{ "Collaborative markdown notes": "Markdown 协作笔记", "Realtime collaborative markdown notes on all platforms.": "使用 Markdown 的跨平台即时协作笔记。", "Best way to write and share your knowledge in markdown.": "写作与分享 Markdown 的最佳平台。", "Intro": "简介", "History": "历史", "New guest note": "新建访客笔记", "Collaborate with URL": "实时协作", "Support charts and MathJax": "支持图表与 MathJax", "Support slide mode": "支持幻灯模式", "Sign In": "登录", "Below is the history from browser": "以下为来自浏览器的历史", "Welcome!": "欢迎!", "New note": "新建笔记", "or": "或", "Sign Out": "登出", "Explore all features": "探索所有功能", "Select tags...": "选择标签...", "Search keyword...": "搜索关键字...", "Sort by title": "按标题排序", "Title": "标题", "Sort by time": "按时间排序", "Time": "时间", "Export history": "导出历史", "Import history": "导入历史", "Clear history": "清空历史", "Refresh history": "刷新历史", "No history": "无历史记录", "Import from browser": "从浏览器导入", "Releases": "版本", "Are you sure?": "您确定吗?", "Do you really want to delete this note?": "您确定要删除这篇笔记吗?", "All users will lose their connection.": "所有用户将失去连接。", "Cancel": "取消", "Yes, do it!": "是的,就这样做!", "Choose method": "选择方式", "Sign in via %s": "通过 %s 登录", "New": "新建", "Publish": "发表", "Extra": "附加功能", "Revision": "修订版本", "Slide Mode": "幻灯模式", "Export": "导出", "Import": "导入", "Clipboard": "剪贴板", "Download": "下载", "Raw HTML": "原始 HTML", "Edit": "编辑", "View": "预览", "Both": "双栏", "Help": "帮助", "Upload Image": "上传图片", "Menu": "菜单", "This page need refresh": "此页面需要刷新", "You have an incompatible client version.": "您的客户端版本不兼容。", "Refresh to update.": "刷新页面以更新。", "New version available!": "新版本可用!", "See releases notes here": "在此查看更新记录", "Refresh to enjoy new features.": "刷新页面以体验新功能。", "Your user state has changed.": "您的用户状态已变更。", "Refresh to load new user state.": "刷新页面以加载新的用户状态。", "Refresh": "刷新", "Contacts": "联系我们", "Report an issue": "报告问题", "Meet us on %s": "在 %s 上联系我们", "Send us email": "给我们发送电子邮件", "Documents": "文档", "Features": "功能", "YAML Metadata": "YAML 元数据", "Slide Example": "幻灯范例", "Cheatsheet": "速查表", "Example": "范例", "Syntax": "语法", "Header": "标题", "Unordered List": "无序列表", "Ordered List": "有序列表", "Todo List": "清单", "Blockquote": "引用", "Bold font": "粗体", "Italics font": "斜体", "Strikethrough": "删除线", "Inserted text": "下划线文字", "Marked text": "高亮文字", "Link": "链接", "Image": "图片", "Code": "代码", "Externals": "外部扩展", "This is a alert area.": "这是一个警告区块。", "Revert": "还原", "Import from clipboard": "从剪贴板导入", "Paste your markdown or webpage here...": "在这里粘贴 Markdown 或网页内容...", "Clear": "清除", "This note is locked": "这篇笔记已被锁定", "Sorry, only owner can edit this note.": "抱歉,只有所有者可以编辑这篇笔记。", "OK": "好的", "Reach the limit": "达到上限", "Sorry, you've reached the max length this note can be.": "抱歉,您的这篇笔记已达到可用的最大长度。", "Please reduce the content or divide it to more notes, thank you!": "请减少笔记的内容。", "Import from Gist": "从 Gist 导入", "Paste your gist url here...": "在这里粘贴 Gist 网址...", "Import from Snippet": "从 Snippet 导入", "Select From Available Projects": "从可用的项目中选择", "Select From Available Snippets": "从可用的 Snippets 中选择", "OR": "或", "Export to Snippet": "导出到 Snippet", "Select Visibility Level": "选择可见层级", "Night Theme": "夜间主题", "Follow us on %s and %s.": "在 %s 和 %s 上关注我们", "Privacy": "隐私", "Terms of Use": "使用条款", "Do you really want to delete your user account?": "您确定要删除帐户吗?", "This will delete your account, all notes that are owned by you and remove all references to your account from other notes.": "您的帐户、您所拥有的笔记、他人笔记中对您帐户的引用都将被删除。", "Delete user": "删除帐户", "Export user data": "导出用户数据", "Help us translating on %s": "在 %s 上帮我们翻译", "Source Code": "源代码", "Powered by %s": "由 %s 驱动", "Register": "注册", "Export with pandoc": "使用 Pandoc 导出", "Select output format": "选择输出格式" }