => { const a = accounts[0]; await transferCurrency(a, tokenUtils.fromUnit(10)); await approveCurrency(a, token.address, tokenUtils.fromUnit(5)); await expect( token.connect(a).mint() )"ERC20: insufficient allowance"); }); it("fails with not enough balance", async () => { const a = accounts[0]; await transferCurrency(a, tokenUtils.fromUnit(5)); await approveCurrency(a, token.address, tokenUtils.fromUnit(10)); await expect( token.connect(a).mint() )"ERC20: transfer amount exceeds balance"); }); }); });