2025-01-30 14:12:42 +01:00

632 lines
24 KiB

const { expect } = require("chai")
const { ethers } = require("hardhat")
const { randomBytes } = ethers.utils
const {
} = require("./evm")
describe("Vault", function () {
let token
let vault
let controller
let account, account2, account3
beforeEach(async function () {
await snapshot()
const TestToken = await ethers.getContractFactory("TestToken")
token = await TestToken.deploy()
const Vault = await ethers.getContractFactory("Vault")
vault = await Vault.deploy(token.address)
;[controller, account, account2, account3] = await ethers.getSigners()
await, 1_000_000)
await, 1_000_000)
await, 1_000_000)
afterEach(async function () {
await revert()
describe("depositing", function () {
const context = randomBytes(32)
const amount = 42
it("accepts deposits of tokens", async function () {
await token.connect(account).approve(vault.address, amount)
await vault.deposit(context, account.address, amount)
expect(await vault.getBalance(context, account.address)).to.equal(amount)
it("keeps custody of tokens that are deposited", async function () {
await token.connect(account).approve(vault.address, amount)
await vault.deposit(context, account.address, amount)
expect(await token.balanceOf(vault.address)).to.equal(amount)
it("deposit fails when tokens cannot be transferred", async function () {
await token.connect(account).approve(vault.address, amount - 1)
const depositing = vault.deposit(context, account.address, amount)
await expect(depositing)"insufficient allowance")
it("adds multiple deposits to the balance", async function () {
await token.connect(account).approve(vault.address, amount)
await vault.deposit(context, account.address, amount / 2)
await vault.deposit(context, account.address, amount / 2)
expect(await vault.getBalance(context, account.address)).to.equal(amount)
it("separates deposits from different contexts", async function () {
const context1 = randomBytes(32)
const context2 = randomBytes(32)
await token.connect(account).approve(vault.address, 3)
await vault.deposit(context1, account.address, 1)
await vault.deposit(context2, account.address, 2)
expect(await vault.getBalance(context1, account.address)).to.equal(1)
expect(await vault.getBalance(context2, account.address)).to.equal(2)
it("separates deposits from different controllers", async function () {
const [, , controller1, controller2] = await ethers.getSigners()
const vault1 = vault.connect(controller1)
const vault2 = vault.connect(controller2)
await token.connect(account).approve(vault.address, 3)
await vault1.deposit(context, account.address, 1)
await vault2.deposit(context, account.address, 2)
expect(await vault1.getBalance(context, account.address)).to.equal(1)
expect(await vault2.getBalance(context, account.address)).to.equal(2)
describe("withdrawing", function () {
const context = randomBytes(32)
const amount = 42
beforeEach(async function () {
await token.connect(account).approve(vault.address, amount)
await vault.deposit(context, account.address, amount)
it("allows controller to withdraw for a recipient", async function () {
const before = await token.balanceOf(account.address)
await vault.withdraw(context, account.address)
const after = await token.balanceOf(account.address)
expect(after - before).to.equal(amount)
it("allows recipient to withdraw for itself", async function () {
const before = await token.balanceOf(account.address)
await vault
.withdrawByRecipient(controller.address, context)
const after = await token.balanceOf(account.address)
expect(after - before).to.equal(amount)
it("empties the balance when withdrawing", async function () {
await vault.withdraw(context, account.address)
expect(await vault.getBalance(context, account.address)).to.equal(0)
it("does not withdraw more than once", async function () {
await vault.withdraw(context, account.address)
const before = await token.balanceOf(account.address)
await vault.withdraw(context, account.address)
const after = await token.balanceOf(account.address)
describe("burning", function () {
const context = randomBytes(32)
const amount = 42
beforeEach(async function () {
await token.connect(account).approve(vault.address, amount)
await vault.deposit(context, account.address, amount)
it("can burn a deposit", async function () {
await vault.burn(context, account.address)
expect(await vault.getBalance(context, account.address)).to.equal(0)
it("no longer allows withdrawal", async function () {
await vault.burn(context, account.address)
const before = await token.balanceOf(account.address)
await vault.withdraw(context, account.address)
const after = await token.balanceOf(account.address)
it("moves the tokens to address 0xdead", async function () {
const dead = "0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dead"
const before = await token.balanceOf(dead)
await vault.burn(context, account.address)
const after = await token.balanceOf(dead)
expect(after - before).to.equal(amount)
describe("transfering", function () {
const context = randomBytes(32)
const amount = 42
beforeEach(async function () {
await token.connect(account).approve(vault.address, amount)
await vault.deposit(context, account.address, amount)
it("can transfer tokens from one recipient to the other", async function () {
await vault.transfer(context, account.address, account2.address, amount)
expect(await vault.getBalance(context, account.address)).to.equal(0)
expect(await vault.getBalance(context, account2.address)).to.equal(amount)
it("can transfer part of a balance", async function () {
await vault.transfer(context, account.address, account2.address, 10)
expect(await vault.getBalance(context, account.address)).to.equal(
amount - 10
expect(await vault.getBalance(context, account2.address)).to.equal(10)
it("does not transfer more than the balance", async function () {
await expect(
vault.transfer(context, account.address, account2.address, amount + 1)
it("can withdraw funds that were transfered in", async function () {
await vault.transfer(context, account.address, account2.address, amount)
const before = await token.balanceOf(account2.address)
await vault.withdraw(context, account2.address)
const after = await token.balanceOf(account2.address)
expect(after - before).to.equal(amount)
it("cannot withdraw funds that were transfered out", async function () {
await vault.transfer(context, account.address, account2.address, amount)
const before = await token.balanceOf(account.address)
await vault.withdraw(context, account.address)
const after = await token.balanceOf(account.address)
it("can transfer out funds that were transfered in", async function () {
await vault.transfer(context, account.address, account2.address, amount)
await vault.transfer(context, account2.address, account3.address, amount)
expect(await vault.getBalance(context, account2.address)).to.equal(0)
expect(await vault.getBalance(context, account3.address)).to.equal(amount)
describe("designating", async function () {
const context = randomBytes(32)
const amount = 42
beforeEach(async function () {
;[, , account2] = await ethers.getSigners()
await token.connect(account).approve(vault.address, amount)
await vault.deposit(context, account.address, amount)
it("can designate tokens for a single recipient", async function () {
await vault.designate(context, account.address, amount)
await vault.getDesignatedBalance(context, account.address)
it("can designate part of the balance", async function () {
await vault.designate(context, account.address, 10)
await vault.getDesignatedBalance(context, account.address)
it("adds up designated tokens", async function () {
await vault.designate(context, account.address, 10)
await vault.designate(context, account.address, 10)
await vault.getDesignatedBalance(context, account.address)
it("cannot designate more than the undesignated balance", async function () {
await vault.designate(context, account.address, amount)
await expect(
vault.designate(context, account.address, 1)
it("does not change the balance", async function () {
await vault.designate(context, account.address, 10)
expect(await vault.getBalance(context, account.address)).to.equal(amount)
it("does not allow designated tokens to be transfered", async function () {
await vault.designate(context, account.address, 1)
await expect(
vault.transfer(context, account.address, account2.address, amount)
it("allows designated tokens to be withdrawn", async function () {
await vault.designate(context, account.address, 10)
const before = await token.balanceOf(account.address)
await vault.withdraw(context, account.address)
const after = await token.balanceOf(account.address)
expect(after - before).to.equal(amount)
it("does not withdraw designated tokens more than once", async function () {
await vault.designate(context, account.address, 10)
await vault.withdraw(context, account.address)
const before = await token.balanceOf(account.address)
await vault.withdraw(context, account.address)
const after = await token.balanceOf(account.address)
it("allows designated tokens to be burned", async function () {
await vault.designate(context, account.address, 10)
await vault.burn(context, account.address)
expect(await vault.getBalance(context, account.address)).to.equal(0)
it("moves burned designated tokens to address 0xdead", async function () {
const dead = "0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dead"
await vault.designate(context, account.address, 10)
const before = await token.balanceOf(dead)
await vault.burn(context, account.address)
const after = await token.balanceOf(dead)
expect(after - before).to.equal(amount)
describe("locking", async function () {
const context = randomBytes(32)
const amount = 42
let expiry
let maximum
beforeEach(async function () {
await token.connect(account).approve(vault.address, amount)
await vault.deposit(context, account.address, amount)
let start = await currentTime()
expiry = start + 10
maximum = start + 20
it("can lock up all tokens in a context", async function () {
await vault.lock(context, expiry, maximum)
expect((await vault.getLock(context))[0]).to.equal(expiry)
expect((await vault.getLock(context))[1]).to.equal(maximum)
it("cannot lock up when already locked", async function () {
await vault.lock(context, expiry, maximum)
const locking = vault.lock(context, expiry, maximum)
await expect(locking)"AlreadyLocked")
it("cannot lock when expiry is past maximum", async function () {
const locking = vault.lock(context, maximum + 1, maximum)
await expect(locking)"ExpiryPastMaximum")
it("does not allow withdrawal before lock expires", async function () {
await vault.lock(context, expiry, expiry)
await advanceTimeTo(expiry - 1)
const withdrawing = vault.withdraw(context, account.address)
await expect(withdrawing)"Locked")
it("locks withdrawal for all recipients in a context", async function () {
await vault.lock(context, expiry, expiry)
const address1 = account.address
const address2 = account2.address
await vault.transfer(context, address1, address2, amount / 2)
let withdrawing1 = vault.withdraw(context, address1)
let withdrawing2 = vault.withdraw(context, address2)
await expect(withdrawing1)"Locked")
await expect(withdrawing2)"Locked")
it("locks withdrawal for newly deposited tokens", async function () {
await vault.lock(context, expiry, expiry)
await token.connect(account2).approve(vault.address, amount)
await vault.deposit(context, account2.address, amount)
const withdrawing = vault.withdraw(context, account2.address)
await expect(withdrawing)"Locked")
it("allows withdrawal after lock expires", async function () {
await vault.lock(context, expiry, expiry)
await advanceTimeTo(expiry)
const before = await token.balanceOf(account.address)
await vault.withdraw(context, account.address)
const after = await token.balanceOf(account.address)
expect(after - before).to.equal(amount)
it("can extend a lock expiry up to its maximum", async function () {
await vault.lock(context, expiry, maximum)
await vault.extendLock(context, expiry + 1)
expect((await vault.getLock(context))[0]).to.equal(expiry + 1)
await vault.extendLock(context, maximum)
expect((await vault.getLock(context))[0]).to.equal(maximum)
it("cannot extend a lock past its maximum", async function () {
await vault.lock(context, expiry, maximum)
const extending = vault.extendLock(context, maximum + 1)
await expect(extending)"ExpiryPastMaximum")
it("cannot move expiry forward", async function () {
await vault.lock(context, expiry, maximum)
const extending = vault.extendLock(context, expiry - 1)
await expect(extending)"InvalidExpiry")
it("cannot extend an expired lock", async function () {
await vault.lock(context, expiry, maximum)
await advanceTimeTo(expiry)
const extending = vault.extendLock(context, maximum)
await expect(extending)"LockRequired")
it("allows locked tokens to be burned", async function () {
await vault.lock(context, expiry, expiry)
await vault.burn(context, account.address)
expect(await vault.getBalance(context, account.address)).to.equal(0)
it("deletes lock when funds are withdrawn", async function () {
await vault.lock(context, expiry, expiry)
await advanceTimeTo(expiry)
await vault.withdraw(context, account.address)
expect((await vault.getLock(context))[0]).to.equal(0)
expect((await vault.getLock(context))[1]).to.equal(0)
describe("flow", function () {
const context = randomBytes(32)
const deposit = 1000
let sender
let receiver
let receiver2
beforeEach(async function () {
await token.connect(account).approve(vault.address, deposit)
await vault.deposit(context, account.address, deposit)
sender = account.address
receiver = account2.address
receiver2 = account3.address
async function getBalance(recipient) {
return await vault.getBalance(context, recipient)
it("requires that a lock is set", async function () {
await expect(vault.flow(context, sender, receiver, 2))
it("requires that the lock is not expired", async function () {
let expiry = (await currentTime()) + 20
await vault.lock(context, expiry, expiry)
await advanceTimeTo(expiry)
await expect(vault.flow(context, sender, receiver, 2))
describe("when a lock is set", async function () {
let expiry
let maximum
beforeEach(async function () {
const beginning = (await currentTime()) + 10
expiry = beginning + 80
maximum = beginning + 100
await setAutomine(false)
await setNextBlockTimestamp(beginning)
await vault.lock(context, expiry, maximum)
it("moves tokens over time", async function () {
await vault.flow(context, sender, receiver, 2)
const start = await currentTime()
await advanceTimeTo(start + 2)
expect(await getBalance(sender)).to.equal(deposit - 4)
expect(await getBalance(receiver)).to.equal(4)
await advanceTimeTo(start + 4)
expect(await getBalance(sender)).to.equal(deposit - 8)
expect(await getBalance(receiver)).to.equal(8)
it("can move tokens to several different recipients", async function () {
await vault.flow(context, sender, receiver, 1)
await vault.flow(context, sender, receiver2, 2)
await mine()
const start = await currentTime()
await advanceTimeTo(start + 2)
expect(await getBalance(sender)).to.equal(deposit - 6)
expect(await getBalance(receiver)).to.equal(2)
expect(await getBalance(receiver2)).to.equal(4)
await advanceTimeTo(start + 4)
expect(await getBalance(sender)).to.equal(deposit - 12)
expect(await getBalance(receiver)).to.equal(4)
expect(await getBalance(receiver2)).to.equal(8)
it("allows flows to be diverted to other recipient", async function () {
await vault.flow(context, sender, receiver, 3)
await vault.flow(context, receiver, receiver2, 1)
await mine()
const start = await currentTime()
await advanceTimeTo(start + 2)
expect(await getBalance(sender)).to.equal(deposit - 6)
expect(await getBalance(receiver)).to.equal(4)
expect(await getBalance(receiver2)).to.equal(2)
await advanceTimeTo(start + 4)
expect(await getBalance(sender)).to.equal(deposit - 12)
expect(await getBalance(receiver)).to.equal(8)
expect(await getBalance(receiver2)).to.equal(4)
it("allows flow to be reversed back to the sender", async function () {
await vault.flow(context, sender, receiver, 3)
await vault.flow(context, receiver, sender, 3)
await mine()
const start = await currentTime()
await advanceTimeTo(start + 2)
expect(await getBalance(sender)).to.equal(deposit)
expect(await getBalance(receiver)).to.equal(0)
await advanceTimeTo(start + 4)
expect(await getBalance(sender)).to.equal(deposit)
expect(await getBalance(receiver)).to.equal(0)
it("can change flows over time", async function () {
await vault.flow(context, sender, receiver, 1)
await vault.flow(context, sender, receiver2, 2)
await mine()
const start = await currentTime()
setNextBlockTimestamp(start + 4)
await vault.flow(context, receiver2, receiver, 1)
await mine()
expect(await getBalance(sender)).to.equal(deposit - 12)
expect(await getBalance(receiver)).to.equal(4)
expect(await getBalance(receiver2)).to.equal(8)
await advanceTimeTo(start + 8)
expect(await getBalance(sender)).to.equal(deposit - 24)
expect(await getBalance(receiver)).to.equal(12)
expect(await getBalance(receiver2)).to.equal(12)
await advanceTimeTo(start + 12)
expect(await getBalance(sender)).to.equal(deposit - 36)
expect(await getBalance(receiver)).to.equal(20)
expect(await getBalance(receiver2)).to.equal(16)
it("designates tokens that flow for the recipient", async function () {
await vault.flow(context, sender, receiver, 3)
await mine()
const start = await currentTime()
await advanceTimeTo(start + 7)
expect(await vault.getDesignatedBalance(context, receiver)).to.equal(21)
it("stops flowing when lock expires", async function () {
await vault.flow(context, sender, receiver, 2)
await mine()
const start = await currentTime()
await advanceTimeTo(expiry)
const total = (expiry - start) * 2
expect(await getBalance(sender)).to.equal(deposit - total)
expect(await getBalance(receiver)).to.equal(total)
await advanceTimeTo(expiry + 10)
expect(await getBalance(sender)).to.equal(deposit - total)
expect(await getBalance(receiver)).to.equal(total)
it("flows longer when lock is extended", async function () {
await vault.flow(context, sender, receiver, 2)
await mine()
const start = await currentTime()
await vault.extendLock(context, maximum)
await mine()
await advanceTimeTo(maximum)
const total = (maximum - start) * 2
expect(await getBalance(sender)).to.equal(deposit - total)
expect(await getBalance(receiver)).to.equal(total)
await advanceTimeTo(maximum + 10)
expect(await getBalance(sender)).to.equal(deposit - total)
expect(await getBalance(receiver)).to.equal(total)
it("rejects negative flows", async function () {
await expect(
vault.flow(context, sender, receiver, -1)
it("rejects flow when insufficient available tokens", async function () {
await expect(
vault.flow(context, sender, receiver, 11)
it("rejects total flows exceeding available tokens", async function () {
await vault.flow(context, sender, receiver, 10)
await expect(
vault.flow(context, sender, receiver, 1)
it("cannot flow designated tokens", async function () {
await vault.designate(context, sender, 500)
await vault.flow(context, sender, receiver, 5)
await expect(
vault.flow(context, sender, receiver, 1)
it("cannot transfer tokens that are flowing", async function () {
await vault.flow(context, sender, receiver, 5)
await vault.transfer(context, sender, receiver, 500)
await expect(
vault.transfer(context, sender, receiver, 1)
it("cannot designate tokens that are flowing", async function () {
await vault.flow(context, sender, receiver, 5)
await vault.designate(context, sender, 500)
await expect(vault.designate(context, sender, 1))
it("cannot burn tokens that are flowing", async function () {
await vault.flow(context, sender, receiver, 5)
await expect(vault.burn(context, sender))
await expect(vault.burn(context, receiver))
it("can burn tokens that are no longer flowing", async function () {
await vault.flow(context, sender, receiver, 5)
await vault.flow(context, receiver, sender, 5)
await expect(vault.burn(context, sender))