/* eslint-env browser, jquery */ /* global moment, serverurl, plantumlServer, L */ import Prism from 'prismjs' import hljs from 'highlight.js' import PDFObject from 'pdfobject' import { saveAs } from 'file-saver' import escapeHTML from 'lodash/escape' import unescapeHTML from 'lodash/unescape' import isURL from 'validator/lib/isURL' import { transform } from 'markmap-lib/dist/transform.common' import { markmap } from 'markmap-lib/dist/view.common' import { stripTags } from '../../utils/string' import getUIElements from './lib/editor/ui-elements' import { emojifyImageDir } from './lib/editor/constants' import { parseFenceCodeParams, serializeParamToAttribute, deserializeParamAttributeFromElement } from './lib/markdown/utils' import { renderFretBoard } from './lib/renderer/fretboard/fretboard' import './lib/renderer/lightbox' import { renderCSVPreview } from './lib/renderer/csvpreview' import { escapeAttrValue } from './render' import markdownit from 'markdown-it' import markdownitContainer from 'markdown-it-container' /* Defined regex markdown it plugins */ import Plugin from 'markdown-it-regexp' require('prismjs/themes/prism.css') require('prismjs/components/prism-wiki') require('prismjs/components/prism-haskell') require('prismjs/components/prism-go') require('prismjs/components/prism-typescript') require('prismjs/components/prism-jsx') require('prismjs/components/prism-makefile') require('prismjs/components/prism-gherkin') require('./lib/common/login') require('../vendor/md-toc') let viz = new window.Viz() const plantumlEncoder = require('plantuml-encoder') const ui = getUIElements() // auto update last change window.createtime = null window.lastchangetime = null window.lastchangeui = { status: $('.ui-status-lastchange'), time: $('.ui-lastchange'), user: $('.ui-lastchangeuser'), nouser: $('.ui-no-lastchangeuser') } const ownerui = $('.ui-owner') export function updateLastChange () { if (!window.lastchangeui) return if (window.createtime) { if (window.createtime && !window.lastchangetime) { window.lastchangeui.status.text('created') } else { window.lastchangeui.status.text('changed') } const time = window.lastchangetime || window.createtime window.lastchangeui.time.html(moment(time).fromNow()) window.lastchangeui.time.attr('title', moment(time).format('llll')) } } setInterval(updateLastChange, 60000) window.lastchangeuser = null window.lastchangeuserprofile = null export function updateLastChangeUser () { if (window.lastchangeui) { if (window.lastchangeuser && window.lastchangeuserprofile) { const icon = window.lastchangeui.user.children('i') icon.attr('title', window.lastchangeuserprofile.name).tooltip('fixTitle') if (window.lastchangeuserprofile.photo) { icon.attr('style', `background-image:url(${window.lastchangeuserprofile.photo})`) } window.lastchangeui.user.show() window.lastchangeui.nouser.hide() } else { window.lastchangeui.user.hide() window.lastchangeui.nouser.show() } } } window.owner = null window.ownerprofile = null export function updateOwner () { if (ownerui) { if (window.owner && window.ownerprofile && window.owner !== window.lastchangeuser) { const icon = ownerui.children('i') icon.attr('title', window.ownerprofile.name).tooltip('fixTitle') const styleString = `background-image:url(${window.ownerprofile.photo})` if (window.ownerprofile.photo && icon.attr('style') !== styleString) { icon.attr('style', styleString) } ownerui.show() } else { ownerui.hide() } } } // get title function getTitle (view) { let title = '' if (md && md.meta && md.meta.title && (typeof md.meta.title === 'string' || typeof md.meta.title === 'number')) { title = md.meta.title } else { const h1s = view.find('h1') if (h1s.length > 0) { title = h1s.first().text() } else { title = null } } return title } // render title export function renderTitle (view) { let title = getTitle(view) if (title) { title += ' - CodiMD' } else { title = 'CodiMD - Collaborative markdown notes' } return title } // render filename export function renderFilename (view) { let filename = getTitle(view) if (!filename) { filename = 'Untitled' } return filename } // render tags export function renderTags (view) { const tags = [] const rawtags = [] if (md && md.meta && md.meta.tags && (typeof md.meta.tags === 'string' || typeof md.meta.tags === 'number')) { const metaTags = (`${md.meta.tags}`).split(',') for (let i = 0; i < metaTags.length; i++) { const text = metaTags[i].trim() if (text) rawtags.push(text) } } else { view.find('h6').each((key, value) => { if (/^tags/gmi.test($(value).text())) { const codes = $(value).find('code') for (let i = 0; i < codes.length; i++) { const text = codes[i].innerHTML.trim() if (text) rawtags.push(text) } } }) } for (let i = 0; i < rawtags.length; i++) { let found = false for (let j = 0; j < tags.length; j++) { if (tags[j] === rawtags[i]) { found = true break } } if (!found) { tags.push(rawtags[i]) } } return tags } function slugifyWithUTF8 (text) { // remove HTML tags and trim spaces let newText = stripTags(text.toString().trim()) // replace space between words with dashes newText = newText.replace(/\s+/g, '-') // slugify string to make it valid as an attribute newText = newText.replace(/([!"#$%&'()*+,./:;<=>?@[\\\]^`{|}~])/g, '') return newText } // parse meta export function parseMeta (md, edit, view, toc, tocAffix) { let lang = null let dir = null let breaks = window.defaultUseHardbreak if (md && md.meta) { const meta = md.meta lang = meta.lang dir = meta.dir breaks = meta.breaks } if (!lang || typeof lang !== 'string') { lang = 'en' } // text language view.attr('lang', lang) toc.attr('lang', lang) tocAffix.attr('lang', lang) if (edit) { edit.attr('lang', lang) } // text direction if (dir && typeof dir === 'string') { view.attr('dir', dir) toc.attr('dir', dir) tocAffix.attr('dir', dir) } else { view.removeAttr('dir') toc.removeAttr('dir') tocAffix.removeAttr('dir') } // breaks if (typeof breaks === 'boolean') { md.options.breaks = breaks } else { md.options.breaks = window.defaultUseHardbreak } } window.viewAjaxCallback = null // regex for extra tags const spaceregex = /\s*/ const notinhtmltagregex = /(?![^<]*>|[^<>]*<\/)/ let coloregex = /\[color=([#|(|)|\s|,|\w]*?)\]/ coloregex = new RegExp(coloregex.source + notinhtmltagregex.source, 'g') let nameregex = /\[name=(.*?)\]/ let timeregex = /\[time=([:|,|+|-|(|)|\s|\w]*?)\]/ const nameandtimeregex = new RegExp(nameregex.source + spaceregex.source + timeregex.source + notinhtmltagregex.source, 'g') nameregex = new RegExp(nameregex.source + notinhtmltagregex.source, 'g') timeregex = new RegExp(timeregex.source + notinhtmltagregex.source, 'g') function replaceExtraTags (html) { html = html.replace(coloregex, '') html = html.replace(nameandtimeregex, ' $1 $2') html = html.replace(nameregex, ' $1') html = html.replace(timeregex, ' $1') return html } if (typeof window.mermaid !== 'undefined' && window.mermaid) { window.mermaid.startOnLoad = false window.mermaid.parseError = function (err, hash) { console.warn(err) } } function jsonp (url, callback) { const callbackName = 'jsonp_callback_' + Math.round(1000000000 * Math.random()) window[callbackName] = function (data) { delete window[callbackName] document.body.removeChild(script) callback(data) } const script = document.createElement('script') script.src = url + (url.indexOf('?') >= 0 ? '&' : '?') + 'callback=' + callbackName document.body.appendChild(script) script.onerror = function (e) { console.error(e) script.remove() } } // dynamic event or object binding here export function finishView (view) { // todo list const lis = view.find('li.raw').removeClass('raw').sortByDepth().toArray() for (let li of lis) { let html = $(li).clone()[0].innerHTML const p = $(li).children('p') if (p.length === 1) { html = p.html() li = p[0] } html = replaceExtraTags(html) li.innerHTML = html let disabled = 'disabled' if (typeof editor !== 'undefined' && window.havePermission()) { disabled = '' } if (/^\s*\[[x ]]\s*/.test(html)) { li.innerHTML = html.replace(/^\s*\[ ]\s*/, ``) .replace(/^\s*\[x]\s*/, ``) if (li.tagName.toLowerCase() !== 'li') { li.parentElement.setAttribute('class', 'task-list-item') } else { li.setAttribute('class', 'task-list-item') } } if (typeof editor !== 'undefined' && window.havePermission()) { $(li).find('input').change(toggleTodoEvent) } // color tag in list will convert it to tag icon with color const tagColor = $(li).closest('ul').find('.color') tagColor.each((key, value) => { $(value).addClass('fa fa-tag').css('color', $(value).attr('data-color')) }) } // youtube view.find('div.youtube.raw').removeClass('raw') .click(function () { imgPlayiframe(this, '//www.youtube.com/embed/') }) // vimeo view.find('div.vimeo.raw').removeClass('raw') .click(function () { imgPlayiframe(this, '//player.vimeo.com/video/') }) .each((key, value) => { jsonp(`//vimeo.com/api/v2/video/${$(value).attr('data-videoid')}.json`, function (data) { const thumbnailSrc = data[0].thumbnail_large const image = `` $(value).prepend(image) if (window.viewAjaxCallback) window.viewAjaxCallback() }) }) // gist view.find('code[data-gist-id]').each((key, value) => { if ($(value).children().length === 0) { // strip HTML tags to avoid stored XSS const gistid = value.getAttribute('data-gist-id') value.setAttribute('data-gist-id', stripTags(gistid)) const gistfile = value.getAttribute('data-gist-file') if (gistfile) value.setAttribute('data-gist-file', stripTags(gistfile)) const gistline = value.getAttribute('data-gist-line') if (gistline) value.setAttribute('data-gist-line', stripTags(gistline)) const gisthighlightline = value.getAttribute('data-gist-highlight-line') if (gisthighlightline) value.setAttribute('data-gist-highlight-line', stripTags(gisthighlightline)) const gistshowloading = value.getAttribute('data-gist-show-loading') if (gistshowloading) value.setAttribute('data-gist-show-loading', stripTags(gistshowloading)) $(value).gist(window.viewAjaxCallback) } }) // sequence diagram const sequences = view.find('div.sequence-diagram.raw').removeClass('raw') sequences.each((key, value) => { try { var $value = $(value) const $ele = $(value).parent().parent() const sequence = $value sequence.sequenceDiagram({ theme: 'simple' }) $ele.addClass('sequence-diagram') $value.children().unwrap().unwrap() const svg = $ele.find('> svg') svg[0].setAttribute('viewBox', `0 0 ${svg.attr('width')} ${svg.attr('height')}`) svg[0].setAttribute('preserveAspectRatio', 'xMidYMid meet') } catch (err) { $value.unwrap() $value.parent().append(`
`) console.warn(err) } }) // flowchart const flow = view.find('div.flow-chart.raw').removeClass('raw') flow.each((key, value) => { try { var $value = $(value) const $ele = $(value).parent().parent() const chart = window.flowchart.parse($value.text()) $value.html('') chart.drawSVG(value, { 'line-width': 2, fill: 'none', 'font-size': '16px', 'font-family': "'Andale Mono', monospace" }) $ele.addClass('flow-chart') $value.children().unwrap().unwrap() } catch (err) { $value.unwrap() $value.parent().append(`
`) console.warn(err) } }) // graphviz var graphvizs = view.find('div.graphviz.raw').removeClass('raw') graphvizs.each(function (key, value) { try { var $value = $(value) const options = deserializeParamAttributeFromElement(value) var $ele = $(value).parent().parent() $value.unwrap() viz.renderString($value.text(), options) .then(graphviz => { if (!graphviz) throw Error('viz.js output empty graph') $value.html(graphviz) $ele.addClass('graphviz') $value.children().unwrap() }) .catch(err => { viz = new window.Viz() $value.parent().append(`
`) console.warn(err) }) } catch (err) { viz = new window.Viz() $value.parent().append(`
`) console.warn(err) } }) // mermaid const mermaids = view.find('div.mermaid.raw').removeClass('raw') mermaids.each((key, value) => { try { var $value = $(value) const $ele = $(value).closest('pre') const text = $value.text() // validate the syntax first if (window.mermaid.parse(text)) { $ele.addClass('mermaid') $ele.text(text) // render the diagram window.mermaid.init(undefined, $ele) } } catch (err) { $value.unwrap() $value.parent().append(`
`) console.warn(err) } }) // abc.js const abcs = view.find('div.abc.raw').removeClass('raw') abcs.each((key, value) => { try { var $value = $(value) var $ele = $(value).parent().parent() window.ABCJS.renderAbc(value, $value.text()) $ele.addClass('abc') $value.children().unwrap().unwrap() const svg = $ele.find('> svg') svg[0].setAttribute('viewBox', `0 0 ${svg.attr('width')} ${svg.attr('height')}`) svg[0].setAttribute('preserveAspectRatio', 'xMidYMid meet') } catch (err) { $value.unwrap() $value.parent().append(`
`) console.warn(err) } }) // vega-lite const vegas = view.find('div.vega.raw').removeClass('raw') vegas.each((key, value) => { try { var $value = $(value) var $ele = $(value).parent().parent() const specText = $value.text() $value.unwrap() window.vegaEmbed($ele[0], JSON.parse(specText), { renderer: 'svg' }) .then(result => { $ele.addClass('vega') }) .catch(err => { $ele.append(`
`) console.warn(err) }) .finally(() => { if (window.viewAjaxCallback) window.viewAjaxCallback() }) } catch (err) { $ele.append(`
`) console.warn(err) } }) // geo map view.find('div.geo.raw').removeClass('raw').each(async function (key, value) { const $elem = $(value).parent().parent() const $value = $(value) const content = $value.text() $value.unwrap() try { let position, zoom if (content.match(/^[-\d.,\s]+$/)) { const [lng, lat, zoo] = content.split(',').map(parseFloat) zoom = zoo position = [lat, lng] } else { // parse value as address const data = await fetch(`https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/search?q=${encodeURIComponent(content)}&format=json`).then(r => r.json()) if (!data || !data.length) { throw new Error('Location not found') } const { lat, lon } = data[0] position = [lat, lon] } $elem.html('
') const map = L.map($elem.find('.geo-map')[0]).setView(position, zoom || 16) L.tileLayer('https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', { attribution: 'OSM', maxZoom: 18 }).addTo(map) L.marker(position, { icon: L.icon({ iconUrl: `${serverurl}/build/leaflet/images/marker-icon.png`, shadowUrl: `${serverurl}/build/leaflet/images/marker-shadow.png` }) }).addTo(map) $elem.addClass('geo') } catch (err) { $elem.append(`
`) console.warn(err) } }) // fretboard const fretboard = view.find('div.fretboard_instance.raw').removeClass('raw') fretboard.each((key, value) => { const params = deserializeParamAttributeFromElement(value) const $value = $(value) try { const $ele = $(value).parent().parent() $ele.html(renderFretBoard($value.text(), params)) $ele.addClass('fretboard') } catch (err) { $value.unwrap() $value.parent().append(`
`) console.warn(err) } }) // markmap view.find('div.markmap.raw').removeClass('raw').each(async (key, value) => { const $elem = $(value).parent().parent() const $value = $(value) const content = $value.text() $value.unwrap() try { const data = transform(content) $elem.html('
') markmap($elem.find('svg')[0], data, { duration: 0 }) } catch (err) { $elem.html(`
`) console.warn(err) } }) // image href new window(emoji not included) const images = view.find('img.raw[src]').removeClass('raw') images.each((key, value) => { // if it's already wrapped by link, then ignore const $value = $(value) $value[0].onload = e => { if (window.viewAjaxCallback) window.viewAjaxCallback() } }) // blockquote const blockquote = view.find('blockquote.raw').removeClass('raw') const blockquoteP = blockquote.find('p') blockquoteP.each((key, value) => { let html = $(value).html() html = replaceExtraTags(html) $(value).html(html) }) // color tag in blockquote will change its left border color const blockquoteColor = blockquote.find('.color') blockquoteColor.each((key, value) => { $(value).closest('blockquote').css('border-left-color', $(value).attr('data-color')) }) // slideshare view.find('div.slideshare.raw').removeClass('raw') .each((key, value) => { $.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: `//www.slideshare.net/api/oembed/2?url=http://www.slideshare.net/${$(value).attr('data-slideshareid')}&format=json`, jsonp: 'callback', dataType: 'jsonp', success (data) { const $html = $(data.html) const iframe = $html.closest('iframe') const caption = $html.closest('div') const inner = $('
').append(iframe) const height = iframe.attr('height') const width = iframe.attr('width') const ratio = (height / width) * 100 inner.css('padding-bottom', `${ratio}%`) $(value).html(inner).append(caption) if (window.viewAjaxCallback) window.viewAjaxCallback() } }) }) // speakerdeck view.find('div.speakerdeck.raw').removeClass('raw') .each((key, value) => { const url = `https://speakerdeck.com/${$(value).attr('data-speakerdeckid')}` const inner = $('Speakerdeck') inner.attr('href', url) inner.attr('rel', 'noopener noreferrer') inner.attr('target', '_blank') $(value).append(inner) }) // pdf view.find('div.pdf.raw').removeClass('raw') .each(function (key, value) { const url = $(value).attr('data-pdfurl') const inner = $('
') $(this).append(inner) setTimeout(() => { PDFObject.embed(url, inner, { height: '400px' }) }, 1) }) // syntax highlighting view.find('code.raw').removeClass('raw') .each((key, value) => { const langDiv = $(value) if (langDiv.length > 0) { const reallang = langDiv[0].className.replace(/hljs|wrap/g, '').trim() const codeDiv = langDiv.find('.code') let code = '' if (codeDiv.length > 0) code = codeDiv.html() else code = langDiv.html() var result if (!reallang) { result = { value: code } } else if (reallang === 'haskell' || reallang === 'go' || reallang === 'typescript' || reallang === 'jsx' || reallang === 'gherkin') { code = unescapeHTML(code) result = { value: Prism.highlight(code, Prism.languages[reallang]) } } else if (reallang === 'tiddlywiki' || reallang === 'mediawiki') { code = unescapeHTML(code) result = { value: Prism.highlight(code, Prism.languages.wiki) } } else if (reallang === 'cmake') { code = unescapeHTML(code) result = { value: Prism.highlight(code, Prism.languages.makefile) } } else { code = unescapeHTML(code) const languages = hljs.listLanguages() if (!languages.includes(reallang)) { result = hljs.highlightAuto(code) } else { result = hljs.highlight(reallang, code) } } if (codeDiv.length > 0) codeDiv.html(result.value) else langDiv.html(result.value) } }) // mathjax const mathjaxdivs = view.find('span.mathjax.raw').removeClass('raw').toArray() try { if (mathjaxdivs.length > 1) { window.MathJax.Hub.Queue(['Typeset', window.MathJax.Hub, mathjaxdivs]) window.MathJax.Hub.Queue(window.viewAjaxCallback) } else if (mathjaxdivs.length > 0) { window.MathJax.Hub.Queue(['Typeset', window.MathJax.Hub, mathjaxdivs[0]]) window.MathJax.Hub.Queue(window.viewAjaxCallback) } } catch (err) { console.warn(err) } // register details toggle for scrollmap recalulation view.find('details.raw').removeClass('raw').each(function (key, val) { $(val).on('toggle', window.viewAjaxCallback) }) // render title document.title = renderTitle(view) } // only static transform should be here export function postProcess (code) { const result = $(`
`) // process style tags result.find('style').each((key, value) => { let html = $(value).html() // unescape > symbel inside the style tags html = html.replace(/>/g, '>') // remove css @import to prevent XSS html = html.replace(/@import url\(([^)]*)\);?/gi, '') $(value).html(html) }) // link should open in new window or tab // also add noopener to prevent clickjacking // See details: https://mathiasbynens.github.io/rel-noopener/ result.find('a:not([href^="#"]):not([target])').attr('target', '_blank').attr('rel', 'noopener') // update continue line numbers const linenumberdivs = result.find('.gutter.linenumber').toArray() for (let i = 0; i < linenumberdivs.length; i++) { if ($(linenumberdivs[i]).hasClass('continue')) { const startnumber = linenumberdivs[i - 1] ? parseInt($(linenumberdivs[i - 1]).find('> span').last().attr('data-linenumber')) : 0 $(linenumberdivs[i]).find('> span').each((key, value) => { $(value).attr('data-linenumber', startnumber + key + 1) }) } } // show yaml meta paring error if (md.metaError) { var warning = result.find('div#meta-error') if (warning && warning.length > 0) { warning.text(md.metaError) } else { warning = $(`
`) result.prepend(warning) } } return result } window.postProcess = postProcess var domevents = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(document).concat(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Object.getPrototypeOf(Object.getPrototypeOf(document)))).concat(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Object.getPrototypeOf(window))).filter(function (i) { return !i.indexOf('on') && (document[i] === null || typeof document[i] === 'function') }).filter(function (elem, pos, self) { return self.indexOf(elem) === pos }) export function removeDOMEvents (view) { for (var i = 0, l = domevents.length; i < l; i++) { view.find('[' + domevents[i] + ']').removeAttr(domevents[i]) } } window.removeDOMEvents = removeDOMEvents function generateCleanHTML (view) { const src = view.clone() const eles = src.find('*') // remove syncscroll parts eles.removeClass('part') src.find('*[class=""]').removeAttr('class') eles.removeAttr('data-startline data-endline') src.find("a[href^='#'][smoothhashscroll]").removeAttr('smoothhashscroll') // remove gist content src.find('code[data-gist-id]').children().remove() // disable todo list src.find('input.task-list-item-checkbox').attr('disabled', '') // replace emoji image path src.find('img.emoji').each((key, value) => { let name = $(value).attr('alt') name = name.substr(1) name = name.slice(0, name.length - 1) $(value).attr('src', `https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@hackmd/emojify.js@2.1.0/dist/images/basic/${name}.png`) }) // replace video to iframe src.find('div[data-videoid]').each((key, value) => { const id = $(value).attr('data-videoid') const style = $(value).attr('style') let url = null if ($(value).hasClass('youtube')) { url = 'https://www.youtube.com/embed/' } else if ($(value).hasClass('vimeo')) { url = 'https://player.vimeo.com/video/' } if (url) { const iframe = $('') iframe.attr('src', url + id) iframe.attr('style', style) $(value).html(iframe) } }) return src } export function exportToRawHTML (view) { const filename = `${renderFilename(ui.area.markdown)}.html` const src = generateCleanHTML(view) $(src).find('a.anchor').remove() const html = src[0].outerHTML const blob = new Blob([html], { type: 'text/html;charset=utf-8' }) saveAs(blob, filename, true) } // extract markdown body to html and compile to template export function exportToHTML (view) { const title = renderTitle(ui.area.markdown) const filename = `${renderFilename(ui.area.markdown)}.html` const src = generateCleanHTML(view) // generate toc const toc = $('#ui-toc').clone() toc.find('*').removeClass('active').find("a[href^='#'][smoothhashscroll]").removeAttr('smoothhashscroll') const tocAffix = $('#ui-toc-affix').clone() tocAffix.find('*').removeClass('active').find("a[href^='#'][smoothhashscroll]").removeAttr('smoothhashscroll') // generate html via template $.get(`${serverurl}/build/html.min.css`, css => { $.get(`${serverurl}/views/html.hbs`, data => { const template = window.Handlebars.compile(data) const context = { url: serverurl, title, css, html: src[0].outerHTML, 'ui-toc': toc.html(), 'ui-toc-affix': tocAffix.html(), lang: (md && md.meta && md.meta.lang) ? `lang="${escapeAttrValue(md.meta.lang)}"` : null, dir: (md && md.meta && md.meta.dir) ? `dir="${escapeAttrValue(md.meta.dir)}"` : null } const html = template(context) // console.log(html); const blob = new Blob([html], { type: 'text/html;charset=utf-8' }) saveAs(blob, filename, true) }) }) } // jQuery sortByDepth $.fn.sortByDepth = function () { const ar = this.map(function () { return { length: $(this).parents().length, elt: this } }).get() const result = [] let i = ar.length ar.sort((a, b) => a.length - b.length) while (i--) { result.push(ar[i].elt) } return $(result) } function toggleTodoEvent (e) { const startline = $(this).closest('li').attr('data-startline') - 1 const line = window.editor.getLine(startline) const matches = line.match(/^[>\s-]*[-+*]\s\[([x ])\]/) if (matches && matches.length >= 2) { let checked = null if (matches[1] === 'x') { checked = true } else if (matches[1] === ' ') { checked = false } const replacements = matches[0].match(/(^[>\s-]*[-+*]\s\[)([x ])(\])/) window.editor.replaceRange(checked ? ' ' : 'x', { line: startline, ch: replacements[1].length }, { line: startline, ch: replacements[1].length + 1 }, '+input') } } // remove hash function removeHash () { history.pushState('', document.title, window.location.pathname + window.location.search) } let tocExpand = false function checkExpandToggle () { const toc = $('.ui-toc-dropdown .toc') const expand = $('.expand-toggle.expand-all') const collapse = $('.expand-toggle.collapse-all') if (!tocExpand) { toc.removeClass('expand') expand.show() collapse.hide() } else { toc.addClass('expand') expand.hide() collapse.show() } } // toc export function generateToc (id) { const target = $(`#${id}`) target.html('') /* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */ var tocOptions = md.meta.toc || {} var maxLevel = (typeof tocOptions.maxLevel === 'number' && tocOptions.maxLevel > 0) ? tocOptions.maxLevel : window.defaultTocDepth var toc = new window.Toc('doc', { level: maxLevel, top: -1, class: 'toc', ulClass: 'nav', targetId: id, process: getHeaderContent }) /* eslint-enable no-unused-vars */ if (target.text() === 'undefined') { target.html('') } checkExpandToggle() const tocMenu = $('body').children('.toc-menu') target.append(tocMenu.clone().show()) const toggle = $('.expand-toggle', target) const backtotop = $('.back-to-top', target) const gotobottom = $('.go-to-bottom', target) toggle.click(e => { e.preventDefault() e.stopPropagation() tocExpand = !tocExpand checkExpandToggle() }) backtotop.click(e => { e.preventDefault() e.stopPropagation() if (window.scrollToTop) { window.scrollToTop() } removeHash() }) gotobottom.click(e => { e.preventDefault() e.stopPropagation() if (window.scrollToBottom) { window.scrollToBottom() } removeHash() }) } // smooth all hash trigger scrolling export function smoothHashScroll () { const hashElements = $("a[href^='#']:not([smoothhashscroll])").toArray() for (const element of hashElements) { const $element = $(element) const hash = element.hash if (hash) { $element.on('click', function (e) { // store hash const hash = decodeURIComponent(this.hash) // escape special characters in jquery selector const $hash = $(hash.replace(/(:|\.|\[|\]|,)/g, '\\$1')) // return if no element been selected if ($hash.length <= 0) return // prevent default anchor click behavior e.preventDefault() // animate $('body, html').stop(true, true).animate({ scrollTop: $hash.offset().top }, 100, 'linear', () => { // when done, add hash to url // (default click behaviour) window.location.hash = hash }) }) $element.attr('smoothhashscroll', '') } } } function imgPlayiframe (element, src) { if (!$(element).attr('data-videoid')) return const iframe = $("") $(iframe).attr('src', `${src + $(element).attr('data-videoid')}?autoplay=1`) $(element).find('img').css('visibility', 'hidden') $(element).append(iframe) } const anchorForId = id => { const anchor = document.createElement('a') anchor.className = 'anchor hidden-xs' anchor.href = `#${id}` anchor.innerHTML = '' anchor.title = id return anchor } const createHeaderId = (headerContent, headerIds = null) => { // to escape characters not allow in css and humanize const slug = slugifyWithUTF8(headerContent) let id if (window.linkifyHeaderStyle === 'keep-case') { id = slug } else if (window.linkifyHeaderStyle === 'lower-case') { // to make compatible with GitHub, GitLab, Pandoc and many more id = slug.toLowerCase() } else if (window.linkifyHeaderStyle === 'gfm') { // see GitHub implementation reference: // https://gist.github.com/asabaylus/3071099#gistcomment-1593627 // it works like 'lower-case', but ... const idBase = slug.toLowerCase() id = idBase if (headerIds !== null) { // ... making sure the id is unique let i = 1 while (headerIds.has(id)) { id = idBase + '-' + i i++ } headerIds.add(id) } } else { throw new Error('Unknown linkifyHeaderStyle value "' + window.linkifyHeaderStyle + '"') } return id } const linkifyAnchors = (level, containingElement) => { const headers = containingElement.getElementsByTagName(`h${level}`) for (let i = 0, l = headers.length; i < l; i++) { const header = headers[i] if (header.getElementsByClassName('anchor').length === 0) { if (typeof header.id === 'undefined' || header.id === '') { header.id = createHeaderId(getHeaderContent(header)) } if (!(typeof header.id === 'undefined' || header.id === '')) { header.insertBefore(anchorForId(header.id), header.firstChild) } } } } export function autoLinkify (view) { const contentBlock = view[0] if (!contentBlock) { return } for (let level = 1; level <= 6; level++) { linkifyAnchors(level, contentBlock) } } function getHeaderContent (header) { const headerHTML = $(header).clone() headerHTML.find('.MathJax_Preview').remove() headerHTML.find('.MathJax').remove() return headerHTML[0].innerHTML } function changeHeaderId ($header, id, newId) { $header.attr('id', newId) const $headerLink = $header.find(`> a.anchor[href="#${id}"]`) $headerLink.attr('href', `#${newId}`) $headerLink.attr('title', newId) } export function deduplicatedHeaderId (view) { // headers contained in the last change const headers = view.find(':header.raw').removeClass('raw').toArray() if (headers.length === 0) { return } if (window.linkifyHeaderStyle === 'gfm') { // consistent with GitHub, GitLab, Pandoc & co. // all headers contained in the document, in order of appearance const allHeaders = view.find(':header').toArray() // list of finaly assigned header IDs const headerIds = new Set() for (let j = 0; j < allHeaders.length; j++) { const $header = $(allHeaders[j]) const id = $header.attr('id') const newId = createHeaderId(getHeaderContent($header), headerIds) changeHeaderId($header, id, newId) } } else { // the legacy way for (let i = 0; i < headers.length; i++) { const id = $(headers[i]).attr('id') if (!id) continue const duplicatedHeaders = view.find(`:header[id="${id}"]`).toArray() for (let j = 0; j < duplicatedHeaders.length; j++) { if (duplicatedHeaders[j] !== headers[i]) { const newId = id + j const $header = $(duplicatedHeaders[j]) changeHeaderId($header, id, newId) } } } } } export function renderTOC (view) { const tocs = view.find('.toc').toArray() for (let i = 0; i < tocs.length; i++) { const toc = $(tocs[i]) const id = `toc${i}` toc.attr('id', id) const target = $(`#${id}`) target.html('') /* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */ const specificDepth = parseInt(toc.data('toc-depth')) var tocOptions = md.meta.toc || {} var yamlMaxDepth = (typeof tocOptions.maxLevel === 'number' && tocOptions.maxLevel > 0) ? tocOptions.maxLevel : window.defaultTocDepth var maxLevel = specificDepth || yamlMaxDepth const TOC = new window.Toc('doc', { level: maxLevel, top: -1, class: 'toc', targetId: id, data: { tocDepth: specificDepth }, process: getHeaderContent }) /* eslint-enable no-unused-vars */ if (target.text() === 'undefined') { target.html('') } target.replaceWith(target.html()) } } export function scrollToHash () { const hash = location.hash location.hash = '' location.hash = hash } const fenceCodeAlias = { sequence: 'sequence-diagram', flow: 'flow-chart', graphviz: 'graphviz', mermaid: 'mermaid', abc: 'abc', vega: 'vega', geo: 'geo', fretboard: 'fretboard_instance', markmap: 'markmap' } function highlightRender (code, lang) { if (!lang || /no(-?)highlight|plain|text/.test(lang)) { return } const params = parseFenceCodeParams(lang) const attr = serializeParamToAttribute(params) lang = lang.split(/\s+/g)[0] code = escapeHTML(code) const langAlias = fenceCodeAlias[lang] if (langAlias) { return `
` } const result = { value: code } const showlinenumbers = /=$|=\d+$|=\+$/.test(lang) if (showlinenumbers) { let startnumber = 1 const matches = lang.match(/=(\d+)$/) if (matches) { startnumber = parseInt(matches[1]) } const lines = result.value.split('\n') const linenumbers = [] for (let i = 0; i < lines.length - 1; i++) { linenumbers[i] = `` } const continuelinenumber = /=\+$/.test(lang) const linegutter = `
` result.value = `
` } return result.value } export const md = markdownit('default', { html: true, breaks: window.defaultUseHardbreak, langPrefix: '', linkify: true, typographer: true, highlight: highlightRender }) window.md = md md.use(require('markdown-it-abbr')) md.use(require('markdown-it-footnote')) md.use(require('markdown-it-deflist')) md.use(require('markdown-it-mark')) md.use(require('markdown-it-ins')) md.use(require('markdown-it-sub')) md.use(require('markdown-it-sup')) md.use(require('markdown-it-mathjax')({ beforeMath: '', afterMath: '', beforeInlineMath: '\\(', afterInlineMath: '\\)', beforeDisplayMath: '\\[', afterDisplayMath: '\\]' })) md.use(require('markdown-it-imsize')) md.use(require('markdown-it-ruby')) window.emojify.setConfig({ blacklist: { elements: ['script', 'textarea', 'a', 'pre', 'code', 'svg'], classes: ['no-emojify'] }, img_dir: emojifyImageDir, ignore_emoticons: true }) function renderContainer (tokens, idx, options, env, self) { tokens[idx].attrJoin('role', 'alert') tokens[idx].attrJoin('class', 'alert') tokens[idx].attrJoin('class', `alert-${tokens[idx].info.trim()}`) return self.renderToken(...arguments) } md.use(markdownitContainer, 'success', { render: renderContainer }) md.use(markdownitContainer, 'info', { render: renderContainer }) md.use(markdownitContainer, 'warning', { render: renderContainer }) md.use(markdownitContainer, 'danger', { render: renderContainer }) md.use(markdownitContainer, 'spoiler', { validate: function (params) { return params.trim().match(/^spoiler(\s+.*)?$/) }, render: function (tokens, idx) { const m = tokens[idx].info.trim().match(/^spoiler(\s+.*)?$/) if (tokens[idx].nesting === 1) { // opening tag const summary = m[1] && m[1].trim() if (summary) { return `
${md.renderInline(summary)}\n` } else { return '
\n' } } else { // closing tag return '
\n' } } }) const defaultImageRender = md.renderer.rules.image md.renderer.rules.image = function (tokens, idx, options, env, self) { tokens[idx].attrJoin('class', 'raw') tokens[idx].attrJoin('class', 'md-image') return defaultImageRender(...arguments) } md.renderer.rules.list_item_open = function (tokens, idx, options, env, self) { tokens[idx].attrJoin('class', 'raw') return self.renderToken(...arguments) } md.renderer.rules.blockquote_open = function (tokens, idx, options, env, self) { tokens[idx].attrJoin('class', 'raw') return self.renderToken(...arguments) } md.renderer.rules.heading_open = function (tokens, idx, options, env, self) { tokens[idx].attrJoin('class', 'raw') return self.renderToken(...arguments) } md.renderer.rules.fence = (tokens, idx, options, env, self) => { const token = tokens[idx] const info = token.info ? md.utils.unescapeAll(token.info).trim() : '' let langName = '' let highlighted if (info) { langName = info.split(/\s+/g)[0] if (langName === 'csvpreview') { const params = parseFenceCodeParams(info) return renderCSVPreview(token.content, params) } if (/!$/.test(info)) token.attrJoin('class', 'wrap') token.attrJoin('class', options.langPrefix + langName.replace(/=$|=\d+$|=\+$|!$|=!$/, '')) token.attrJoin('class', 'hljs') token.attrJoin('class', 'raw') } if (options.highlight) { highlighted = options.highlight(token.content, info) || md.utils.escapeHtml(token.content) } else { highlighted = md.utils.escapeHtml(token.content) } if (highlighted.indexOf('${highlighted}\n` } const makePlantumlURL = (umlCode) => { const format = 'svg' const code = plantumlEncoder.encode(umlCode) return `${plantumlServer}/${format}/${code}` } // https://github.com/qjebbs/vscode-plantuml/tree/master/src/markdown-it-plantuml md.renderer.rules.plantuml = (tokens, idx) => { const token = tokens[idx] if (token.type !== 'plantuml') { return tokens[idx].content } const url = makePlantumlURL(token.content) return `` } // https://github.com/qjebbs/vscode-plantuml/tree/master/src/markdown-it-plantuml md.core.ruler.push('plantuml', (state) => { const blockTokens = state.tokens for (const blockToken of blockTokens) { if (blockToken.type === 'fence' && blockToken.info === 'plantuml') { blockToken.type = 'plantuml' } } }) // youtube const youtubePlugin = new Plugin( // regexp to match /{%youtube\s*([\d\D]*?)\s*%}/, (match, utils) => { const videoid = match[1] if (!videoid) return const div = $('
') div.attr('data-videoid', videoid) const thumbnailSrc = `//img.youtube.com/vi/${videoid}/hqdefault.jpg` const image = `` div.append(image) const icon = '' div.append(icon) return div[0].outerHTML } ) // vimeo const vimeoPlugin = new Plugin( // regexp to match /{%vimeo\s*([\d\D]*?)\s*%}/, (match, utils) => { const videoid = match[1].split(/[?&=]+/)[0] if (!videoid) return const div = $('
') div.attr('data-videoid', videoid) const icon = '' div.append(icon) return div[0].outerHTML } ) // gist const gistPlugin = new Plugin( // regexp to match /{%gist\s*([\d\D]*?)\s*%}/, (match, utils) => { const gistid = match[1].split(/[?&=]+/)[0] const code = `` return code } ) // TOC const tocPlugin = new Plugin( // regexp to match /^\[TOC(|\s*maxLevel=\d+?)\]$/i, (match, utils) => { const tocDepth = match[1].split(/[?&=]+/)[1] return `
` } ) // slideshare const slidesharePlugin = new Plugin( // regexp to match /{%slideshare\s*([\d\D]*?)\s*%}/, (match, utils) => { const slideshareid = match[1].split(/[?&=]+/)[0] const div = $('
') div.attr('data-slideshareid', slideshareid) return div[0].outerHTML } ) // speakerdeck const speakerdeckPlugin = new Plugin( // regexp to match /{%speakerdeck\s*([\d\D]*?)\s*%}/, (match, utils) => { const speakerdeckid = match[1] const div = $('
') div.attr('data-speakerdeckid', speakerdeckid) return div[0].outerHTML } ) // pdf const pdfPlugin = new Plugin( // regexp to match /{%pdf\s*([\d\D]*?)\s*%}/, (match, utils) => { const pdfurl = match[1] if (!isURL(pdfurl)) return match[0] const div = $('
') div.attr('data-pdfurl', pdfurl) return div[0].outerHTML } ) const emojijsPlugin = new Plugin( // regexp to match emoji shortcodes :something: // We generate an universal regex that guaranteed only contains the // emojies we have available. This should prevent all false-positives new RegExp(':(' + window.emojify.emojiNames.map((item) => { return RegExp.escape(item) }).join('|') + '):', 'i'), (match, utils) => { const emoji = match[1].toLowerCase() const div = $(`:${emoji}:`) return div[0].outerHTML } ) // yaml meta, from https://github.com/eugeneware/remarkable-meta function get (state, line) { const pos = state.bMarks[line] const max = state.eMarks[line] return state.src.substr(pos, max - pos) } function meta (state, start, end, silent) { if (start !== 0 || state.blkIndent !== 0) return false if (state.tShift[start] < 0) return false if (!get(state, start).match(/^---$/)) return false const data = [] for (var line = start + 1; line < end; line++) { const str = get(state, line) if (str.match(/^(\.{3}|-{3})$/)) break if (state.tShift[line] < 0) break data.push(str) } if (line >= end) return false try { md.meta = window.jsyaml.safeLoad(data.join('\n')) || {} delete md.metaError } catch (err) { md.metaError = err console.warn(err) return false } state.line = line + 1 return true } function metaPlugin (md) { md.meta = md.meta || {} md.block.ruler.before('code', 'meta', meta, { alt: [] }) } md.use(metaPlugin) md.use(emojijsPlugin) md.use(youtubePlugin) md.use(vimeoPlugin) md.use(gistPlugin) md.use(tocPlugin) md.use(slidesharePlugin) md.use(speakerdeckPlugin) md.use(pdfPlugin) export default { md }