Update readme

close #1109

Signed-off-by: Dylan Dervaux <dylanderv05@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
Dylan Dervaux 2019-02-01 13:44:34 +01:00
parent 590b2f9c7d
commit 82ac870c26
1 changed files with 2 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -312,7 +312,8 @@ There are some config settings you need to change in the files below.
| `oauth2` | `{baseURL: ..., userProfileURL: ..., userProfileUsernameAttr: ..., userProfileDisplayNameAttr: ..., userProfileEmailAttr: ..., tokenURL: ..., authorizationURL: ..., clientID: ..., clientSecret: ...}` | An object detailing your OAuth2 provider. Refer to the [Mattermost](docs/guides/auth/mattermost-self-hosted.md) or [Nextcloud](docs/guides/auth/nextcloud.md) examples for more details!|
| `allowEmailRegister` | `true` or `false` | set to allow email register (only applied when email is set, default is `true`. Note `bin/manage_users` might help you if registration is `false`.) |
| `allowGravatar` | `true` or `false` | set to `false` to disable gravatar as profile picture source on your instance |
| `imageUploadType` | `imgur`, `s3`, `minio`, `azure` or `filesystem`(default) | Where to upload images. For S3, see our Image Upload Guides for [S3](docs/guides/s3-image-upload.md) or [Minio](docs/guides/minio-image-upload.md)|
| `imageUploadType` | `imgur`, `s3`, `minio`, `azure`, `lutim` or `filesystem`(default) | Where to upload images. For S3, see our Image Upload Guides for [S3](docs/guides/s3-image-upload.md) or [Minio](docs/guides/minio-image-upload.md)|
|`lutim`| `{"url": "YOUR_LUTIM_URL"}`| When `imageUploadType` is set to `lutim`, you can setup the lutim url|
| `minio` | `{ "accessKey": "YOUR_MINIO_ACCESS_KEY", "secretKey": "YOUR_MINIO_SECRET_KEY", "endpoint": "YOUR_MINIO_HOST", port: 9000, secure: true }` | When `imageUploadType` is set to `minio`, you need to set this key. Also checkout our [Minio Image Upload Guide](docs/guides/minio-image-upload.md) |
| `s3` | `{ "accessKeyId": "YOUR_S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID", "secretAccessKey": "YOUR_S3_ACCESS_KEY", "region": "YOUR_S3_REGION" }` | When `imageuploadtype` be set to `s3`, you would also need to setup this key, check our [S3 Image Upload Guide](docs/guides/s3-image-upload.md) |
| `s3bucket` | `YOUR_S3_BUCKET_NAME` | bucket name when `imageUploadType` is set to `s3` or `minio` |