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synced 2025-02-12 08:26:46 +00:00
Allow proof ending to be extending once a contract is started, so that all filled slots share an ending time that is equal to the contract end time. Added tests. Add a mapping for proof id to endId so that proof expectations can be extended for all proofs that share a given endId. Add function modifiers that require the request state to allow proofs, with accompanying tests. General clean up of each function’s request state context, with accompanying tests. General clean up of all tests, including state change “wait” functions and normalising the time advancement functions.
358 lines
12 KiB
358 lines
12 KiB
const { expect } = require("chai")
const { ethers } = require("hardhat")
const { hexlify, randomBytes } = ethers.utils
const {
} = require("./evm")
const { periodic, hours, now, minutes } = require("./time")
describe("Proofs", function () {
const id = hexlify(randomBytes(32))
const endId = hexlify(randomBytes(32))
const period = 30 * 60
const timeout = 5
const downtime = 64
const duration = 1000 * period
const probability = 4 // require a proof roughly once every 4 periods
const { periodOf, periodEnd } = periodic(period)
let proofs
beforeEach(async function () {
await snapshot()
await ensureMinimumBlockHeight(256)
const Proofs = await ethers.getContractFactory("TestProofs")
proofs = await Proofs.deploy(period, timeout, downtime)
afterEach(async function () {
await revert()
it("calculates an end time based on duration", async function () {
await proofs.expectProofs(id, endId, probability, duration)
let end = (await currentTime()) + duration
expect((await proofs.end(endId)).toNumber()).to.be.closeTo(end, 1)
it("does not allow ids to be reused", async function () {
await proofs.expectProofs(id, endId, probability, duration)
await expect(
proofs.expectProofs(id, endId, probability, duration)
).to.be.revertedWith("Proof id already in use")
it("requires proofs with an agreed upon probability", async function () {
await proofs.expectProofs(id, endId, probability, duration)
let amount = 0
for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
if (await proofs.isProofRequired(id)) {
amount += 1
await advanceTime(period)
let expected = 100 / probability
expect(amount).to.be.closeTo(expected, expected / 2)
it("requires no proofs in the start period", async function () {
const startPeriod = Math.floor((await currentTime()) / period)
const probability = 1
await proofs.expectProofs(id, endId, probability, duration)
while (Math.floor((await currentTime()) / period) == startPeriod) {
expect(await proofs.isProofRequired(id)).to.be.false
await advanceTime(Math.floor(period / 10))
it("requires no proofs in the end period", async function () {
const probability = 1
await proofs.expectProofs(id, endId, probability, duration)
await advanceTime(duration)
expect(await proofs.isProofRequired(id)).to.be.false
it("requires no proofs after the end time", async function () {
const probability = 1
await proofs.expectProofs(id, endId, probability, duration)
await advanceTime(duration + timeout)
expect(await proofs.isProofRequired(id)).to.be.false
it("requires proofs for different ids at different times", async function () {
let id1 = hexlify(randomBytes(32))
let id2 = hexlify(randomBytes(32))
let id3 = hexlify(randomBytes(32))
for (let id of [id1, id2, id3]) {
await proofs.expectProofs(id, endId, probability, duration)
let req1, req2, req3
while (req1 === req2 && req2 === req3) {
req1 = await proofs.isProofRequired(id1)
req2 = await proofs.isProofRequired(id2)
req3 = await proofs.isProofRequired(id3)
await advanceTime(period)
it("moves pointer one block at a time", async function () {
await advanceTimeTo(periodEnd(periodOf(await currentTime())))
for (let i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
let previous = await proofs.getPointer(id)
await mine()
let current = await proofs.getPointer(id)
expect(current).to.equal((previous + 1) % 256)
describe("when proof requirement is upcoming", function () {
async function waitUntilProofWillBeRequired() {
while (!(await proofs.willProofBeRequired(id))) {
await mine()
beforeEach(async function () {
await proofs.expectProofs(id, endId, probability, duration)
await advanceTimeTo(periodEnd(periodOf(await currentTime())))
await waitUntilProofWillBeRequired()
it("means the pointer is in downtime", async function () {
expect(await proofs.getPointer(id)).to.be.lt(downtime)
while ((await proofs.getPointer(id)) < downtime) {
expect(await proofs.willProofBeRequired(id)).to.be.true
await mine()
it("means that a proof is required after downtime", async function () {
while ((await proofs.getPointer(id)) < downtime) {
await mine()
expect(await proofs.willProofBeRequired(id)).to.be.false
expect(await proofs.isProofRequired(id)).to.be.true
it("will not require proofs when no longer expected", async function () {
expect(await proofs.getPointer(id)).to.be.lt(downtime)
expect(await proofs.willProofBeRequired(id)).to.be.true
await proofs.unexpectProofs(id)
expect(await proofs.willProofBeRequired(id)).to.be.false
describe("when proofs are required", function () {
const proof = hexlify(randomBytes(42))
beforeEach(async function () {
await proofs.expectProofs(id, endId, probability, duration)
async function waitUntilProofIsRequired(id) {
await advanceTimeTo(periodEnd(periodOf(await currentTime())))
while (
(await proofs.isProofRequired(id)) &&
(await proofs.getPointer(id)) < 250
) {
await advanceTime(period)
it("provides different challenges per period", async function () {
await waitUntilProofIsRequired(id)
const challenge1 = await proofs.getChallenge(id)
await waitUntilProofIsRequired(id)
const challenge2 = await proofs.getChallenge(id)
it("provides different challenges per id", async function () {
const id2 = hexlify(randomBytes(32))
const id3 = hexlify(randomBytes(32))
const challenge1 = await proofs.getChallenge(id)
const challenge2 = await proofs.getChallenge(id2)
const challenge3 = await proofs.getChallenge(id3)
expect(challenge1 === challenge2 && challenge2 === challenge3).to.be.false
it("submits a correct proof", async function () {
await proofs.submitProof(id, proof)
it("fails proof submission when proof is incorrect", async function () {
await expect(proofs.submitProof(id, [])).to.be.revertedWith(
"Invalid proof"
it("emits an event when proof was submitted", async function () {
await expect(proofs.submitProof(id, proof))
.to.emit(proofs, "ProofSubmitted")
.withArgs(id, proof)
it("fails proof submission when already submitted", async function () {
await advanceTimeTo(periodEnd(periodOf(await currentTime())))
await proofs.submitProof(id, proof)
await expect(proofs.submitProof(id, proof)).to.be.revertedWith(
"Proof already submitted"
it("marks a proof as missing", async function () {
expect(await proofs.missed(id)).to.equal(0)
await waitUntilProofIsRequired(id)
let missedPeriod = periodOf(await currentTime())
await advanceTimeTo(periodEnd(missedPeriod))
await proofs.markProofAsMissing(id, missedPeriod)
expect(await proofs.missed(id)).to.equal(1)
it("does not mark a proof as missing before period end", async function () {
await waitUntilProofIsRequired(id)
let currentPeriod = periodOf(await currentTime())
await expect(
proofs.markProofAsMissing(id, currentPeriod)
).to.be.revertedWith("Period has not ended yet")
it("does not mark a proof as missing after timeout", async function () {
await waitUntilProofIsRequired(id)
let currentPeriod = periodOf(await currentTime())
await advanceTimeTo(periodEnd(currentPeriod) + timeout)
await expect(
proofs.markProofAsMissing(id, currentPeriod)
).to.be.revertedWith("Validation timed out")
it("does not mark a submitted proof as missing", async function () {
await waitUntilProofIsRequired(id)
let submittedPeriod = periodOf(await currentTime())
await proofs.submitProof(id, proof)
await advanceTimeTo(periodEnd(submittedPeriod))
await expect(
proofs.markProofAsMissing(id, submittedPeriod)
).to.be.revertedWith("Proof was submitted, not missing")
it("does not mark proof as missing when not required", async function () {
while (await proofs.isProofRequired(id)) {
await advanceTime(period)
let currentPeriod = periodOf(await currentTime())
await advanceTimeTo(periodEnd(currentPeriod))
await expect(
proofs.markProofAsMissing(id, currentPeriod)
).to.be.revertedWith("Proof was not required")
it("does not mark proof as missing twice", async function () {
await waitUntilProofIsRequired(id)
let missedPeriod = periodOf(await currentTime())
await advanceTimeTo(periodEnd(missedPeriod))
await proofs.markProofAsMissing(id, missedPeriod)
await expect(
proofs.markProofAsMissing(id, missedPeriod)
).to.be.revertedWith("Proof already marked as missing")
it("requires no proofs when no longer expected", async function () {
await waitUntilProofIsRequired(id)
await proofs.unexpectProofs(id)
await expect(await proofs.isProofRequired(id)).to.be.false
describe("extend proof end", function () {
const proof = hexlify(randomBytes(42))
beforeEach(async function () {
await proofs.expectProofs(id, endId, probability, duration)
async function waitUntilProofIsRequired(id) {
await advanceTimeTo(periodEnd(periodOf(await currentTime())))
while (
(await proofs.isProofRequired(id)) &&
(await proofs.getPointer(id)) < 250
) {
await advanceTime(period)
async function isProofRequiredBefore(id, ending) {
let start = periodOf(await currentTime())
let end = periodOf(ending)
let periods = end - start
await advanceTimeTo(periodEnd(periodOf(await currentTime())))
for (let i = 0; i < periods; i++) {
if (await proofs.isProofRequired(id)) {
return true
await advanceTime(period)
return false
it("can't extend if proof doesn't exist", async function () {
let ending = (await currentTime()) + duration
const otherId = hexlify(randomBytes(32))
await expect(
proofs.extendProofEndTo(otherId, ending + 1)
).to.be.revertedWith("endId for given id doesn't exist")
it("can't extend already lapsed proof ending", async function () {
let ending = (await currentTime()) + duration
await waitUntilProofIsRequired(id)
await advanceTimeTo(ending + 1)
await expect(proofs.extendProofEndTo(id, ending + 1)).to.be.revertedWith(
"Proof already ended"
it("requires no proofs when ending has not been extended", async function () {
let ending = (await currentTime()) + duration
await expect(await isProofRequiredBefore(id, ending)).to.be.true
let endingExtended = ending + hours(1)
await advanceTimeTo(periodEnd(periodOf(endingExtended) + 1))
await expect(await isProofRequiredBefore(id, endingExtended)).to.be.false
it("requires proofs when ending has been extended", async function () {
let ending = (await currentTime()) + duration
await expect(await isProofRequiredBefore(id, ending)).to.be.true
let endingExtended = ending + hours(1)
await proofs.extendProofEndTo(id, endingExtended)
await expect(await isProofRequiredBefore(id, endingExtended)).to.be.true
it("no longer requires proofs after extension lapsed", async function () {
async function expectNoProofsForPeriods(id, periods) {
await advanceTimeTo(periodEnd(periodOf(await currentTime())))
for (let i = 0; i < periods; i++) {
await expect(await proofs.isProofRequired(id)).to.be.false
await advanceTime(period)
let ending = (await currentTime()) + duration
let endingExtended = ending + hours(1)
await proofs.extendProofEndTo(id, endingExtended)
await advanceTimeTo(periodEnd(periodOf(endingExtended) + 1))
await expectNoProofsForPeriods(id, 100)