	"Collaborative markdown notes": "Notes col·laboratives a Markdown",
	"Realtime collaborative markdown notes on all platforms.": "Notes col·laboratives a Markdown per a totes les plataformes.",
	"Best way to write and share your knowledge in markdown.": "La millor forma d'escriure i compartir el teu coneixement a Markdown.",
	"Intro": "Introducció",
	"History": "Història",
	"New guest note": "Nova nota com a convidat",
	"Collaborate with URL": "Col·laborar a través de URL",
	"Support charts and MathJax": "Soport per a gràfics i MathJax",
	"Support slide mode": "Soport per a diapositives",
	"Sign In": "Entrar",
	"Below is the history from browser": "A continuació es mostra l'historial del navegador",
	"Welcome!": "Benvingut!",
	"New note": "Nova nota",
	"or": "o",
	"Sign Out": "Sortir",
	"Explore all features": "Explorar totes les funcions",
	"Select tags...": "Seleccionar etiquetes...",
	"Search keyword...": "Buscar paraules clau...",
	"Sort by title": "Ordenar per títol",
	"Title": "Títol",
	"Sort by time": "Ordenar per hora",
	"Time": "Tiempo",
	"Export history": "Exportar historial",
	"Import history": "Importar historial",
	"Clear history": "Borrar historial",
	"Refresh history": "Actualitzar historial",
	"No history": "Cap historial",
	"Import from browser": "Importar del navegador",
	"Releases": "Versions",
	"Are you sure?": "Estas segur?",
	"Cancel": "Cancel·lar",
	"Yes, do it!": "Si, fes-ho!",
	"Choose method": "Triar mètode",
	"Sign in via %s": "Entrar a través de %s",
	"New": "Nou",
	"Publish": "Publicar",
	"Extra": "Extra",
	"Revision": "Revisió",
	"Slide Mode": "Mode presentació",
	"Export": "Exportar",
	"Import": "Importar",
	"Clipboard": "Portapapers",
	"Download": "Descarregar",
	"Raw HTML": "HTML pur",
	"Edit": "Editar",
	"View": "Veure",
	"Both": "Ambdós",
	"Help": "Ajuda",
	"Upload Image": "Pujar imatge",
	"Menu": "Menú",
	"This page need refresh": "Aquesta pàgina necessita ser refrescada",
	"You have an incompatible client version.": "Tens una versió del client incompatible.",
	"Refresh to update.": "Refrescar per actualitzar",
	"New version available!": "Nova versió disponible!",
	"See releases notes here": "Veure les notes de publicació aquí",
	"Refresh to enjoy new features.": "Actualitzar per fer servir les noves funcions.",
	"Your user state has changed.": "L'estat del teu usuari ha canviat.",
	"Refresh to load new user state.": "Refrescar per actualitzar l'estat del teu usuari.",
	"Refresh": "Refrescar",
	"Contacts": "Contactes",
	"Report an issue": "Reportar un problema",
	"Send us email": "Enviar-nos un email",
	"Documents": "Documents",
	"Features": "Funcions",
	"YAML Metadata": "Metadades de YAML",
	"Slide Example": "Exemple de diapositiva",
	"Cheatsheet": "Ajudamemories",
	"Example": "Exemple",
	"Syntax": "Sintaxis",
	"Header": "Capçelera",
	"Unordered List": "Llista desordenada",
	"Ordered List": "Llista ordenada",
	"Todo List": "Llista de tasques",
	"Blockquote": "Bloc de cita",
	"Bold font": "Font negreta",
	"Italics font": "Font itàlica",
	"Strikethrough": "Ratllat",
	"Inserted text": "Text subrallat",
	"Marked text": "Text marcat",
	"Link": "Enllaç",
	"Image": "Imatge",
	"Code": "Codi",
	"Externals": "Externs",
	"This is a alert area.": "Això és una àrea d'alerta.",
	"Revert": "Revertir",
	"Import from clipboard": "Importar del portapapers",
	"Paste your markdown or webpage here...": "Enganxa la teva markdown o pàgina web aquí...",
	"Clear": "Netejar",
	"This note is locked": "Aquesta nota està bloquejada",
	"Sorry, only owner can edit this note.": "Perdona, només l'amo pot editar aquesta nota.",
	"OK": "OK",
	"Reach the limit": "Ha arribat al límit",
	"Sorry, you've reached the max length this note can be.": "Perdona, ha arribat a la longitut màxima que pot tenir aquesta nota.",
	"Please reduce the content or divide it to more notes, thank you!": "Siusplau, redueix el contingut o divideix-la en més notes, gràcies!",
	"Import from Gist": "Importar d'un Gist",
	"Paste your gist url here...": "Enganxa l'URL del teu Gist aquí...",
	"Import from Snippet": "Importar d'Snippet",
	"Select From Available Projects": "Triar d'un projecte disponsible",
	"Select From Available Snippets": "Triar d'un Snippet disponible",
	"OR": "O",
	"Export to Snippet": "Exportar a Snippet",
	"Select Visibility Level": "Triar el nivell de visibilitat"