'use strict' import {get} from "lodash"; import * as config from "../config"; import * as models from "../models"; import * as logger from "../logger"; export class RealtimeClientConnection { private socket: any; private realtime: any; constructor(socket) { this.socket = socket this.realtime = require('./realtime') } registerEventHandler() { // received client refresh request this.socket.on('refresh', this.refreshEventHandler.bind(this)) // received user status this.socket.on('user status', this.userStatusEventHandler.bind(this)) // when a new client disconnect this.socket.on('disconnect', this.disconnectEventHandler.bind(this)) // received cursor focus this.socket.on('cursor focus', this.cursorFocusEventHandler.bind(this)) // received cursor activity this.socket.on('cursor activity', this.cursorActivityEventHandler.bind(this)) // received cursor blur this.socket.on('cursor blur', this.cursorBlurEventHandler.bind(this)) // check version this.socket.on('version', this.checkVersionEventHandler.bind(this)) // received sync of online users request this.socket.on('online users', this.onlineUsersEventHandler.bind(this)) // reveiced when user logout or changed this.socket.on('user changed', this.userChangedEventHandler.bind(this)) // delete a note this.socket.on('delete', this.deleteNoteEventHandler.bind(this)) // received note permission change request this.socket.on('permission', this.permissionChangeEventHandler.bind(this)) } isUserLoggedIn() { return this.socket.request.user && this.socket.request.user.logged_in } isNoteAndUserExists() { const note = this.realtime.getNoteFromNotePool(this.socket.noteId) const user = this.realtime.getUserFromUserPool(this.socket.id) return note && user } isNoteOwner() { const note = this.getCurrentNote() return get(note, 'owner') === this.getCurrentLoggedInUserId() } isAnonymousEnable() { // TODO: move this method to config module return config.allowAnonymous || config.allowAnonymousEdits } getAvailablePermissions() { // TODO: move this method to config module const availablePermission = Object.assign({}, config.permission) if (!config.allowAnonymous && !config.allowAnonymousViews) { delete availablePermission.freely delete availablePermission.editable delete availablePermission.locked } else if (!config.allowAnonymous && !config.allowAnonymousEdits) { delete availablePermission.freely } return availablePermission } getCurrentUser() { if (!this.socket.id) return return this.realtime.getUserFromUserPool(this.socket.id) } getCurrentLoggedInUserId() { return get(this.socket, 'request.user.id') } getCurrentNote() { if (!this.socket.noteId) return return this.realtime.getNoteFromNotePool(this.socket.noteId) } getNoteChannel() { return this.socket.broadcast.to(this.socket.noteId) } async destroyNote(id) { return models.Note.destroy({ where: {id: id} }) } async changeNotePermission(newPermission) { const [changedRows] = await models.Note.update({ permission: newPermission }, { where: { id: this.getCurrentNote().id } }) if (changedRows !== 1) { throw new Error(`updated permission failed, cannot set permission ${newPermission} to note ${this.getCurrentNote().id}`) } } notifyPermissionChanged() { this.realtime.io.to(this.getCurrentNote().id).emit('permission', { permission: this.getCurrentNote().permission }) this.getCurrentNote().socks.forEach((sock) => { if (sock) { if (!this.realtime.checkViewPermission(sock.request, this.getCurrentNote())) { sock.emit('info', { code: 403 }) setTimeout(function () { sock.disconnect(true) }, 0) } } }) } refreshEventHandler() { this.realtime.emitRefresh(this.socket) } checkVersionEventHandler() { this.socket.emit('version', { version: config.fullversion, minimumCompatibleVersion: config.minimumCompatibleVersion }) } userStatusEventHandler(data) { if (!this.isNoteAndUserExists()) return const user = this.getCurrentUser() if (config.debug) { logger.info('SERVER received [' + this.socket.noteId + '] user status from [' + this.socket.id + ']: ' + JSON.stringify(data)) } if (data) { user.idle = data.idle user.type = data.type } this.realtime.emitUserStatus(this.socket) } userChangedEventHandler() { logger.info('user changed') const note = this.getCurrentNote() if (!note) return const user = note.users[this.socket.id] if (!user) return this.realtime.updateUserData(this.socket, user) this.realtime.emitOnlineUsers(this.socket) } onlineUsersEventHandler() { if (!this.isNoteAndUserExists()) return const currentNote = this.getCurrentNote() const currentNoteOnlineUserList = Object.keys(currentNote.users) .map(key => this.realtime.buildUserOutData(currentNote.users[key])) this.socket.emit('online users', { users: currentNoteOnlineUserList }) } cursorFocusEventHandler(data) { if (!this.isNoteAndUserExists()) return const user = this.getCurrentUser() user.cursor = data const out = this.realtime.buildUserOutData(user) this.getNoteChannel().emit('cursor focus', out) } cursorActivityEventHandler(data) { if (!this.isNoteAndUserExists()) return const user = this.getCurrentUser() user.cursor = data const out = this.realtime.buildUserOutData(user) this.getNoteChannel().emit('cursor activity', out) } cursorBlurEventHandler() { if (!this.isNoteAndUserExists()) return const user = this.getCurrentUser() user.cursor = null this.getNoteChannel().emit('cursor blur', { id: this.socket.id }) } deleteNoteEventHandler() { // need login to do more actions if (this.isUserLoggedIn() && this.isNoteAndUserExists()) { const note = this.getCurrentNote() // Only owner can delete note if (note.owner && note.owner === this.getCurrentLoggedInUserId()) { this.destroyNote(note.id) .then((successRows) => { if (!successRows) return this.realtime.disconnectSocketOnNote(note) }) .catch(function (err) { return logger.error('delete note failed: ' + err) }) } } } permissionChangeEventHandler(permission) { if (!this.isUserLoggedIn()) return if (!this.isNoteAndUserExists()) return const note = this.getCurrentNote() // Only owner can change permission if (!this.isNoteOwner()) return if (!(permission in this.getAvailablePermissions())) return this.changeNotePermission(permission) .then(() => { note.permission = permission this.notifyPermissionChanged() }) .catch(err => logger.error('update note permission failed: ' + err)) } disconnectEventHandler() { if (this.realtime.disconnectProcessQueue.checkTaskIsInQueue(this.socket.id)) { return } this.realtime.queueForDisconnect(this.socket) } } exports.RealtimeClientConnection = RealtimeClientConnection