/* global CodeMirror, $ */ import { TableEditor, Point, options, Alignment, FormatType } from '@susisu/mte-kernel' // port of the code from: https://github.com/susisu/mte-demo/blob/master/src/main.js // text editor interface // see https://doc.esdoc.org/github.com/susisu/mte-kernel/class/lib/text-editor.js~ITextEditor.html class TextEditorInterface { constructor (editor) { this.editor = editor this.doc = editor.getDoc() this.transaction = false this.onDidFinishTransaction = null } getCursorPosition () { const { line, ch } = this.doc.getCursor() return new Point(line, ch) } setCursorPosition (pos) { this.doc.setCursor({ line: pos.row, ch: pos.column }) } setSelectionRange (range) { this.doc.setSelection( { line: range.start.row, ch: range.start.column }, { line: range.end.row, ch: range.end.column } ) } getLastRow () { return this.doc.lineCount() - 1 } acceptsTableEdit () { return true } getLine (row) { return this.doc.getLine(row) } insertLine (row, line) { const lastRow = this.getLastRow() if (row > lastRow) { const lastLine = this.getLine(lastRow) this.doc.replaceRange( '\n' + line, { line: lastRow, ch: lastLine.length }, { line: lastRow, ch: lastLine.length } ) } else { this.doc.replaceRange( line + '\n', { line: row, ch: 0 }, { line: row, ch: 0 } ) } } deleteLine (row) { const lastRow = this.getLastRow() if (row >= lastRow) { if (lastRow > 0) { const preLastLine = this.getLine(lastRow - 1) const lastLine = this.getLine(lastRow) this.doc.replaceRange( '', { line: lastRow - 1, ch: preLastLine.length }, { line: lastRow, ch: lastLine.length } ) } else { const lastLine = this.getLine(lastRow) this.doc.replaceRange( '', { line: lastRow, ch: 0 }, { line: lastRow, ch: lastLine.length } ) } } else { this.doc.replaceRange( '', { line: row, ch: 0 }, { line: row + 1, ch: 0 } ) } } replaceLines (startRow, endRow, lines) { const lastRow = this.getLastRow() if (endRow > lastRow) { const lastLine = this.getLine(lastRow) this.doc.replaceRange( lines.join('\n'), { line: startRow, ch: 0 }, { line: lastRow, ch: lastLine.length } ) } else { this.doc.replaceRange( lines.join('\n') + '\n', { line: startRow, ch: 0 }, { line: endRow, ch: 0 } ) } } transact (func) { this.transaction = true func() this.transaction = false if (this.onDidFinishTransaction) { this.onDidFinishTransaction.call(undefined) } } } export function initTableEditor (editor) { // create an interface to the text editor const editorIntf = new TextEditorInterface(editor) // create a table editor object const tableEditor = new TableEditor(editorIntf) // options for the table editor const opts = options({ smartCursor: true, formatType: FormatType.NORMAL }) // keymap of the commands // from https://github.com/susisu/mte-demo/blob/master/src/main.js const keyMap = CodeMirror.normalizeKeyMap({ Tab: () => { tableEditor.nextCell(opts) }, 'Shift-Tab': () => { tableEditor.previousCell(opts) }, Enter: () => { tableEditor.nextRow(opts) }, 'Ctrl-Enter': () => { tableEditor.escape(opts) }, 'Cmd-Enter': () => { tableEditor.escape(opts) }, 'Shift-Ctrl-Left': () => { tableEditor.alignColumn(Alignment.LEFT, opts) }, 'Shift-Cmd-Left': () => { tableEditor.alignColumn(Alignment.LEFT, opts) }, 'Shift-Ctrl-Right': () => { tableEditor.alignColumn(Alignment.RIGHT, opts) }, 'Shift-Cmd-Right': () => { tableEditor.alignColumn(Alignment.RIGHT, opts) }, 'Shift-Ctrl-Up': () => { tableEditor.alignColumn(Alignment.CENTER, opts) }, 'Shift-Cmd-Up': () => { tableEditor.alignColumn(Alignment.CENTER, opts) }, 'Shift-Ctrl-Down': () => { tableEditor.alignColumn(Alignment.NONE, opts) }, 'Shift-Cmd-Down': () => { tableEditor.alignColumn(Alignment.NONE, opts) }, 'Ctrl-Left': () => { tableEditor.moveFocus(0, -1, opts) }, 'Cmd-Left': () => { tableEditor.moveFocus(0, -1, opts) }, 'Ctrl-Right': () => { tableEditor.moveFocus(0, 1, opts) }, 'Cmd-Right': () => { tableEditor.moveFocus(0, 1, opts) }, 'Ctrl-Up': () => { tableEditor.moveFocus(-1, 0, opts) }, 'Cmd-Up': () => { tableEditor.moveFocus(-1, 0, opts) }, 'Ctrl-Down': () => { tableEditor.moveFocus(1, 0, opts) }, 'Cmd-Down': () => { tableEditor.moveFocus(1, 0, opts) }, 'Ctrl-K Ctrl-I': () => { tableEditor.insertRow(opts) }, 'Cmd-K Cmd-I': () => { tableEditor.insertRow(opts) }, 'Ctrl-L Ctrl-I': () => { tableEditor.deleteRow(opts) }, 'Cmd-L Cmd-I': () => { tableEditor.deleteRow(opts) }, 'Ctrl-K Ctrl-J': () => { tableEditor.insertColumn(opts) }, 'Cmd-K Cmd-J': () => { tableEditor.insertColumn(opts) }, 'Ctrl-L Ctrl-J': () => { tableEditor.deleteColumn(opts) }, 'Cmd-L Cmd-J': () => { tableEditor.deleteColumn(opts) }, 'Alt-Shift-Ctrl-Left': () => { tableEditor.moveColumn(-1, opts) }, 'Alt-Shift-Cmd-Left': () => { tableEditor.moveColumn(-1, opts) }, 'Alt-Shift-Ctrl-Right': () => { tableEditor.moveColumn(1, opts) }, 'Alt-Shift-Cmd-Right': () => { tableEditor.moveColumn(1, opts) }, 'Alt-Shift-Ctrl-Up': () => { tableEditor.moveRow(-1, opts) }, 'Alt-Shift-Cmd-Up': () => { tableEditor.moveRow(-1, opts) }, 'Alt-Shift-Ctrl-Down': () => { tableEditor.moveRow(1, opts) }, 'Alt-Shift-Cmd-Down': () => { tableEditor.moveRow(1, opts) } }) // enable keymap if the cursor is in a table function updateActiveState () { const tableTools = $('.toolbar .table-tools') const active = tableEditor.cursorIsInTable(opts) if (active) { tableTools.show() tableTools.parent().scrollLeft(tableTools.parent()[0].scrollWidth) editor.setOption('extraKeys', keyMap) } else { tableTools.hide() editor.setOption('extraKeys', null) tableEditor.resetSmartCursor() } } // event subscriptions editor.on('cursorActivity', () => { if (!editorIntf.transaction) { updateActiveState() } }) editor.on('changes', () => { if (!editorIntf.transaction) { updateActiveState() } }) editorIntf.onDidFinishTransaction = () => { updateActiveState() } return tableEditor }